Showing posts with label Fun. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fun. Show all posts

02 December 2019

Shaniqua O’Toole vs Gateway Pundit. Spoofer: 1, Pundit: 0.

One of the signs of the time is, unfortunately, that a good spoof is practically indistinguishable from the so called "real life". Of course, we should thank our clinically confused and ridden by fake news media for this situation. But some hilarious misreadings plague even the ones that are supposed to be on guard.

Shaniqua O’Toole, one of the more successful spoofers lately, succeeded admirably to deceive the famous Gateway Pundit (not the first time he is being spoofed, by the way). Here is what caused him to lose his cool:

Here is what Gateway Pundit has said on the subject:
On Saturday Guardian contributor Shaniqua O’Toole argued in her column that the police were at fault for shooting the terrorist and should have known he was wearing a fake suicide vest.

You just can’t make this up!
A far left commentator is attacking police for shooting dead the ISIS killer.
Oh well, Shaniqua O’Toole is only a spiritual entity, and The Guardian, while they might be dying to have her on the list of their contributors, are not able to recruit her.

And the Guardian-looking page that irks so many people, is a product of a piece of software that generates such spoofs at your beck and call.

So there.

P.S. Gateway Pundit, it has to be mentioned, got wise to the nature of the spoof and eventually deleted it, but the delectable Shaniqua saved it in an archive.

21 November 2019

Bible stories - in the language you know and love

The silence here is temporarily interrupted to let you enjoy something completely different.

It starts with one Shaul Reznik, who decided to refurbish several Tanach (Old Testament for some of you) stories, presenting them in the language of modern mass media headlines. Some of his readers joined the effort. This post will try to present the most worthy results (so far) in English.

[If you are offended, please go away. Quietly.]

A pensioner tries to kill his son for religious reasons.

Two cities in the south of the country suffered serious damage during shelling with fire and sulfur.

A family of sectarians drove a maid with a child into the desert.

Killing of a farmer: G-d suspects brother.

After marrying an immigrant, the Egyptian leader was diagnosed with urinary tract disease.

Two stone data carriers are broken, an elderly stutterer is suspected.

In the area of ​​the Dead Sea, two daughters got their father drunk and raped him.

The couple was kicked out of a nature reserve for eating fruit.

An Israeli scientist presented a technology of extracting water from a rock.

Amateur shipbuilder invests in creation of a unique zoo.

Children of a large family of religious fanatics decided to get rid of their brother by selling him to merchants of live goods.

The wife of a Sodom lawyer replenished the salt reserves of the city.

Bears gobbled up a group of teenagers.

A cloned woman fell prey to a snake.

UN protests: Israel destroys Palestinian buildings with advanced sonic weapons!

Shock! Another victim of the slander by a #Metoo activist. (In a candid interview with Zuleika, Potiphar discovers shocking details).

SENSATION! A local madman was swallowed by a whale.

Israeli bodybuilder brutally killed a rare predator.

Scandal in the royal family: intimate correspondence between the crown prince and his boyfriend was published.

The battle of psychics on Carmel ended with a stabbing.

The prisoner discovers paranormal abilities and receives an offer to take a high post.

Journalistic investigation: who is behind the string of climate anomalies in Egypt?

Ballistic examination: the world champion in power-lifting was killed by a shot from a slingshot.

Passion for quail meat led to mass poisoning in a nomadic tribe.

The effects of global warming: Red Sea has become catastrophically shallow in one day. Scientists are sounding the alarm!

Animal rights advocates are outraged by the increasing incidence of tearing of the mouths of lions in Palestine.

SHOCK! Donkey's jaw can be used to ...

Tons of counterfeit groats have been sprayed over the supposedly empty desert for decades. The investigation is ongoing.

Was there a boy? A senior citizen claims that he killed a ram on the mountain.

And more from the commenters:

A successful hair removal method invented by the king of Israel. Read the interview with Queen of Sheba about the results.

Elderly vegan destroys an expensive cultural symbol of veal lovers.

As a result of the disproportionate use of force, a building collapsed on pilgrims in Gaza.

Construction of the tallest skyscraper in the Middle East is suspended. Disagreements between unions are growing.

