Sunday 14 November 2010

Went to Ikea..

A few months ago hubby and I discussed having a cabinet in our bedroom, we have a small room which we called our small room cabinet but I am not really fun of it since it is in the hall way. My hubby and I decided to have a three meters cabinet in the bedroom which will be divided by two ( for hubby and for me ), last week hubby said that we will visited Ikea to look around and plan how our cabinet will look likes and for the expenses that we will spend in Ikea ( Ikea is a big store for any kind of furniture for the house ). After that week, everything is fixed and planned, how our cabinet will look likes and so on. The only lacking was to buy it and deliver at home.

Yesterday we we´re in Ikea and bought all we need to assemble our cabinet, small table for the kitchen, chair. We also bought baby´s bed and other stuff for our upcoming baby but we decided not to assemble, instead we will make sure that it is ready for our baby which will sees the world this coming March with the help of God. Our home right now is messy and not allow to accept any visitors haha, we need time to clean it, specially me. Our cabinet will be soon finished and I am already happy for the result even though it is not complete yet.

Tuesday 9 November 2010

My first home made chocolate cake

My husband´s birthday will be soon, and I asked him if he wanted to celebrate it with his friends, and he said he would prefer to celebrate it with me and our little angel at home, but I´m sure there will be party at my in law´s house like they usually do during birthday and other occasion. I have been thinking what would it be great gift for my husband, he did not ask any gift but I will like to give him since he always give me gift on my birthday and other occasion. He did not ask but he will love if I can bake a cake on his birthday, and since I never bake a cake before, I surfed the net and find some chocolate recipe and decided to made one as a practice haha. And it went well, husband love my simple but delicious chocolate cake, and this time I will not worry because I save the ingredient for the chocolate cake whoich I´m going to bake on his birthday. I am really satisfied for the result of my first home made chocolate cake. Does it look delicious guy?

Friday 22 October 2010

First time to travel by a ship..

When I was in the Philippines and need to travel outside my City like going to Manila or other places, I always took an airplane. I never ever took a ship to any of my travel, since I have seen a lot of accident by a ship. I know airplane can be accident too, but when I read that the airplane is the safest transportation to take, I got the strength to took it, instead of any other transportation.

I told my husband that I never took ship of any of my travel to Manila, and since he has a plan to takes me to some of the beautiful countries in the Europe sometimes. And he wants to take a ship to that travel, so he asked me if I dare to takes a short travel to Germany by a ship. I was nervous when I said yes to him since I never been to a ship, but I need to try it otherwise I will never know if I can be inside in a ship.

When we we´re inside the ship, I started to feel dizzy and freezing haha... I was terrifying that I almost said to my husband that I wanted to get out from that ship. I told my husband how I felt and then he asked me if I wanted to get out from the ship, but I wanted to try it and besides ship here is more modern and nicely build so I said to my husband " no we stayed ". And he tried to entertained me like roaming around the ship and for few minutes I started to feel relax and I haven´t notice that the ship is already moving and going away from the harbor.

It took two hours for us to be in Germany and I was really happy and proud of my self because I accomplished to took ship to travel with the help of my husband. It was not dangerous at all like I thought before, now that we already knew that I can take ship to travel, husband and I will not be hesitate to take ship if we travel somewhere in Europe sometimes because we already knew that I can be in a ship. Yepey!!!

Monday 4 October 2010


I woke up late this morning, which made me feel stress getting ready for school. I took a short shower, ate my breakfast and run to the tram station to catch the tram, otherwise I need to wait ten minutes for the next tram. And when I just came inside the school, my eyes was toward in the big TV screen in the wall and I read this words " NO SCHOOL FOR TODAY " I think it sucks but good for me I can go home and relax and get ready for the school tomorrow :D..

Friday 1 October 2010

Autumn is in the air

Yahoo.. Time travel so fast and it´s already October. My stomach is getting bigger everyday. This morning whiles watching the beautiful view through our window, I realized it is already autumn and soon time to change the clock into autumn time.

Everytime I go out, I see the sign of autumn season, different colors of leaves are in the ground, chilly weather and everybody are wearing layer of clothes with matching boots. This is the time when I start to miss my country, I was there last December until March but I already miss my country, I am sure it will be like that because that´s where I grow-up and my other family is there too. Who knows, maybe after two years I can able to have my vacation there with my husband and my little angel who is still in my womb.

I hope this update will makes continue, I know I always say that I will update this blog as often as I can, but too bad I can´t. I won´t promise this time, instead do it hehe..

Thursday 26 August 2010

Vacation is over

My vacation is finally over, and I have already started school last monday, and I am extra happy because they are nice to me, that is the reason why it did not give me time to visit my blog for few days. I met new classmates and teachers. But since today I have only afternoon class I thought of visiting and writing post here. I am ten weeks pregnant now and I love it. It´s little bit hard for me to wake up early to go to school, and during lesson I fall asleep HAHA, but I think it´s normal for me since I am preggy. I also try to study everyday with my husband ( I hope it will be a routine, because I know its good for me ) since I added two more subjects for this term. I am planning to put a schedule for posting here in my blog, so that it would be easy for me to combine things that I do everyday. Let see if it works! Anyway thanks to everybody who congratulate me for being a pregnant. See you in my next post!!

Sunday 15 August 2010

Yes I did update

I was totally tired of blogging for almost two or three months, I think it´s because of how I feel, my body is working a lot for a new change. My new hobby is sleeping, I can sleep three times a day LOL, and I am really lazy to move and go out in the city, meet friends. I think I haven´t post here that I am two months pregnant, not really sure how many months until we will meet the nurse or doctor next week. I just counted base on my delay menstruation.

I didn´t realize that I haven´t posted for a while until my husband asked me if I am still blogging, and I told him it was quite a while since I last blogged. And he said why don´t you blog about your new status in life ( status: will be mommy soon ). After that conversation with my husband, I thought a lot if I will still want to keep my blog, and I have decided, yes I will keep my blog forever and I am planning to make a new blog for my experience being a pregnant until being a mother and so on.

I know I posted here that I will do my best to update always this blog but I just can´t, I think it explains being a pregnant. I felt weird of my self, what I mean is, yesterday when I cook my favorite dish and tasted it, I thought it was yuck and I want to vomit, really strange huh? But I´m starting to learned that it is not strange, it just I am pregnant and it is normal for all woman who is pregnant.

Oh time travel so fast, tomorrow will be my first day in school, and haven´t realize it yet, that summer will be over soon. And cold weather is approaching these days. Back on wearing light heavy clothes again, and after that here comes the winter season. I am a little bit worried for the winter season, because I am pregnant and it would be always dangerous to walk in the slide ground with freezing ice. But I will be extra careful for me and my baby. So let see guys, how it goes for me. I can say this is my happiest moment in my life, waiting to be a mom and hoping everything will be alright. So guy, see you around!

- Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary 

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