Showing posts with label music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label music. Show all posts

Monday 31 August 2009

First Post from Taiwan

Hi everyone!

If you've been clicking through to my actual blog, you'll have seen that I deleted the countdown widget and changed the location bit a week ago, and some of you have found your way across to my new blog about what we're up to here (link on left with the others). I created that blog as a way for home friends to keep up to date with us without my having to write the same thing to dozens of people over and over again or send group e-mails (which often get left unread!!), but readers here are welcome to click over there too. Thanks for taking an interest.=) This site will stay on its usual topic for the most part.

Our boxes haven't yet been delivered as we've had some trouble negotiating customs duties, but they should be with us soon and we should also be able to get some cash again tomorrow, so I hope to get some watercolour paper soon.

I did get my current WIP out and pressed today so I could work on it again. It felt good to be doing some needlework, (esp after that 'Stitching as Healing' article in the latest issue of 'Inspirations'), and here's the photo I took just before starting stitching today, focusing on the centre elements which are almost complete now. I managed to get my underskirts completed in good time too and wore one for the first time the other day.=)
I've been to one music shop and tried a viola there out for size, but I felt it didn't qualify for the description of 'dirt cheap' that I was given by someone whose lived here a while. So, I'll be shopping around.

Friday 3 April 2009

I passed - hurrah!=)

I got my music theory exam result yesterday - 96%! I'm pleased with that, although I realise I'm almost certainly never going to get 100% on a theory exam (unless I do as DH suggested and take Grade 1!!), so I have another thing to add to my CV and another fancy certificate to add to my glory folder is on the way.=) I felt horribly stressed out preparing for it, and I still haven't done the marking I shirked in order to do some practice papers the day before, but it feels worth it. Must text my viola teacher and tell her.

Thursday 5 March 2009

Music exam today!

So, I took my Grade 3 Theory of Music exam this tea-time and was pleased that, amongst all the kids doing that grade, there was another adult - a 40-something looking chap who sat behind me and who I was sorry not to get a chance to have a post-mortem with afterwards. I managed all the questions OK, but realised on the way home that I'd wrongly identified one of the performance directions in the last section. Not badly wrongly, I got some of it right, but not right enough for full marks, so I doubt a 100% score will be mine this time either. I got 98% for my Grade 2 and DH said I might have to take Grade 1 if I want to get 100% on one of them!!

My desk partner, (were we cramped together in that room, or what?), was a kid doing his Grade 5, but he didn't really seem to know many of the answers and did more fidgetting than anything. I saw a few of the questions on his paper and felt glad that I'd decided not to take any more theory exams for a good while yet! There seems quite a jump between Grades 3 and 4 and I really have too much on - esp. being so behind with college work - to take on anything more at the moment.

No stitching to showcase at the mo as I just haven't done any lately. I tried something with silk paints last week - working on a college sample I was keen to do as it was a nice idea and one I could do without needing to ask for any more details etc - but it went horribly and irretrievably wrong. Basically, both the silver and clear guttas (resists) that I'd used let paint through and the whole thing was just ruined beyond repair! The bottles of gutta had way too large openings to be able to apply direct to the fabric (silk habotai) and the clear one even had a sharp bit on it that would have ripped the silk! So, I had to use a small paintbrush to apply it, which I did with great care and making sure there were no gaps. After it dried, I started to wet the sky area as I thought to dilute that a bit, but noticed that it was bleeding badly into the main design - the Taj Mahal. I let the fabric dry again and painstakingly and plentifully re-applied the gutta only to discover that I may as well have not bothered with it at all as every single line bled! I was livid! I haven't sent them yet, but the 2 bottles are going back as they don't work and the applicators are very poor quality, and I'll include my ruined work as proof. Over 2 hours work there totally wasted!=(

Post Zusammenfassung in Deutsch:

Kürzlich hab' ich meine Musiktheorie Prüfung gemacht. Es geht so. Ich nicht es 100%-ig richtig gemacht, aber soll ziemlich gut sein. Es war die dritte Stufe und für die zweite hab' ich 98% gekriegt.=)

Keine Stickerei hab' ich auch gemacht, aber im Moment hab' ich eine Virusinfektion, oder so was, und hab' ich natürlich keinen Bock irgend etwas außer lesen zu tun. Mein Stickereikursarbeit geratet mehr und mehr in Verzug und hoffe ich am Donnerstag etwas mit meiner Lehrerin zu arrangieren. Vielleich könnte ich das Texturmodul nächstes Jahr fertig machen. Ich würde sehr gern bald mit einem Hardangerkissen anfangen und auch einige einfachen Kreuzstich und Bandstickerei Bilde sticken. Hoffentlich....