Prosecutor's office is investigating the scandalous affair of the Israeli leader with the wife of a general who died last year: the investigation revealed new facts.

Targeted assassination of a Palestinian field commander by the David's Sling system.

Medical phenomenon in a nomadic tribe. A woman gave birth at the age of 90 years.

A shepherd is wanted for an attempted coup.

In a village near Lake Tiberias, a group of unknown people burglarized a bakery. Police suspect a gang of so-called "Folk healer."

A young man marries two women through his father-in-law.

The elements claimed millions of lives, but a group of enthusiasts managed to save a zoo.

Abraham begat Isaac, Isaac begat Joseph. Feminists are furious!

The Shechem population is slaughtered as part of the #MeToo campaign.

The UN Human Rights Council condemned Israel for the killing of Egyptian soldiers in the Red Sea.

Etc. etc.

23 June 2019

Star light, star bright

This curious document from way back shows that the tentacles of you know who were never at rest.
The document is a part of Ukrainian KGB archives that survived destruction and are being published.
Donetsk region

On November 26, 1980 several customers in the department store #2, city of Shakhtersk* noticed that a fir tree** adornment toy "Comet" (made of glass in the form of a sphere) carries a depiction of a six-pointed star, identical to the Zionist symbol.

The toy is produced by the Terebovlyansk factory of fir tree toys (Ternopol region). The toys arrived to the department store (total of 800 items) on November 6 of this year. 600 of these were already sold to the population. The sale of the toys was suspended.

The investigation is carried out by UKGB*** of Ternopol region.The total number of toys produced and the shops that received them are being studied. The KGB offices of the regions were notified.
(*) A city in Donetsk region of Ukraine
(**) A Soviet euphemism for the Christmas tree.
(***) Ukrainian KGB

I couldn't find a photograph of the toy in question, so in lieu of one:

22 January 2019

Baizuo - for further reference

A useful bit of information via a Facebook buddy:
Baizuo (/ˈbaɪˌtswɔː/;[1] Chinese: 白左 báizuǒ, literally "white left") is a derogatory Chinese neologism used to refer to Western leftist liberal elites. It refers to the left faction in the culture wars in Western politics, implying support of multiculturalism, political correctness and positive discrimination. In more than 400 answers submitted by Zhihu users during 2015 to May 2017, the term is defined as referring to those who are hypocritically obsessed with political correctness in order to satisfy their own feeling of moral superiority motivated from an ignorant and arrogant Western-centric worldview who pity the rest of the world and think they are saviours. A related term is shèngmǔ (圣母, 聖母, literally "holy mother", title for the mother of an emperor), a sarcastic reference to those whose political opinions are guided by emotions and a hypocritical show of selflessness and empathy, represented by celebrities.
So there, now you know too.

21 November 2018

Happy Thanksgiving!

To all our American friends.

(Still cannot find one funnier than that one).

16 September 2018

Something is rotten in the Elders' HQ

I am taking a serious risk here, posting this inter-departmental memo from the Elders' HQ. So please don't tell anyone, OK?

To: [redacted], Field agents training dept., Elders' HQ
From: [redacted], European operations dept., Elders' HQ

Date: [redacted]

Subject: Operational readiness of the agents and the British fiasco.

Dear [redacted],

I am sorry to raise the subject, but the recent developments in the Albion are extremely disturbing. On one hand, our operation aimed at destabilizing the Labo(u)r party and discrediting that golem Corbyn was very successful, our fellow Jooz now believe that he is totally antisemitic. Which is good.

But the operation success was undermined by some loose tongues. Look what that Mark Serwotka character discovered:
The leader of one of Britain’s main trade unions has suggested that Israel created the antisemitism row that has engulfed Labour over the summer.

Mark Serwotka, who leads the Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS) and is a staunch supporter of Jeremy Corbyn, told a fringe event at the Trades Union Congress conference that the Jewish state could have “created a story that does not exist” in order to distract attention from “atrocities” he said it has committed.
Now, [redacted], please tell me that it is not your newly matriculated agents [redacted] and [redacted], that were drinking last week in London, in that [redacted] pub and talked loudly about the ways and means of our operation? It is by sheer luck that the waitress in the pub, one of our senior operatives, was able to slip [redacted] in their beer. Otherwise they might have very well been discussing our mind control technology and other ways to force the golem into his incredibly stupid slips of the tongue. Not to mention our secret way of adding truth serum to the London water supplies that made his minions to behave in the same manner.

