Showing posts with label school. Show all posts
Showing posts with label school. Show all posts

Monday 4 October 2010


I woke up late this morning, which made me feel stress getting ready for school. I took a short shower, ate my breakfast and run to the tram station to catch the tram, otherwise I need to wait ten minutes for the next tram. And when I just came inside the school, my eyes was toward in the big TV screen in the wall and I read this words " NO SCHOOL FOR TODAY " I think it sucks but good for me I can go home and relax and get ready for the school tomorrow :D..

Friday 18 September 2009

Exam is over :P

Yehey! Finally my exam is over and I am confident that I will get a good grade! Maybe some of you, noticed that I have been ignoring my blog lately, because I have been studying a lot these passed few days because of my exam and I know most of you understand it, first education late blog he he he. But I´m thankful that my exam is over now so I can start blogging again likes blog hopping and posting too. To EVERYONE who visit my blogs, a big THANKS and HUGS from me, and I assure that I am going to visit and comment your blog. So see you guy, I will start it now!

Friday 21 August 2009

I will continue..

I had my interviewed with my Swedish teacher yesterday, and she told me that having another subjects will be too much for me. But I told her that when I was in the Philippines school I have more than ten (10) subjects a day and I managed to pass all that subjects and it´s really depend on me because even I have only one subject but I don´t use my free time to study it´s useless, but if I have many subjects and I am really inspire to study then it doesn´t matter how many subjects I have, the matter is, if I am inspire to study. After I told her about it, she changed the topic and talked other things instead. After that conversation with my teacher, I got confused, because I both needs my two other subjects but she told me that I need to drop one of them, but I don´t want to, because I know I need that subjects in my everyday life. So I was not really happy going home yesterday, I have some question in my mind likes "if I continue my other subjects or should I drop them.

I waited my husband until he went home because I wanted to discussed this problem I have. When my husband went home, I showed him my schedule in school and I explained to him that my teacher told me to drop one of my other subjects. And my husband told me that I don´t need to drop any of my subjects, instead I continue it and we will study together at home. My husband said maybe your teacher used to students who is not studying, that´s why she said that to you. After I talked to my husband, I made my decision to continue my other subjects and if I miss some lecture from any of my subjects, I am going to study at home instead. And I know I can do these since I am really inspire to study.

Wednesday 12 August 2009

I will have test in English and Mathematics tomorrow

I need to sleep early tonight, since I will having a test tomorrow in English and Mathematics. It is not really officially school day tomorrow, I just need to take the test and after that I will do a window shopping and see if I can bring something new things from the shop. This coming monday I will start my school, I am excited because I will have a new classmates and it means I will meet new people. Since my school will start very soon, I need to change my routine such as waking up early than I usually do, more concentrate in my study, less blogging and more studying at home since I am really bad at that. This time, I will concentrate in my study this time, not like last term. I hope I will do all these things I said here :P. Night night guys, see you tomorrow afternoon because I will have a whole day in the school.

Tuesday 19 May 2009

No more worries

Finally my test was over and all I have to do is wait for the result and I hope I pass the exam. But if I couldn´t pass the test it doesn´t matter as long as I learn Swedish language that´s the most importantsenyumkenyitright? I don´t like to repeat a course because I never done it before when I was in school in the Philippines, and I think it will be ashamed to my classmate when I knew that I will going to repeat the coursemalu. But I hope that I will not do that, I need to think positive here even it´s negativegelakguling(that´s my husand taught me).

After our exam this afternoon my teacher announced that we don´t have school for this whole week until on mondaytepuktangancelebrate. HAPPY HAPPY because finally I can focus on my blog business and post as long as I can! No more worries now after our test was donemenari!

Monday 16 March 2009

My First Day In School

My first day in school was fun and happy, I met my classmates and teachers. I missed the conversation with my classmates and of course the lesson. Our first lesson was about discussion all about our practicum, and after that we had the computer knowledge lesson and I think it´s boring. I was sitting in the computer doing some of the lesson at the same time updating my account likes for example my friendster. Anyway it was nice to see my classmates and teachers and we will have excursion tomorrow. I make sure I will bring my camera to take some photos that I can post here so visit daily my blog LOL Have a nice day all!