Sunday 25 January 2009

Goldfinch update

This is what the goldfinches look like right now. I've finished the background half-cross stitching and put in the top stitching on the birds. There's just the top stitching on the thistles to do now - a few details on the leaves and then the old gold thistledown details. Should have that one done very soon now.=) It'll be nice to finish something. When you have such simple WIPs hanging around for months on end, you feel like you're never doing anything, despite having done all sorts of other things.

My college work (C&G stuff) is horribly behind and I don't seem to be able to find the uumph to get on with it, despite how much it stresses me out! I'll no doubt feel much better once it's done, but I just don't want to. Oh, how contrary we can be! I've been lusting after a C&G course for years and now I'm doing one.....

Actually did some viola practice yesterday and will do more today. Something is moving forward at least and, well, I do have a nasty cold! Thanks for all the kind well wishes and, yes Von, I will try and be sensible and recover fully. Nothing really strenuous (except a bit of housework) or demanding this week, so shouldn't be too bad.

Hier sind meine Distelfinken - fast fertig! Es gibt nur ein bißchen 'Langstich' übrig, dann ist dieses Bild endlich fertig.=) Ich bin im Moment stark erkältet, aber lebe noch!!

我快把我的金翅雀十字绣绣完了。这个画是在3月开始的,可是挺简单绣的。可以说学院的事阻止我早一点把金翅雀绣完。 我现在感冒了,很麻烦啊!

我快把我的金翅雀十字繡繡完了。這個畫是在3月開始的,可是挺簡單繡的。可以說學院的事阻止我早一點把金翅雀繡完。 我現在感冒了,很麻煩啊!

Monday 5 January 2009

Cut-back appliqué sample done

I actually did this sample on Friday night, but had no chance to take a picture in daylight until this morning. I've had a busy weekend, but a very encouraging one and, even though I feel rather under the weather (a bit buggy and very tired), I've made a few important decisions and that feels good!=) I really must get up to date with my C&G work though.... Decided not to apply for the job I was interested in as I'm still very run-down following the burn-out type episode in autumn 2007 and a very demanding 2008, and that I'm not going to use up my precious energy on work when I need it to get better and to devote to more important things.=) I also want to have time and umph for my hobbies and interests instead of just getting in feeling fit to drop.
Anyway, you've seen the acrylic painting I did (2 posts ago) which was prep/design for this sample and here is the photo it came from:

And here's the finished sample, which was stitched with machine rayon thread (yes, on the machine, which was an interesting experience as the feed dogs won't drop, but I found I could move around freely anyway with the darning foot on!!), then cut back to the relevant layer to get the right colour. The green layer is one of the pieces of fabric I dyed a few weeks ago.

Hope to be able to be able to get on with the manipulated techniques sample this week, but I have quite a lot of domestic things to catch up with, so no promises! Haven't done any more on the goldfinches yet, but I might well do over the next couple of days.

I was asked about my music. Well, I haven't really touched my poor viola recently! In fact, I've palyed her about twice in the last month and one of those times was my lesson! The other I did a few scales and exercises and nothing more. I did cut my nails this morning though, so I hope to get some prac in later today. In my last lessons, we did get to the end of Book 2 at last, so I hope to be moving on to Book 3 this year and getting both it and Book 4 under my belt.=) My playing is a lot smoother than it was at the beginning of last year and pieces that looked really hard to me then are now much less challenging. I haven't made great strides, but I have progressed and enjoy it, and that's what matters most.=)

Tuesday 24 June 2008

NOT exactly impressive!

Let me explain what isn't impressive before I go on to the better stuff, and that is my progress on the Ornamental Pool. I had only a few minutes' stitching time during the time we had house guests and have only just been able to pick it up again now. I have yet to make a stitch today though and will get on with that once I'm through with this post and the back-up CDs I'm creating at the same time.

What is rather nice, though, is this certificate I got yesterday morning when I did my viola Preparatory Test. It's not a qualifcation as such, but it was a type of exam that required preparation to a set syllabus and helped me to feel that I could indeed do OK at proper graded exams. I don't think I'll be taking my Grade 1 in November as I fear it would take over my complete lesson time again and I'd like to be able to work towards it alongside my regular course, but I think March next year might be possible. I also took my Grade 2 Theory of Music on Saturday 14th and that was so do-able that I'm aiming for Grade 4 in November and Grade 5 in March. It's nice to achieve something and I like to learn and be tested on things. OK, go on then, call me odd!!!

