Saturday 29 November 2008


I received this flowers from my husband, we had a misunderstood each other. Sometimes when the joke is too much could able to start with misunderstanding each other, that was happen to us ( me and my husband ) last night. He was joking to me but I thought it was not a joke that´s why I get irritated with him. Anyway were okay now, this kind of situation is normal for a relationship I believe that nobody´s relationship have always happy life, there always trial in relationship and that´s trial makes the relationship more stronger.

Wednesday 26 November 2008


It´s been a long time since I didn´t update my blog, I am a little bit busy this past few days. So let me tell you guys what news about me here in Sweden. It starting to get really cold here, yesterday was snowing a little bit but enough to felt slippery in the ground and I don´t like it because I well fall down again, I already fell down many time.

We had done our training test for our coming exam and everybody is hoping to pass the exam. And tomorrow we will have another exam for another subject that means I need to study again oh GOD how I hate studying :=).. Anyway I am getting good in swedish and I am happy for that and the bad side is I am getting worst with my english hehehehhe.

Anyway today our very own classmate Kelvin invited another school to played football match, it was so fun watching our team and the same time felt freezing. We made cheering words and we cheer up everytime our team got the ball. Sad to said we lost but then we had enjoy it. That´s it guys enjoy blogging and keep visiting :=).

Monday 24 November 2008


As you can see guys I have a new template again hehehe..I promise this will be the last template for this year, I try not to change them again and thanks to my hubby who managed to put this new template. To all my fellow bloggers as you can see I lost some of my blogroll so I would like you to leave a message if you can´t see your blog in my blogroll I will really appreciate your cooperation. That´s it I need to cook some food for my poor husband who is really hungry right now.. See yah all mwah!

Sunday 23 November 2008

MY HUSBAND´S BIRTHDAY is my husband´s birthday, we did not celebrated with friends. We just two who celebrated at home and I´m pretty sure we will be invite to come to my parents in law house, my husband is a private person I mean he don´t like to celebrated his birthday with friends and he think birthday occasion is for private matter. He don´t like his friends know about his birthday, that´s my husband :=).

I don´t buy any gift for my husband because he told me that I don´t need to buy anything for him because I am the nicest gift he ever received in his birthday and also he is the luckiest guy in the world because he found me, am I lost and found? hehehe that´s my husband sweet as always:=).

So tonight I make roasted chicken and rice because he told me before when his birthday comes he wanted to eat "Filipino recipe" so that´s why I make that dinner tonight. Anyway here in Europe during birthday occasion they don´t prepare food instead only drinks and cake, not same in the Philippines during birthday occasion almost all neighbors are invited. I like more in Philippines, we have saying "no home like Philippines" and I think that´s right.

Saturday 22 November 2008


Well guys remember in my previous post that I am doing practice in the kindergarten?? Yesterday was my last day in kindergarten because soon I will finish this term hopefully if I can pass the exam this coming Dec 1 and 2 - wish me luck guys. I felt sad and happy yesterday when I left the kindergarten, I am sad because I will miss the cute kids and happy because hopefully I will start a new term again and I will have another practice..

Saying goodbye to the kids is not easy, I almost cry ( don´t know why ). Maybe I am too emotional :=(. I try not to cry because I will visit them as often as I can. You know I like kids because I think they are so cute hehehe. It´s been a year now since I start to learn language and profession. I remember when I first arrived here in Sweden I don´t know any single Swedish word but now I am able to talk to Swedish people and I am happy because I learn foreign language. Learning language is very fun and sometimes gives headache hehehe.

Wednesday 19 November 2008


These are my teachers, they are both good teachers to me and to other students too. They are not only my teachers they also my friends, advisers and mother :=). These two kind lady are best friend since they were teenager. They really like each other and they have the same interest in life. They are both marriage and have kids. Oppss! I forgot my another teacher in math I hate math you know - too bad she´s not there when we took this picture..

What else I can say?? Hhhmm... Everytime somebody have problem from school (in our group) they always there to help you no matter what happen or give you advice what to do. I will miss them a lot because next year I will have another room and teachers :=(. Hopefully I can pass the exam- wish me luck guys :=). It means I need to study :=( huhuhu I hate studying. And I am thankful because they been a part of my study here in Sweden, a kind people like them is a treasure and I am proud to be there student.

Monday 17 November 2008

HELP!!!! :=(

Hello to all my fellow blogger. As you know I am new to this kind of business (online money making throught blog. I had sign up to sponsoredreview and got approve. The problem is I don´t know what means BID and I can´t find where to submit my review. And when I click "submit to advertiser" it´s stop and said "No blogs were selected" or "All selected blogs have placed bids" what´s wrong???I already read the rules or any guide they have in the site but still I don´t know. I started to felt iritated with it because I have some review but I don´t know how to see my review because when you click "find advertiser" there´s a lot of review there and I don´t know what is mine or not mine :=(. This is a little bit different from other advertiser. I hope somebody can explain to me or help me in this matter,Just leave a comment.. I will really appreciate it.

- Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary 

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