
Thank you all for reading my rambles. All comments are read and appreciated. There have been some great comments recently so many, many thanks. I'm sorry if I haven't managed to comment on your blog I do read them as often as I can.
Showing posts with label Jaynes Attic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jaynes Attic. Show all posts

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Metro Centre

Of this morning for a S&S meet up at The Metro Centre. Looking forward to this. It's always good to meet up with my internet friends. Will post later to let you know how it went.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

More threads

I received two more packets of threads from my exchange friends this morning, i have a great rainbow of colours on my desk.

Today DH and I went for a walk up the old waggonway and got almost to Blyth and then came back down the coast to Seaton Sluice for lunch. I chickened out of walking any further and took the bus back home. I had been walking for two and a half hours! It was lovely to get out after the wet weather we've been having recently.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Band Sampler

At long last I've come back to my band sampler started in Hull with Carol Tinson. It's called 'I did it my way'.

Half of the design has been done. I'm still not sure about the drop beads, I have some pearl drops, thanks to Jo, so I will try them next.

The last time I did anything was at the start of June. I'll have it as my UFO on Tuesday so I might get some more done.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Thursday 23rd August

Well finally got photos of Calico Gardens completed

and Purple Calico updated

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Week disappears

This week has disappeared, Monday did some work on my window hanging. Tuesday preparing for a dinner party with friends. Wednesday completed an accessory exchange for SS group, will post picture when my partner receives. Last night went to Jayne's Attic stitching club. Didn't do much stitching but decisions were made about the next steps in the design of my band sampler so I was pleased.

Whole Sampler June 5th

Here are three pictures of the sampler up to Tuesday.
Band A uses cream Marlett, Krienik very fine #4 braid, DMC perle #12 and cream petit beads.
Band B has cream Marlett and pale blue Steff Francis Silk Impressions.

Top and Middle of sampler

Band C is the pale blue SF silk with, at the moment, a twirly drop bead, this might alter if I find some small heart beads.
Band D uses the pale blue SF Silk and dark ble Dinky Dies Silk. Yesterday I added a pot in Blackwork with the dark blue silk and decided on a Carries thread for the stems and leaves with cream Marlett for the flowers. I haven't taken a photo of this yet will do when I've completed a bit more of the band.

I've had two good nights sleep so I'm pleased, my back is still sore this morning so back to see the Chiropractor later today.

I was interrupted while writing this entry - I had a delivery of small plants from Jersey Direct - 7.30 in the morning! That's over and above the call of duty for a delivery! They have to be rested for 24 hours indoors before planting out. So guess what I'll be doing tomorrow :)

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Now jayne that is really silly Posted by Picasa

A lovely display - shame about the photo! Posted by Picasa
Have posted a few more of my pictures, hope you like them

Me and my scarves at JaynesPosted by Picasa

Jaynes ornament 2 Posted by Picasa

Jaynes ornament 1 Posted by Picasa

Recent pictures

I've been having fun with my photos

Jayne's Roses Posted by Picasa

The thread IS here Posted by Picasa