I forgot to show these, the needlework tools I got as part of my anniversary gift this year. Here we have a stuffing tool for small things (so good for trapunto etc), a stilletto for making holes, a hedebo stick for making various ring shaped things and a set of 3 half cone sticks, most of which will be great for stumpwork things, esp. needlelace stuff. Looking forward to one day having time to do some of that. I'm aching to start a C&G course, but there's no money just now and I have too much other stuff to do anyway. I'm so sick of things being like this! Even the stitching I have planned is all for gifts and feels like work, not hobby fun. My visitors last week were having a great time using some of the fab pencils I showcased earlier in the year and I've been borrowing one library book on drawing buildings for several loans already in the hope of ever getting chance to have a go at working through it. Well, it's still on the shelf virtually untouched. Ever wanted to dump all adult responsibilities and just be a child again who only had to do her school stuff and then play all day long?? I may not have a full-time job or kids, but I still wind up feeling that I'm working all the time.....=( Waaah!

Friday 1 February 2008

More pencils, stitching mags and viola-versary

Ooof, yes, I've been buying again. I seriously suspect myself of engaging in retail therapy.... Here's the latest addition to the pencils collection, Derwent's Inktense the full range. You use them like a pencil, then you can go over the marks with water and it turns into an ink-like quality. If you use the colour lightly to start with, it looks more like watercolour. They're really good, it's just a shame I'm not brill at drawing yet!! Here's what I did last night to experiment with them. It's just a copy of this photo and far from marvellous, but it was late and I'm no great shakes at paper based art. This sort of thing takes a lot of patience and practise and I think that could well be why I tend towards needlework where you can get it right first time!!!

I've also been hoarding more stitching mags. Went to WHSmiths and found the latest issue of 'Inspirations' there, much to my surprise! I didn't think it would arrive for another week or ten days, but here it is along with the current 'Stitch'. I also got a copy of this book from the Country Bumpkin designer series. Don't know that I'll ever make it up as is, but it's a very interesting book and a brilliant design. Got the weekly CB webletter this morning, which was full of all the new books they're planning to release this year. There's to be a 'Needlebook Cottage' in this designers series and an 'A-Z of Goldwork and Silkwork', which I am going to be totally unable to resist buying. BAD Country Bumpkin!!!

Today is my viola-versary. I am officially now a second year viola student. Given how little ground I've managed to cover, part of me finds that a bit disappointing, esp. as someone I 'met' on the ABRSM forums started violin a month before me, got a distinction in her Grade 1 exam last June and is already preparing for her Grade 3 in March! However, then I remembered the kind of year I've just had - about 3 months lost to illness, if not more when all added together, narrowly avoiding a nervous breakdown owing to an ill-suited (to me) job and various other hassles. Put in that light, I'm doing OK and, yes, I'm quite reconciled to the fact that I'm going to learn slowly. As DH rightly says, it's the fact that I enjoy it that matters, not the race to get to Grade 8 standard!!! Funny thing is that I've been unable to practise the last week and had to cancel my lesson on Tuesday thanks to having hurt my neck! It happens from time to time and is on the mend now, so onwards and upwards!

The weather is odd at the mo, JK. The forecast promised snow, but it's lovely and sunny right now with only light clouds. We've had stormlike winds, fit almost to take you off your feet, (I nearly did take off last Friday!!!), but at least not too much rain. Hmm, actually, I prefer rain to wind and I really get fed up with both at the same time!!!

Heidi asked what my plans were. Well, I've nothing set in concrete just yet, but lots of ideas and so forth. First and foremost, (as without it I can't really do anything else), is to get my strength back. Whilst that's in progress, I intend to build slowly up on other things, esp the Bible teaching work I do. When I was language teaching and it was stealing all my time and strength, it just became so hard to remember my real priorities in life. Felt like I was living in two conflicting worlds and I was beginning to feel more at home in (and spending vast amounts more time on) the one I didn't belong to! Most uncomfortable! So, now that's getting back to normal again, I can get on with what matters most. Doubt I'll get another job, but I might help DH with some of his admin work as he's very busy and earns more than enough to keep us both. I want to make some progress with my musical studies, pick my languages back up (nothing killed my Chinese ability as stone dead as teaching it for a year!!!), maybe even work through some of the Open University science courses I have copies of and, of course, stitch! We're going to Taiwan for 3 weeks in March/April and, after that, I'll be making moves on starting some needlecraft studies. Problem with most of the stuff on offer is that it's so contemporary and, frankly, I don't like that kind of style. I prefer traditional, detailed work, so I daresay a lot of the City & Guilds programmes on offer aren't going to work for me. The stumpwork ones look good though, so we'll see. Will let you know when I do, basically!! One thing's for sure, I'm not going to suffer boredom or lack of challenge and purpose!=)

Thursday 6 September 2007

First Posting from my Laptop!