Yes, I know that you have asked Colonel Ron Prosor, the ex-ambassador, to write that article in The Telegraph, where he, among other things, tried to discredit the (totally true) fact of him personally printing out the pro-Zionist speeches for MPs, government ministers and royal family members. But who reads The Telegraph, I ask you? It is behind a pay wall anyway. Yes, I know that he was trying to shirk that task, complaining about the sore state of his fingertips after all these years of controlling UK, but in any case the article did exactly the opposite of what it was supposed to accomplish.

So here is what I want you to do now. Open a page from the KGB (FSB it is called now) field manual and do exactly what the Russkies have done with these two hapless Novichok carriers. Prepare an interview where the two young morons, [redacted] and [redacted], will tell how they spent a vacation in GB, while most of the time under influence of a new experimental substance and were mostly concerned with all these British cultural treasures: the Big Ben, the Westminster, the Karl Marx grave - you know what I mean, from the list.

Yes, I know that you are in training dept. and not in operations, but on account of the whole being the fault of your product, I leave this part to you. And don't worry about exposing [redacted] and [redacted] to the media, we'll have to [redacted] them anyway.

Please let me know when the task is accomplished.
Elders rule!

Your [redacted].

P.S. And about this Serwotka putz: [two further paragraphs redacted]

02 September 2018

Nazis on British streets - take 1

Who says political life can't be funny? Whoever said it, it is dead wrong. Here is an example:

An ‘Allo ‘Allo reunion on the streets of Gloucester has led to outrage over the 'hard right' due to their Nazi uniforms.

Waitress Yvette, bumbling German Lieutenant Gruber, SS officer Herr Flick and his smouldering sidekick Private Helga were all in town for the Gloucester Goes Retro festival on August 26.

An image of the quartet was posted on Twitter by John Player with the apparently tongue-in-cheek message: “Nazi gathering spotted on the streets of Britain TODAY. This is the 21st century for christ sake. Where is the outrage. It's all happening again.”
Whoever that John Player guy/gal is, s/he caught a big fish, and the fish performed up to specs:

Journalist Yasmin Alibhai-Brown then replied to the Tweet with the message: “Too busy accusing the UK Labour of anti-Semitism to heed the real scary threat posed by the hard right.
For reference: Yasmin Alibhai-Brown. Say no more...

17 August 2018

Can a fart be misogynist?

"Yes, we can!" could be a male chauvinist answer to that question, of course. But, according to this article, the question was raised in all possible seriousness.

A word of warning: there is a high possibility that most of the content there is a spoof, but Ashleigh Ingle, one of the main protagonists of the piece, does exists and her other ridiculous shenanigans could be traced all over the net.

Well, here is a quote from the other one:
Local activist Steph Guthrie a feminist advocate and community organizer who specialises in social media and interactive events proposed an online campaign to tackle this misogyny that “keeps women down and trapped in their own bodies. I just find it horrific that the patriarchy has been controlling women’s flatulence this whole time and we have just realised this now, it is time for feminist worldwide to re-educate women on how they are being discriminated against.
For full disclosure, I would never try to dominate a lady in that activity.

Safety off and fire at will!

P.S. The hashtag "#FartRape" really exists. Or did exist for some time.

Hat tip: O.S.

18 March 2018

The phallus that discombobulated FSB

The story is rather old, but needs a refresher. A rare case when size matters.

The story starts with the Russian art group "Voina" (War):
Voina (Russian: Война, IPA: [vɐjˈna] (About this sound listen), lit. War) is a Russian street-art group known for their provocative and politically charged works of performance art. The group has had more than sixty members, including former and current students of the Rodchenko Moscow School of Photography, Moscow State University, and University of Tartu. However, the group does not cooperate with state or private institutions, and is not supported by any Russian curators or gallerists.

