Wednesday 30 June 2010

Finally I did update my blog

Hey guys, still remember me?Lol..its been awhile since I blog here, I was busy with my small business online, supposed to be I should update my blog often since I am free from school but because of my business I always get busy and lazy updating my blogs. But I will try my best to update here, since I miss YOU and my blogs.. How is everybody?? Haven´t heard from you for a while, After this post I will try to visit all your blogs and be updated with the latest, you know I´m too late here lol.

Since I am free from school, there are some activities that my husband and I did, like visiting some beautiful parks in the city, I did my first onboard on the ship and many more. My husband took the opportunity to bring me to some places that he knows that I would like to visit, and I love him more for that. I´m going to share it here, so you are update with what was happening to me these couple of weeks.

Hhmmm..what more? Oh yes, I have been enjoying meeting friends and new friends because of my business, I get time to spend some times with different people who I haven´t met before. I have one month and 14 days to go to start my school again, so I try to enjoy every minutes being away from school, and it summer and finally MR. SUN came to Sweden to give some light and warm, love it since we will only have three months of sunny and warm weather the rest will be cold weather.

Until here guys, have a warm and wonderful summer days...

Want to owned brand new coach satchel bag?

It´s been awhile since I last posted here, because I´m doing a small business online. When I opened my account this morning, the first things I did was to checked who have visited me and one of those visitors was Umma my co-blogger friend and she invited me to join her first ever contest in celebration of her 6th wedding anniversary next month. And if this contest will "CLICK" she planned to do it monthly, isn´t amazing? I thought this is very interesting contest, this is my second time to joined a contest through online, since I was unlucky the first time, why not give a try this time. Who knows I could be the future owning of this $300 worth brand new coach satchel bag (refer to the photo below), or maybe it could be YOU! So what you waiting for? visit Mom Conversations blog and and JOIN the contest, and get the chance to win fabulous prizes.

Mom Conversations

Main Sponsors:

The contest started last June 28, 2010 and will end on July 28, 2010

Tuesday 11 May 2010

Grace Amazing Giveaway

I was blog hopping this morning, and came to visit Amazing Grace blog and I have read that she has a Blog Anniversary Contest, and giving an amazing prices. I never tried to join contest online, but I got this feeling that I want to join the contest, and I say to myself, why not join the contest, there´s nothing will lose and I got the chances to win some of her giveaway prices. I am excited since it is my first time joining an online contest, who knows maybe I can be the first winner lol! How about you, you could be in my place if you join the contest, just visit Grace´s blog which is Amazing Grace and join the contest, it could be fun for you, for me and for all us.

Below are the rules of the contest:

1. Make a post about this contest and add the site AMAZING GRACE and her other blog sites to your bloglist: A Walk to Remember, Gracia Fashionista , Bucket of Wisdom.
2. Return to this post and leave your comment with the URL of your post
3. One entry per blog site
4. Bloggers outside Philippines are welcome ( just leave a Philippine address for
the delivery of the items)
5. One winner for each item. Winners will be drawn through
6. Contest Runs from May 01 - June 15,2010.

Saturday 8 May 2010

Happy Mother´s day to all mothera in the world

Yay! Mother´s day will be tomorrow, and I can´t help not to remember my mom, I already miss her even thought I just came back from my vacation to see my family. Honestly I never give my mom any gift for all the mother´s day event before. I just greet her, give a kiss and hug and that´s it, so this coming mother´s day which will be tomorrow I want this mother´s day for my mom will be memorable. I want to give her a gift for the first time mother´s day that she will receive aa gift from me.

My friend just call me this morning, and told me to search the Sears in the Google because giving away from 40% to 50% OFF to whom will buy a gift for their mother. After I put down my telephone, I quickly sat to my computer and find Sears through Mr. Google. It would be also great if I can get a Sears coupon so that I can save more money and buy other things that I need. Through reading the Sears offer, it made me convinced myself to buy stuff for my mom because they have a very great offer this mother´s day. So what are you waiting for check the Sears and get the Nutrisystem coupons and make your mother happy this coming mother´s day. Advance Happy Mother´s Day to all mother in the world, and thanks for doing things to us.