Yup, I've gone really techified and got a laptop. Actually, it's Sir's businesses laptop, but as he'll only need it for training future clients on the software they'll be renting through him, to all intents and purposes, it's mine - and legitmately tax-deductable too!

Thanks a lot for all the lovely compliments on my stumpwork finish. Dunno if the recipients liked it or not yet as it wasn't opened in my presence, but I can find out next week when they get back. Need to get on with designing and stitching the next gift, then I'll sew up the cushion cover I stitched in July. After that, it's only nice, relaxing cross stitch for the rest of the year! If I do anything other than that, it will be someone else's design with lots of instructions to follow!!

Not much needlecraft going on as I'm in the thick of serious lesson planning. I got a nice order through from SewandSo today with the #8 pearl cottons needed for the bedding, which will be our gift for the next wedding on 22nd. Mercifully, I'm keeping this one very simple. As you can see though, I bought one or two extra items....... I know some don't like these 'scrap bag' things, like I've got here from Kreinik or that Weeks Dye Works at least used to sell, but I think they're great and am looking forward to using this one.

On the musical side of things, I played a simple piece that I hadn't touched for about 3 months yesterday and I can honestly say that all the work on bowing is paying off! No problems catching strings on the crossings now and even the B, which always sounded strained, is clearing up. That's a 'too close to heel of bow strain and scratch' problem, so I need to think about where to bow that one in order to get it to sound good. The joy has come back to viola playing though and I break from uni work and play Violette for a few minutes a few times per day, so progress should be much faster for the next few months whilst I'm slaving over a hot laptop.

OK, let's see if I can get the photo to upload as I'm still quite uncertain about what's where on this new machine as it's software that's 7 years newer than the packages I'm used to!

Friday 27 July 2007

Sniff, sneeze and splutter

Got back from Germany on Mon after a very busy weekend in Hamburg. Brought back some unwanted souvenirs - Sir has brought back 2kg and I've brought back my friend's cold!!!!

Didn't get much stitching done! I did a little bit in each of the leaves and nothing more. I also didn't get the cushion sewn up before we went, but as we're actually going back in mid October, I can take it as my gift for that trip. I did get a bunch more discount Kreiniks at Hobbycraft yesterday and also some of the new DMC colour variation threads and some bugle beads through from SewandSo just before we left as well as some dark blue silk to do some drgonflies on. Bought the bedding for the one of the wedding pressies yesterday, so I need to get on now.

Had my first viola lesson with my new teacher on Tuesday morning and she is GREAT! She's going to be strict with me, which means that progress may be a little slower, but it will be more solid. I'm back on bowing open strings and am only allowed to use first finger with the bow (and maybe 3rd, but if I can't use 2nd, I don't see why 3rd???), but I can do scales etc to keep my left hand work up pizzicato. So, that to do for 2 weeks. Haven't done any prac yet as I've been snivelling and sneezing myself silly (sillier???) ever since, but as Teach is on her happy hols, I have chance to catch up.

Yes, Anne, you're quite right. There is a subtle difference between viola and sax!!!!!=) Ever thought of taking it up again? It's a bit far for us to duo, but it is a lovely instrument. Sigh! Better go and do some dull bowing prac. The sooner I get on with it, the sooner I'll be able to move on.

Monday 16 July 2007

More leaves

<- Here's the current status on the bluetit picture. There are some advatages to being ill after all! It may not look like much progress from the day before, but, as most cross stitchers will know, these outlines can take time. Also, it's worked in one strand of regular DMC and one of stranded metallic. I think this one is meant to be the wintry one of the suite. The chaffinches was distinctly late spring/early summery with it's lovely pink blossoms.

Met my new viola teacher this morning and she's great! You can tell she was a young person in the sixties as there's something quite 'of that era' about her, but I liked her a lot and I know I can really work with her. She'd already prepared so much material for her teaching, esp. for violin. Why do I find that impressive? Well, she's a violist herself and has put that extra time into the more unfamiliar instrument and clef unlike my last teacher who didn't even sit down and look through my book properly. First proper lesson is next Tuesday (hurrah!) and she's given me some bow hand exercises to correct some slight problems there to be getting started with. We played a short piece together from one of the tutor books. I was only doing open strings, but it was great. SO much fun to play even something so simple with someone else.=)

Saturday 14 July 2007

Started a new cross stitch

Made a start on the second birds picture for our bedroom back wall, which is totally blank - even the bed has no head!! Have just got a leaf done so far, but it promises to be an interesting/fiddly (!!) stitch with so many of the shades being blended. Also, this leaf is mostly stitching in 1 strand to give it that delicate look that many autumnal leaves have. The outer row is one strand of white and one of silver! So, this will go with the Chaffinches and Blossom design I completed way back in September, then I'll do the Goldfinches and Thistles to complete the trio. Will get a start on the wedding gifts once I have the bedding needed for one and the confirmation that, yes, they would like a ring cushion from the other! The bedding I'll buy on Tues, but the other I think I shall have to chase up as time is ticking away.