Sunday 15 March 2009

Back to School

Time to back to school tomorrow, I miss my classmates and teachers and I am exciting to see all of them. I´m looking forward for the busy school and lots of assignment, tsk I hate assignment. Anyway I miss bonding with my classmates, eating lunch together and going to the mall. After my practicum I think I didn´t learn more Swedish, I´m not surprised about it because I don´t like reading Swedish books or watching Swedish movie. I don´t know really why I´m like that, maybe because of too much thinking about my family. I miss them a lot, sometimes I felt going home but I couldn´t because I love my husband a lot.

Monday 23 February 2009

Missing my school and practicum

I miss my school and my practicum too, I hope tomorrow they will call me and have a good news for me because I´m starting to get bored here at home because nobody to talk too specially when my husband is in work. Being alone here is not easy because I´m not use to it, because in the Philippines I used to live with my parents and niece and my one sister too. So it´s really noisy every day because of my cute niece. So trust me guy it´s not easy to live in abroad hehehe.

Sunday 25 January 2009


Here comes the Sunday lasts day of my rest! Tomorrow will be my school week again and it means I need to wake up early in the morning which I don´t like it. Today I woke up 11 A.M ^_^ that´s my daily routine every week end and I just stay home for the rest of the week end I don´t go out because it ´s cold out side I prefer to be inside. And tomorrow I started my day by attending seminar for work and after that back to school until 4 P.M.

Monday 12 January 2009

First Day In School

I had mention in my last post that I didn´t received any letter information from school. And today was our first school, it was not good first day school for me and for the rest of my classmate because we don´t have any idea which rooms we will go so this morning we went to school information and finally we knew which room we will go to study. I am excited to start to go to school and happy too because almost all my classmate lasts year is still my classmate now, but then there´s new people who is a little bit not nice. It just my impression who knows maybe sooner they will be my new friends. As usual I have a whole day class, I´m not looking forward to wake up early in the morning but there´s nothing I can do that´s how life is ^_^.

Friday 12 December 2008


These are my classmates and my two teachers for this term, We had our group picture today. I`m sure I will miss them, specially my teachers because they are so nice to me and also to my classmates. I always treasure this time with my new friends here in Sweden. They make me happy and felt not bored here in Sweden.

This is only once in a lifetime experienced to study here in Sweden, I felt really lucky because other people get a lots of things to done before they can able to study in abroad.

I tell you guys it`s not easy to live here in abroad, the life style is really different from were I grow up ( Philippines ), almost you can`t see your neighbor or talk too. For me I like more to live in the Philippines even due it`s not a perfect country to live.

Thursday 11 December 2008

One Week To Go

It`s one week to go I will have my vacation from school. I am happy at the same time sad because I will miss my classmates and teachers, but that`s how life goes :=)
there someone we need to leave and there someone we will meet in future.

I`m still happy because I will meet new teachers and classmate soon if we will still here next year ( we planned to move somewhere in France, but it`s still not finalize yet so I will enjoy every minute of my time here in Sweden ). It was a good experienced to study here in Sweden, to knew how the school system work here, and I will always treasure the time when I met people who became my friends now for the rest of my life.

This coming Tuesday I will know if I pass the exam or not, I hope I did because I put effort to study a lot, but if I will not pass it atleast I do my best. Anyway thanks to everybody who included me to their prayers, I really appreciate it :=).

Wednesday 26 November 2008


It´s been a long time since I didn´t update my blog, I am a little bit busy this past few days. So let me tell you guys what news about me here in Sweden. It starting to get really cold here, yesterday was snowing a little bit but enough to felt slippery in the ground and I don´t like it because I well fall down again, I already fell down many time.

We had done our training test for our coming exam and everybody is hoping to pass the exam. And tomorrow we will have another exam for another subject that means I need to study again oh GOD how I hate studying :=).. Anyway I am getting good in swedish and I am happy for that and the bad side is I am getting worst with my english hehehehhe.

Anyway today our very own classmate Kelvin invited another school to played football match, it was so fun watching our team and the same time felt freezing. We made cheering words and we cheer up everytime our team got the ball. Sad to said we lost but then we had enjoy it. That´s it guys enjoy blogging and keep visiting :=).

- Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary 

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