Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Cynthia McKinney. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Cynthia McKinney. Sort by date Show all posts

07 May 2009

UC Irvine hatefest starts again

From time to time the Muslim Student Union in UC Irvine has to prove that it doesn't exist for nothing. Their new entertainment program goes under this poster:

After the movie, several presentations will be given by the principal actors:

  1. Cynthia McKinney: FEMA refrigerator trucks and 5000 Zionist bullets to the head
  2. George Galloway: ZOG and million nuclear missiles provided by it to the Zionist entity
  3. Cynthia McKinney: Green movement and its grass roots or what do I smoke after lunch
  4. George Galloway: How to dress attractively when your oil income is curbed or the best way to wear a leotard
  5. Cynthia McKinney: Obama - not black green enough and Zionist to boot
  6. George Galloway: The man (PBUH) who taught me to lick hands and other appendages (PG 14)
  7. George Galloway/Cynthia McKinney: duet rendering of "Yes, with blood and with spirit we will redeem you Palestine!"

And for a musical encore: "How to recognize me - up close and personal". An aria by Cynthia McKinney.

Halal refreshments served to survivors in the lobby.

More info here.

Cross-posted on

06 April 2016

Cynthia McKinney, PhD, outs Mossad tracks to terror in Brussels

Cynthia McKinney, PhD and a Public Figure (whatever it means), one of my favorite shit-for-brains (ex-) politicos, has made a startling discovery recently on her Facebook page:

This explains the recent spate of suicides in Mossad headquarters, rest assured. And of course, these 85+ thousands of Ms McKinney's supporters contributed a lot to the further unmasking, unveiling, uncloaking and general bashing. If you care to look up that thread, so full of inanity wisdom.

What can I add but a bit of a conspiracy theory of my own? I was trying to look up the story of that PhD title near the name, and Wiki readily provided the info:
In 2015, she received a Ph.D. from Antioch University with a dissertation on Hugo Chávez.
It is well known that the above mentioned Hugo Chávez aka Comical Hugo croaked in 2013, so it is not the news about her PhD that done him in. Probably the rumors of her intention to write it were the last straw...

Update: Meanwhile, our Cynthia McKinney, PhD, is busily rehashing the Hezbollah's buzz:

"U.S. mercenaries Daesh" Cool...

12 March 2015

Cynthia McKinney: If you love Jon Stewart, you should like Dieudonné!

Cynthia McKinney, one of my favorite shit-for-brains politicos (ex-politicos, thankfully, in her case) produced another cool one. Just in case she might come to her senses (a slim chance, but still) and erase it, here is a snapshot of her tweet:

The public response was non-equivocal. Below is a small part of the comments to that tweet (click on the image to read):

Yeah... here is a small selection of Ms McKinney at her level best, to make sure you understand the material better - in case the name is new to you.

And something for you think about for a while, from that Wiki entry about the lady:
As a member of the Democratic Party, she served six terms in the United States House of Representatives.
Yes, emphasis totally mine.

05 July 2009

On Obama's silence re Cynthia McKinney

Pak Alert Press blog (no links, search yourself) published a post on St. Cynthia under a headline:

Israel keeps ex-congresswoman McKinney in custody – Obama is Still Silent!

I guess I fully understand Obama's silence. I would keep shtum too, as long as she is as far away as possible.

On the other hand, she is displaying signs of a dangerous delusion, according to this:

I am being held in this prison because I had a dream...
Oy vey. Better let her go, so dear POTUS - please ask for her. Please...

05 October 2008

Cynthia McKinney and five thousand bullets to the head

Here she is, telling this gruesome story:

No, it is not her head that suffered that many bullets. Anyhow, I don't want to be near the stuff she had for lunch before that speech.

Here is the story, from the horse's mouth, so to say:

30 June 2017

NASA: We Do Not Have a Child Slave Colony on Mars. Yeah, sure.

Y'all know only too well that when a government department denies something it must be true, right?

Because nothing could be more true than something (anything, in fact) that comes from an impeccable source like Robert David Steele, who is currently a CeO (Chief Enabling Officer - pro bono, no less) of Earth Intelligence Network, a 501c3 devoted to teaching holistic analytics (HA), true cost economics (TCE), and open source everything engineering (OSEE). A man, who in his illustrious past (present) has been (is):
  • a clandestine services case officer at the Central Intelligence Agency
  • a Nobel Prize nominee
  • a co-Founder of the Information Warfare Conference
  • invited lecturer world-wide on topics of Cyber, Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)
  • USMCR Infantry, Adjutant, Intelligence 1976-1996
  • CIA Clandestine Service 1979-1988
  • USMC Civil Service 1988-1993
  • #2 civilian [dunno what it means, tell me if you know] in USMC Intelligence, responsible for creating the Marine Corps Intelligence Activity
  • best buddy of Cynthia McKinney
This list, presented here in no particular order, could go on and on, I am simply afraid to run out of paper.

