
Thank you all for reading my rambles. All comments are read and appreciated. There have been some great comments recently so many, many thanks. I'm sorry if I haven't managed to comment on your blog I do read them as often as I can.
Showing posts with label My garden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My garden. Show all posts

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Thursday 23rd August

Well finally got photos of Calico Gardens completed

and Purple Calico updated

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Almost as big as the shed

We've spent the last few days putting up a new greenhouse - well, when I bought it, I thought it was a cold frame! Its almost as big as the shed! Most of the time was spent clearing the space for it to go in!

Now we have to thin out some of the trees and bushes to let some more sun through!

Through the arch, the view from the house. Still busy clearing, hence all the bags, tools etc.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Back home

Had a great day yesterday in the garden. I'm so pleased to be back home. Nice as it was to see the kids the old saying 'There's no place like home' is very true. This is a photo of some of the honeysuckle which is looking it's best at the moment.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Can you see the butterflies? Posted by Picasa