The activities of Voina have ranged from street protest, symbolic pranks in public places, and performance-art happenings, to vandalism and destruction of public property. More than a dozen criminal cases have been brought against the group. On 7 April 2011 the group was awarded the "Innovation" prize in the category "Work of Visual Art", established by the Russian Ministry of Culture.
One of the famous actions of Voina was:

Dick Captured by the FSB
During the night of 14 June 2010, Voina painted a giant 65 m long phallus on the surface of the Liteyny drawbridge leading to the Bolshoy Dom, headquarters of the Federal Security Service in Saint Petersburg. This painting was entitled Giant Galactic Space Penis. The group studied traffic patterns at the bridge, and practiced coordinated actions for two weeks beforehand, in a parking lot, because they would have only 30 seconds to complete the painting before the drawbridge was raised.
And the drawbridge was raised!

More about the action in the Youtube description:
June 14, 2010, Saint Petersburg

Security guards are stopping traffic across the Liteyny Bridge, located in front of the local FSB (ex-KGB) headquarters.

Voina members, on foot, bike and in a car, breach the roadblock. Activists rush over with white paint. Voina President Leo the Fucknut is captured and roughed up by the cops.

Onlookers shout, 'It's a Russia Day celebration!'

Menacingly rising, Voina's Dick slowly erected in front of the Federal Security Service building, lovingly nicknamed The Big House by the Russian people.

Some images of Voina's Dick opposing the FSB building has been immortalized on a Norwegian postal stamp. All revenues from the stamp were directed to political prisoners in Russia.
And here is a recording of the preparation of the monument:

Viva Voina!

02 February 2018

Lady Liberty - a result of Jewish conspiracy?

There hardly are many people who don't recognize this statue. Most people, however, don't detect the Jewish conspiracy behind this historic monument. So here comes news for you.

The story of Lady Liberty doesn't start with Jews, rather with French people who initiated the idea and financed the work by Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi.

Than it went sideways...

Bartholdi's search for a female face to serve as a prototype for the lady stopped on one Isabella Eugenie Boyer:

who, accidentally (?) happened to be a wife of one Isaac Merritt Singer:

This sewing machine Jewish magnate, inventor, actor, businessman and father of about 23 children he sired with (approximately) 6 women, doesn't play a direct role in the fate of the statue, however an inquiring mind might be concerned...

Then the American side of the story comes in. And the fundraising for the pedestal, where:
Fundraising for the statue had begun in 1882. The committee organized a large number of money-raising events.[81] As part of one such effort, an auction of art and manuscripts, poet Emma Lazarus was asked to donate an original work.
She saw a way to express her empathy for these refugees in terms of the statue. The resulting sonnet, "The New Colossus", including the iconic lines "Give me your tired, your poor/Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free", is uniquely identified with the Statue of Liberty and is inscribed on a plaque in the museum in its base.
And this is not all, because:
Joseph Pulitzer, publisher of the New York World, a New York newspaper, announced a drive to raise $100,000—the equivalent of $2.3 million today. Pulitzer pledged to print the name of every contributor, no matter how small the amount given. The drive captured the imagination of New Yorkers, especially when Pulitzer began publishing the notes he received from contributors.

Well, it makes four "Zionists" out of five. Well, rather three out of four, if you (correctly) consider Mr Singer to be only a random actor in this story. Although, what with him being an oligarch and all, no normal conspiracy seeking head will discount him, of course.

Now you know...

P.S. Since only Wiki was used for this quick and dirty compilation, who knows which additional names might come up with some more digging. One shudders at the thought.

30 January 2018

Lenin and the log: a recent rendition that leaves comedy standing

The oldish post of mine Subbotnik, Lenin and the log is crucial for better understanding of the following. There isn't much verbiage, it is all in the pictures, so go there first.

The article Now I have seen it all... Ballet "Lenin and the log" is faithfully translated here with no additions from yours truly.

It turned out that the video "Lenin with a log", actively discussed in recent days, is not a fake, but a real ballet "Falcons of Revolution" staged by the head of the State Academic Dance Theater of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Bulat Ayukhanov.

The ballet is devoted to the ideas of equality and fraternity on the labor front. The play is divided into three parts. In the first appears the leader of the world proletariat. To the music of Georgy Sviridov "Time, Forward" Ilyich helps his party comrades to carry the log during a proletarian clean-up [Subbotnnik]. The theme of labor enthusiasm continues with a scene in the fields, where ballerinas dance in masks of old women.

