
Thank you all for reading my rambles. All comments are read and appreciated. There have been some great comments recently so many, many thanks. I'm sorry if I haven't managed to comment on your blog I do read them as often as I can.
Showing posts with label E G. Show all posts
Showing posts with label E G. Show all posts

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Stitching in Wooler

Just got back from an intensive three day course with Val Stoddart called 'Limited Editions' a Textile Peepshow. We had a great time and worked very hard indeed. I was introduced to an embellisher and WANT one.

Here are a few of the photos I took of my work. Some are completed such as the structure with metal, the bookmark and the small square picture.

Others are just backgrounds which need more work done to them (the blue tree) The sketchbook is amazing. There are several peepshows in there made from writing, torn up pictures and drawings.

As you might have gathered I'm fired up even more and must go off to create more items to show at our next EG meeting in a weeks time

Friday, August 24, 2007

Friday 24th August 2007

Well it looks as if I'm back to my Blog again after a short break.

I'm busy getting ready to start the new term and also I'm off on a three day stitching break in Wooler with the Embroiderers' Guild. Looking forward to learning some new techniques with Val Stoddard.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Back of Kimono - bad image, click to show true picture Posted by Picasa

Went to a Kimono display Posted by Picasa

Wedding coat Posted by Picasa