I also just took a shot of the framed dog portrait, which I collected on Tuesday. It's not the best photo, but it's hard to take pix of framed work unless it's small enough to go on the scanner. This one certainly isn't! I'll see if DH can get a better shot for me when he has time, but that's a rarity for him, poor man!=(

I'm meeting a new viola teacher on Monday - someone who is a viola specialist instead of a violinist who will teach viola on the side. The last one moved away and I don't think she'll be sorry to be shut of me!! This new one has LRAM in viola teaching and knows all the relevant repertoire. She also has a definite idea of what she wants to teach and using which books. Last time I had to pick my own and, well, I'd never expect my students to go and select their own Chinese learning materials! I prepare long and hard before my classes and I expect my teachers to do the same! So, I'm really looking forward to meeting this friendly Scots lady and getting re-started within the next couple of weeks, given that we're off to Happy Hamburg on Thursday.

Sunday 3 June 2007

First Concert!

So, yesterday my debut as a violist broke forth onto an astonished world! No sound files available, but here's a close-up of me playing:

<- Here's me with my duet partner, Catherine

And again at the back right hand side of the orchestra:
Can you see me??=)

And here's the ribbonwork

'framed' into a nice card ->

Monday 7 May 2007


I finished the engagement card in good time (ie actually had it completed and mounted the night before I needed to hand it over - WOW!) and was pleased with the response.=) Here it is for everyone to see:

I'm already on with the next one, which is for another couple's 10th wedding coming up a week on Saturday. I just need to get another pack of beads before I can finish it off properly. No pic yet, I'll post that once I get it all done and mounted. It's basically the same design as my profile photo, (the yellow heart with ribbon work above), but in pink. Nice and quick to do, but effective. Look out for the that one on Weds or Thurs, I think.

Got a new viola the other day too and here's a pic of her:

She sounds SOOOO much nicer than my old one and I feel really quite motivated to practice with such a beauty to work on.=) The concert in 3 weeks and 5 days helps a lot too.....

Tuesday 13 February 2007


OK, so it's breaking the challenge rules, buying stash just for the sake of it, but every girl needs to comfort shop here and there! Besides, I admit to feeling not in the least bit guilty about grabbing a selection pack of 20 Marlitt threads for only £8.99, free P&P/S&H! This super deal was from The Happy Cross Stitcher and the order came in double quick time. I ordered Friday morning, it was despatched over the weekend and I got it just this morning. Thus far, I recommend them totally. Must e-mail and see if all the Marlitt bags are the same though as I will probably get another in the fullness of time, (doubtless within the next few weeks!!) and, as you can see, I got rather a lot of greens this time!! Good thing I love natural types of designs and motifs, so that will be great for leaves, stems and so on. Wouldn't mind a few more floral colours etc now though.
Had my 2nd viola lesson today and I'm itiching to get practicing again. If it weren't for the fact that I still have to do all the other stuff in life and I have a short presentation in Chinese to get written today, as well as the fact that my finger ends would protest wildly, I'd practice 4 hours a day! What we did today I found quite challenging, but I also found that last time until I went over it again a few times at home, then it was easy.=)
Got some more of the back stitching on the cushion done last night, (thanks for the comments so far, ladies!), but it's not yet done. I still have 8 more lots to do - basically going around the remaining 2 diamonds. Will post another photo when there's something to really see - probably Thurs or Fri.

Thursday 1 February 2007

My new baby!

Here she is, take a look at Vicki: NO! She is NOT a violin, she's a viola. You can read all about my relationship with her on the latest addition to the Sew in Love blog family: Veeeeeohlah, link on the left under 'Challenges'. I expect learning to play this baby to be a real challenge!!

Not as far on with the bookmark as I'd hoped, but here's progress thus far anyway: Should have it done on time though as there really isn't much stitching on it.

Right, better get some cleaning up done then I'd better do some upper body exercises else music will be a painful experience!!!