In an interview with "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" Bulat Ayukhanov told the details:

"The premiere of the ballet took place in Almaty in 2013 and was a resounding success. Then it was called "Hammer and Sickle". Now we have made some changes and called it "Falcons of the Revolution." The main characters - Abai (Kazakh poet, public figure), Marx, Lenin, Stalin and our Kazakhstani president (Nursultan Nazarbayev) - he appeared on stage at the end of the ballet. "

There is nothing to add, just enjoy.

20 September 2017

The bizarre bloopers of the computer age

The strange affair of two Spanish women flushing an impressive quantity of roughly €100,000 down the toilet might remain unexplained yet.

This, however, is not the point of the post. Take a look at the article chosen by the artificial intelligence behind CNN website as related to the above mentioned story:

While I wouldn't dare knock buses running on crap, the associative choice made by the AI in question is quite wondrous nevertheless. Unless, of course, you recall that one:
Freud famously retells the tale of the devil whose gifts of money turn to excrement upon his leaving. He uses this myth to buttress his findings from analysis which associate anxiety concerning money with an anal stage anxiety over excrement. Thus psychoanalytically speaking, money equals shit.
A Freudian AI behind the scenes in CNN? No shit?

15 September 2017

A tiny antisemitic fail

This post is nothing but cute. No ideology, no challenges.

Ethnic jokes, as we all know, are frequently rewritten, having one nationality replaced by another. The interchangeability of such jokes is endless, provided the person changing them is paying a minimal attention to details. Sometimes the results of inattention are unintentionally funny. Like it this case:
Two Jews argued which of them would donate less money. When a servant passed by, the first Jew laid a penny and looked victoriously at the second. "For two," the second man said humbly and crossed himself.
Yeah, crossing oneself was a giveaway. Not that the joke is bad, just that small detail...

I wouldn't refer to the source, suffice to say that it is an essentially not anti-Semitic site, sometimes bringing up good and funny stories, pictures etc. But here is the original text, in Russian, for doubters.
Два еврея поспорили, кто из них меньше пожертвует денег. Когда мимо проходил служитель первый еврей положил копейку и победоносно посмотрел на второго. — За двоих, — смиренно произнес второй и перекрестился.

19 August 2017

Like everyone - with a dollop of blood

Igor Guberman - a writer, a poet and a superb storyteller, with an irresistible true story, one of myriad he tells so well.

One day in Berlin, my friend was asked to talk to a certain woman who insisted that she was Jewish and therefore the [Jewish] community should help her. He agreed to talk with her and, first of all, asked, naturally, why was she sure that her mother was Jewish. Because my mother always baked Matzos on Easter [sic!], the woman answered.

"And how did she bake it?" asked the friend.

"According to the law, like everyone else," the woman answered, "she kneaded the dough, added the yeast ..."

My friend straightened up in surprise, and the woman hastily continued:

- And a little blood ...


01 August 2017

A curious case of BBC that forgot to bark in the daytime

What with the unrelenting flow of news coming out of the White House these days, the media is overwhelmed. Their journos are too busy trying to catch up with the stream.

Well, this is the only explanation I have got for the most curious omission in BBC reporting from their favorite corner of the world, I mean the Middle East. In their reporting of a sad case where a British man has been arrested as part of an anti-terror operation while on holiday in Turkey, they have missed an important clue. Not that the clue is relevant to the fate of Joe Robinson, the British man in question. But let's put the things in order. The man first:

Mr Robinson, who is originally from Lancashire, spent five months fighting as a volunteer with the YPG against the so-called Islamic State group and has previously spoken about his experiences in media reports. Although the YPG is not a proscribed group in the UK, Turkey views it as the extension of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK).
I can hardly add something to the quote. Possibly a plea to the British government to intervene more forcefully and to save the British subject from an almost certain incarceration by the friendly and oh how democratic NATO member and its leader going from mad to crazy. But it is hardly my business.

The other thing, though, the writing on the wall (no pun intended) is somewhat different, being totally in the domain of the Elders. The fact that not a single BBC employee got even remotely curious about it...