Friday 7 May 2010

Movie date with ex-boyfriend

( my picture is not really clear, that´s the only problem when you used iphone it doesn´t take clear picture at night, I know I need to adjust the setting but I don´t bother to do it, LOOK at the picture behind me, it´s iron man lol)

Hubby and I had watched the first iron man in the theater and we both like it. And when I know that will be iron man 2, I was very excited to watch it again with my ex-boyfriend and ex-fiance. My husband is busy at work as usual, so thought he would no time to watch movie with me so I asked him if he can download the movie iron man 2. And yesterday after my school, I went to the market to buy lax fish because I haven´t ate lunch yesterday because what was on my mind was the fries lax and a rice. So I don´t have the appetizer yesterday to ate lunch. While on my to the market, I received a call from my husband he was talking about the movie that he has it (I thought he finished download it).

(kex chocolate instead of popcorn, just to be new?

When husband got home, he told me to slept a little bit so that I won´t sleep during the movie time, and I asked him, "Are we going to the Cinema to watch iron man 2?" And he answered YES. While we were waiting for the right time to go out, we just sat in the bed and chatting, what was happened to our daily school and work. Anyway it was a very great movie, it showed what will happen to the next century, almost all equipment in the movie is worked by a computer.

Sunday 2 May 2010

It was a great time together

When I came here in Sweden, I don´t know anybody except my husband and his family, and it was not really fun. So my husband surprised me by inviting he´s previous boss Lennart and his wife Ivonnie ( who is my close friend now ) in our apartment to have a lunch. When they came I was really surprised because I didn´t expected that Lennart´s wife is filipina, we quickly talked to each other, and I find her very humble and sweet person, so I get quickly felt comfortable with her. She always visit me and brought me to the city, and ate lunch in different kind of restaurant, she´s the one I share my problem with because I trusted her and also I felt comfortable to talk to her.

(Fried milk fish, almost burned haha)

Ever since that day, we became good friends, she tried to visit me here in the City just to hang out with me, so last Friday she visited me and I wanted to cook some of her favourite food for dinner. Of course I know that she love milk fish, so I went to the Asian store to bought her favourite food. I also made beef afritada because I know she loves it too, and I fried the milk fish. Ivonnie and her son Noah arrived earlier than I expected, I was preparing the food when they arrived, so we had a little chat whiles I was making the food. Around 11 my friend Janet ( Janet is the person who I can laugh easily with and who has a good sense of humor like me so we like each other very much ) arrived too, she asked me before if she can came and had a little talk to each other and taste my food. And I said "of course you are very much welcome" it was a good timing because my foods are just finished and ready to served! While we we´re eating, I received a text from my other friend Monica ( she was my classmate when I was new in the school ) saying that she´s on the way in my apartment.

(Beef afritada, it was my first time to made this dish)

While we we´re eating we talked different kinds of topic like for example person who is pretending, we both don´t understand why does person try to pretend LOL. After eating, Janet said goodbye because she need to work, and Ivonnie, Monica and I walked toward to the mall. It was a great time with some of my close friends, and I´m looking forward to the next chikka hahaha..

online education

Here comes the weekend, the day that I love most because why? it simple because I´m free from school and it means I can use more my new laptop. This morning I try to find new things to do in my new laptop, and I found this exam software a free online education which I thought interesting. I don´t have much time to use my laptop because we went to a friend´s party actually a baby shower party. I love the party, the people, foods, wine and specially the two months cute little boy who has entertained me a lot. I able to carried him, and tried to talk to him eventhough he can´t talk ye,t but can able to see me.

We went home around 5pm and I had time to continue what I was doing this morning, I also tried to make test which was fun because you can able to make and take the quizzes at the same time. There are over 100,000 quizzes have been made and trusted by over 1 million quizz taker the I thought this is very good test for me to train my brain. And through this site you can able to meet other people who are in the system so you can train your brain at the same time meets people all around the world.

You can also check the office depot coupons and see if you find their rate reasonable and affordable.

- Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary 

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