Showing posts with label Porn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Porn. Show all posts

03 November 2009

A lesbian news item

It appears to be an old one, but somehow I've missed it:

Via Buzzfeed.

06 October 2009

Demi Moore Bush Picture - what about it?

An interesting observation here:

Every couple of months the search engines go wild again looking for that Demi Moore Bush pic. It usually coincides with either Demi Moore or her husband, Ashton Kuchner, doing something or other.
Well, one needs to keep the surfers calm, so here:

It's not exactly a bush, as you surely notice, but it's as twisted as your fingers will become if you surf too much for such stuff. Not to speak about hair growing on your palms.

I, personally, blame Bush for this too. Works anytime.

21 September 2009

The most revolting XXX porn clip in history

Sorry, folks, but you must be warned: if you suffer of a heart disease or are pregnant, easily impressed or too right wing - please leave the clip below alone.

When Michael Moore sings to plug his last failure of a "documentary", it's not a sight for the sore eyes, nor is it some elevator Muzak - it sounds rather like an elevator squashing a huge toad. Or something.

08 July 2009

The most bizarre hard core porn scenes of XX century

That post by Nizo with a vintage video of Arafat's visit to post-revolution Tehran in 1979 turned my wavering mind into a not totally unexpected direction - that of porn, specifically of its more nauseating and bizarre branch. So, the more squeamish and underage readers are invited to skip that "Read more..." and turn instead to other endeavors. Like WSJ or... whatever.

Prelude to the first, relatively innocent kiss in the series:

Here is the kiss itself:

Now the passion is heating up:

So much so that the TV channel transmitting the scene was forced to take measures:

I personally consider the above to be a mild precursor to a more serious affair:

That is real love, I would say. However, let's go back to the issue of kissing. I suggest that the subjects depicted above were nothing but mere understudies at the feet of a giant. Which was, of course, Leonid Brezhnev. No one came close to the art of slobbering over his frequently unwitting victims, like this (unidentified) politician:

Hold them firmly, get close enough and start slobbering all over the guy - not letting go was the ticket. Jimmy Carter got to love it:

Carter obviously caught the kissing bug from LB and later did his puny best to imitate it with many a dictator, but his best was far from being enough, of course. He never came within a mile of that classic (Erich Honecker):

Honecker, of course, deserved any punishment coming to him. But sometimes I wonder whether... oh well.

Yes, XX century has its porn giants. I suspect they've broken the mold since. Of course, we have some attempts at imitation, like this one:

But, in all fairness, it is simply pathetic. Like watching Romeo and Julia after Debbie Does Dallas...


30 June 2009

More female Israeli soldiers

I was reminded recently about neglecting this fascinating for some readers subject. So here they are again - horribly beweaponed, bloodthirsty and as sweet as they come.

More could be seen in this presentation below - with luck, since there are still some creative differences between Google Docs and Blogger sometimes.

If the slideshow is on the fritz, try here. In any case, it's recommended to watch through the last slide, where real porn is happening!

Hat tip to SEO.

16 March 2009

Finally: a peep show on SJ

Click "Read more" only if you are 18 years old or above (or as applicable at your location):

01 February 2008

Winograd report - the saucy part

Al Jazeera reports:

For his part, Hassan Fadlallah, a Hezbollah MP, said that the secret portions "probably hide a lot of political scandals concerning the Arab region and the international community.
You can count on a politician to think that the really "secret" portions are of political nature - a regular one-trick pony. The truth is that the secret portfolio contains information that, while scandalous and explosive indeed, is not strictly political. Part of it was already published on this here blog, so we'll repeat only the visuals.

Warning: adult content (partial nudity and violent barfing involved), click "Read more" only if you are an adult and of steely nerves.

You were warned.

14 January 2008

Laure Manaudou in extremely sexy video

It is almost 10 minutes and will surely leave you exhausted.

Have you enjoyed this as much as I did?

23 December 2007

Laure Manaudou - new sensational sexy frames!

Your decision to watch the clip below confirms that you are over 17 years old and are allowed to watch material of explicitly sexual nature without your parent guidance.

Hope you enjoyed it. I did.

17 May 2007

Time for some spanking, Bibi?

Bibi, a.k.a Binyamin Netaniyahu, continues to provide quite regularly excellent displays of our current leadership vacuum. This article (in Hebrew) supplies a few recent bloopers that prove (according to Admiral Amy Ayalon, who is racing for the leadership of the Labor party) that Bibi is a pathological liar.

Example 1. Supervising the late Rehavam Zeevi (Gandhi)

In a Knesset session dedicated to Zeevi's memory, Bibi praised the late minister and recalled a few touching facts and anecdotes from the times when Zeevi served as a minister in Bibi's government.

"When Gandhi served as a minister in my government, he always behaved with wisdom, responsibility, solidarity and humanity", said Bibi.
Fact: Zeevi has not been a minister in Bibi's government.

Example 2. Granting citizenship to Pollard

On his site Bibi claimed (in a speech recorded in video) that he has granted citizenship to the jailed spy Jonathan Pollard.

Fact: The citizenship was indeed granted to Pollard, but during the time Shimon Peres was PM and Chaim Ramon the minister of interior.

Example 3. Pre-natal memories

In an interview to Yediot Acharonot told Bibi about his childhood memories of British soldiers in the streets of Jerusalem.

Fact: Bibi was born after the expiration of British mandate.

The three examples are only a small part of the inexplicable lies Bibi is producing with alarming frequency. It has become almost a part of routine, and the most interesting feature of the whole enchilada is that Bibi's supporters seem to be unperturbed by this character trait.

As a practical advise: being caught so frequently with his pants down, Bibi could save a considerable amount, excluding this item from his wardrobe altogether.

And regarding Admiral Ayalon's diagnosis: while Ayalon is supposed to be experienced in detecting liars, due to his stint as chief of Shin Bet, he still does not possess a medical degree. So let's leave the final diagnosis to experts. It could be just an early onset of senility...

As to the possible cure - here is a way that may work:

Or not, depending on the patient's response...

The picture above filched from here (PG 18 or according to your local custom).


12 May 2007

Is Sarkoszy / Sarkozy Jew or juif?

And how does he look in a bikini, if at all?

Is SĆ©golĆØne Royal Jew or juif? And does bikini suit her?

Bob from Brockley, being one of my favorite Brits, does not pose in a bikini but, on the other hand, asks some damn good questions.

What is it indeed that makes Jooz only a slightly less fascinating target for interminable googling than sex / porn?

And I think that I shall follow suit, adding Porn as a new label.