נַ נַחְ נַחְמָ נַחְמָן מְאוּמַן‎‎

This text adorns many a wall and a fence in Israel, being a part of the local lore. A curious person with access to Google could have easily deciphered the meaning, available in English in Wiki:
Na Nach Nachma Nachman Meuman (Hebrew: נַ נַחְ נַחְמָ נַחְמָן מְאוּמַן‎‎) is a Hebrew language name and song used by a subgroup of Breslover Hasidim colloquially known as the Na Nachs. The complete phrase is Na Nach Nachma Nachman Me'uman. It is a kabbalistic formula based on the four Hebrew letters of the name Nachman, referring to the founder of the Breslov movement, Rebbe Nachman of Breslov, along with a reference to his burial place in Uman, Ukraine.
But the text evidently was mistaken by the BBC editors for Arabic, most probably related to Daesh/ISIS and not a single man/woman of BBC has caught on the possibility to explore this golden lode of a Zionist plot  - obviously of some import.

Opportunity lost...

Hat tip: P.V.

Update: The mystery resolved, thanks to Gilead, whose comment includes this article:
Timothy Paul Jacobs Wordsworth, speaking to The Jerusalem Post from northern Syria on Monday, said he was inspired to join the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) in Syria because he was instilled with the desire to do everything he can to help people.

In the 1990s, he was a soldier for the British military and served as a NATO peacekeeper in Bosnia and Kosovo. However, his life took a different direction as the horrors of Islamic State continued to mount.
And, most important for this post:
Wordsworth has been spray-painting a popular hassidic slogan in places that the Kurdish forces recapture, former Islamic State bases and mosques around Syria. Sometimes the slogan appears alongside the Islamic State flag.
So there:

Many thanks, Gilead!

30 June 2017

NASA: We Do Not Have a Child Slave Colony on Mars. Yeah, sure.

Y'all know only too well that when a government department denies something it must be true, right?

Because nothing could be more true than something (anything, in fact) that comes from an impeccable source like Robert David Steele, who is currently a CeO (Chief Enabling Officer - pro bono, no less) of Earth Intelligence Network, a 501c3 devoted to teaching holistic analytics (HA), true cost economics (TCE), and open source everything engineering (OSEE). A man, who in his illustrious past (present) has been (is):
  • a clandestine services case officer at the Central Intelligence Agency
  • a Nobel Prize nominee
  • a co-Founder of the Information Warfare Conference
  • invited lecturer world-wide on topics of Cyber, Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)
  • USMCR Infantry, Adjutant, Intelligence 1976-1996
  • CIA Clandestine Service 1979-1988
  • USMC Civil Service 1988-1993
  • #2 civilian [dunno what it means, tell me if you know] in USMC Intelligence, responsible for creating the Marine Corps Intelligence Activity
  • best buddy of Cynthia McKinney
This list, presented here in no particular order, could go on and on, I am simply afraid to run out of paper.

So when this man appeared on Alex Jones' Infowars, my major source of entertainment, I sat up and listened. Here are some choice quotes of the latest breakthrough into the murky depths of the NWO* inhumanity.
  • NASA established a colony on Mars to which they shipped kidnapped children over a 20-year space ride.
  • Once there, the “kids” have no alternative but to become slaves at the colony, because that’s just how NASA rolls apparently.
  • Not content with just enslaving said children, NASA also murders some of them for their blood** and bone marrow, after terrifying them first so that there’s enough adrenaline in the blood.
  • This, according to Steele, is a form of pedophilia, which is, again, performed on 20-plus year old kids.
And, you might ask, how come that with all these Mars missions whizzing around the planet***, not a single one has transmitted a single picture of the settlement where the kids are forcibly kept? Mr Steele has a good and true answer to this one:
NASA’s machinations includes shutting off space probes, whenever in the vicinity of the slave camps, so that the rest of us don’t see them.
So you can be assured now, all of the above is true. Only one question remains unanswered for me, and I am rerouting it to CIA, specifically to the person responsible for clandestine services: during these undercover operations, does the cover allow supply of oxygen to the agent's brain?

Oh well, I am afraid that no straight answer will be forthcoming soon. Too bad.

(*) And if you don't know what NWO means, I pity you. Wake up!
(**) Once kids' blood is involved, you know who else is behind all this obscenity, don't you?
(***) If there is a planet, you know: this is subject to proof too. For all I know, the Earth is the only one, and flat at that, all other so called "celestial bodies" being only pictures on the glass dome.

13 March 2017

Some women...

haven't yet got fully immersed in their newly acquired womanhood, I would guess. Witness this tweet that might cause a serious case of cognitive dissonance to a person not familiar with modern identity politics:

Danielle Muscato, a self-identified lady, looks like this:

(and no, before you ask - it is not a joke). Danielle Muscato has her site:
Danielle Muscato, formerly Dave Muscato, is an atheist activist, writer, debater, pundit, musician, and transgender woman from the United States.
So everything is legit and serious. Only, I guess, our fair Danielle still slips back into a male chauvinist role from time to time, what with the references to dick sucking and all.


14 February 2017

Get the cross back in the beak! Please...

The flag in the picture is the national flag of Moldova that undergone a surgery recently in Tehran.
There was a scandal in Moldova in connection with the distortion of the national flag, used during the Moldovan president Igor Dodon's visit to Iran.

The Moldovan leader, who is also the president of the Chess Federation of the Republic, on Friday participated in the opening ceremony of the World Chess Championship for women in Iran. Moldovan flag was presented in honor of the president. On the coat of arms, depicted on the flag, there was no image of the cross in the beak of an eagle and no scepter. Immediately after the ceremony Dodon posted pictures on his Facebook page.

Several media outfits drew attention to the distortion of the coat of arms. Journalists have accused the head of state in profanation of official symbols, recalling that Dodon won the recent presidential election under the banner of protection of Christianity and Christian values.

Pro-presidential media protested that the president has no hand in this, as the hosts are responsible for the flag.

"For reasons of political correctness Muslim countries remove from the flags of other countries crosses and other Christian symbols. It is practiced in many Islamic states and, naturally, the president doesn't have any relation to this practice."

The publication reports that a similar pattern could be observed at the opening of an official Moldovan consulate in Antalya. In the photograph, published on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, there is no cross in the beak of an eagle.
What can I say about it? Isn't it nice when a country leader is an expert in chess, of all things?


31 January 2017

How men lost the upright micturition war

This post will prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the emergence of the whole unisex/multi-gender/inclusive toilet (or so called "toilet war") issue was a clever subterfuge, secretly advanced by militant feminists*. The subterfuge, that eventually succeeded, resulting in the appearance and proliferation of such toilets, was meant to circumvent the resistance of the male population that protected their right to upright micturition (or pissing while standing, in simple words). All this, of course, due to shortsightedness and general slowness of the male population.

A bit of history. Frontal attack.

The war against the male habit of upright micturition started a long time ago. At the beginning (mid-nineties of the previous century) the militant feminists didn't hide the reasons for their irritation with this habit:
Young women in Sweden, Germany and Australia have a new cause: They want men to sit down while urinating. This demand comes partly from concerns about hygiene -- avoiding the splash factor -- but, as Jasper Gerard reports in the English magazine The Spectator, "more crucially because a man standing up to urinate is deemed to be triumphing in his masculinity, and by extension, degrading women." One argument is that if women can't do it, then men shouldn't either. Another is that standing upright while relieving oneself is "a nasty macho gesture," suggestive of male violence.
Of course, the real reason for this attack was the ancient and unabating irritation of the women by the long lines at every public restroom for the better gender. The urinals that cause lack of similar queues at the men's restrooms, in other words.

But the war, started at such high and aggressive tones, obviously couldn't be won. The males as a whole stood firm against such crude accusations and didn't budge. Several years later the approach changed and, instead of the crude frontal attack, a note of care was inserted:
Known as a socialist and feminist organization, the party claims that seated urination is more hygienic for men — the practice decreases the likelihood of puddles and other unwanted residue forming in the stall — in addition to being better for a man’s health by more effectively emptying one’s bladder, The Local reported.
Of course, there is more than a grain of truth in the mention of puddles, although the "other unwanted residue" crack will be never explained, I'm afraid. And thus cleanliness and health angle appeared, being more acceptable to some of the men, whose unity started to unravel, if this Guardian article is to be the witness.
If you’ve ever wondered how men achieved their cultural dominance in the world, I’m pretty sure I know what happened.
Yes, of course, it is all due to that accursed upright micturition. You bet. Anyway, even the softer approach failed to rid the world of the urinals.

Change of direction.

Viewing the obvious defeat of the frontal attack, the feminists started looking for other ways to tackle the problem. At its low point, the "if you can't beat them, join them" approach was briefly considered.

But of course, such defeatist attitude couldn't be accepted by the majority of the feminist public and was rejected by all, except fringe pacifist elements, whose survival rate is exceedingly low nowadays. New approach to the permanent abolition of the much hated men's urinals was urgently needed.

And it was found in the swiftly raising self-awareness of the hitherto ignored and oppressed genders. I am, of course, not talking here about the more established and venerable lesbian, gay or bisexual folk, but of more exotic varieties, such as questioning, flexual, asexual, genderfuck, polyamourous etc. If you really want to know how many genders are out there, good luck to you. Googling will show you anything between 31 and 97 possibilities, depending on the source.

And how the emergence of all these genders is linked to the Great Urinal War, you might ask - especially if you are naive or male (which is, apparently, more of a synonym than previously considered). The answer is: by complicating the issue of who is allowed/entitled/wants to use which toilet to the point when it might be simpler to micturate on the spot where you are currently located than to figure out which restroom is a better fit for the gender you currently identify with.

As usual in a complicated situation like this one, the powers that be responded by a simplest possible solution:

Which solution while being touted as inclusive, surely doesn't include the beloved urinal, you can take it to the bank.

Of course, the urinals weren't the main target of the multi-gender awareness campaign, rather a side benefit, but don't let yourself into a false belief that it was an unintended one. Surely some genius was busily at work behind this move, coldly and rationally calculating all the possible and desired outcomes of the campaign. And, as we can see now, winning it.

What is left?

Frankly not much. In a short time all the existing urinals will be a memory. Of course, desperate measures like pissing on the walls, are still out there, but only for the hardcore folks, whose life expectancy is short anyhow. Some of us might count on secluded areas like forests, deserts, swimming pools etc. But technology and roaming gangs of vigilantes will put an end to all such attempts to micturate anywhere but it specially designated facilities. And these gangs will be equipped with all the required technology, no doubt.

And what, you might ask, will prevent the male user from micturating upright in the seclusion of a private stall in these facilities? Ha! - is the most fitting answer to such naivety. Surely these facilities will be soon equipped with enough electronics to prevent such attempts and make the outcome as painful as possible. Not to mention the obvious: enforced addition of needed sensors to your all-seeing and all-hearing smartphone, which will squeal to the authorities the moment you even think of...

So, ze / zir - please join the line**, with all the other LGBTTQQFAGPBDSM... people, and wait patiently for your turn in the stall. And yes - sit down, please!

Or else.

(*) Just to make sure you understand that "feminist" is not a gender designation in any way, sense or meaning in this text.
(**) Unless, of course, you are Brian Eno.

26 January 2017

Secret Service vets shocked. Me too.

Since I pledged to refrain from politics for some not strictly defined time, here is a non-political post, caused by this Fox article:

Secret Service vets shocked at agent's claim she won't take a bullet for Trump

I totally understand the Secret Service people. I am shocked too. After all, why would a person disclose publicly what everyone is thinking? Shame.

And, to illustrate that it is nothing new, here is an old Soviet era story:

Two bodyguards, one of the American president and one of the Soviet premier, meet in the after hours over a beer (a vodka, if you will). "Will you take a bullet for your Man?", asks the Soviet bodyguard. "What, do you think I am crazy? Why would I?", answers the American, "I have a family, children,... And what about you?"

"What, do you think I am crazy? I sure would. I have a family, children,... ", answers the Russian.

As for the public acts that should be shamed, here is another old joke, this time an Israeli one.

Swimming pool lifeguard shouting at a customer: "Sir, I know that everyone pisses in the pool, but why do it from the diving board?".

So there.