So when this man appeared on Alex Jones' Infowars, my major source of entertainment, I sat up and listened. Here are some choice quotes of the latest breakthrough into the murky depths of the NWO* inhumanity.
  • NASA established a colony on Mars to which they shipped kidnapped children over a 20-year space ride.
  • Once there, the “kids” have no alternative but to become slaves at the colony, because that’s just how NASA rolls apparently.
  • Not content with just enslaving said children, NASA also murders some of them for their blood** and bone marrow, after terrifying them first so that there’s enough adrenaline in the blood.
  • This, according to Steele, is a form of pedophilia, which is, again, performed on 20-plus year old kids.
And, you might ask, how come that with all these Mars missions whizzing around the planet***, not a single one has transmitted a single picture of the settlement where the kids are forcibly kept? Mr Steele has a good and true answer to this one:
NASA’s machinations includes shutting off space probes, whenever in the vicinity of the slave camps, so that the rest of us don’t see them.
So you can be assured now, all of the above is true. Only one question remains unanswered for me, and I am rerouting it to CIA, specifically to the person responsible for clandestine services: during these undercover operations, does the cover allow supply of oxygen to the agent's brain?

Oh well, I am afraid that no straight answer will be forthcoming soon. Too bad.

(*) And if you don't know what NWO means, I pity you. Wake up!
(**) Once kids' blood is involved, you know who else is behind all this obscenity, don't you?
(***) If there is a planet, you know: this is subject to proof too. For all I know, the Earth is the only one, and flat at that, all other so called "celestial bodies" being only pictures on the glass dome.

15 December 2010

Julian Assange and his dark angel of doom: meet Israel Shamir

Whatever you can say about Assange, he certainly captured the attention of the world lately, dividing the audience into haters and admirers. No one remained indifferent, for a wide variety of reasons. It could be said - and I tend to accept the view expressed by Francis Sedgemore - that Assange and his team started something that is far beyond the related scandals and dirt and is of extreme importance to the journalism and politics of this century.

Assange methods and Assange personal habits, though, may undermine the possible good that could come out of the whole endeavor. Enough is said and written about the way Assange published hundreds of documents that endangered people. A lot is written about his persona, so there is no need to repeat all this stuff. WikiLeaks could certainly do with a more sensible leader.

Recently I have stumbled on another Assange's trait: his blindness in choosing his partners and supporters. It appears that, while selecting newspapers that will publish his latest batch (the diplomatic cables), he has decided to work with Israel Shamir, among his many other titles a reporter for Русский Репортер (Russian Reporter) as one of the many reporters and newspapers over the world "accredited" (Shamir's choice of term) to work with the release of this batch.

This picture of Assange with Shamir in the background (I confess, it had an impact on the headline of this post) appears in the Russian Reporter article that opens their series of Cablegate publications. Here is a more popular picture of Israel Shamir which was infesting the Internet for many (too many) years.

I am not sure about the reason Shamir is so enamored with this picture - it is not particularly complimentary, I feel, but he persistently stuck it in many of his on-line publications, of which there is a legion. If Shamir is anything at all it is prolific.

"Anything at all" is a central point when looking at this exceedingly odious and "mysterious" person. I put quotation marks around "mysterious", because the mystery here is not a result of information scarcity. Just the opposite: there are too many contradictory facts, and the result is so confusing that only a team of spies and psychiatrists working together for a long time could unravel the rather sad story of the walking multiple personality disorder named... oops, let's start with names. Israel (Adam) Shamir (Shlessing) by birth (but this is anyone's guess), then Jöran Jermas (after his conversion to Christianity), later touched up a bit to become Adam Ermash, he also uses a wealth of other monikers when and where it suits him for reasons that only he understands.

His biography is no less exciting. You can read one of the versions in English here. Only remember that, aside of defining himself "an internationally acclaimed radical spiritual and political thinker, Internet columnist and writer", Shamir changes and manipulates the bio as frequently and unashamedly as convenient, again for reasons that escape an untrained observer. More about his bio - and some other exciting stuff too - here.

Citizenship: Russian, Israeli, Swedish, Russian once more - pick any, because he picks the one required at the moment.

Beliefs: from Zionism to anti-Zionism, from Jew to anti-Semite of the worst order of magnitude. From a Russian dissident to an anti-Western hack nostalgic of the good ole USSR. From a (non-practicing) Jew to a (probably non-practicing) Christian. I wouldn't even try to figure it out. But I shall throw in his flirt with white supremacists of several kinds.

Friends: are changing, after being repelled by another change in Shamir's dynamic world view. When a man is rejected by Indymedia and by other anti-Israeli folks for being too anti-Semitic, you would guess that there is nowhere to go, but you would be wrong - there always are Gilad Atzmon, David Duke, shady dealings with David Irving,  Rense etc. Or, for comic effect, this one:

Cynthia Ann McKinney... who else?

Now a few quotes - nothing could work better in this case:

Everyone can kill a Jew in himself.

The Jewish supremacy forces and the greed worshippers united again to crucify Christ.

The Ashkenazi Jews believed that spilled Jewish blood has a magic effect of calling down Divine Vengeance on the heads of the Gentiles…

Good enough? To conclude, a quote from the same anti-Zionist guy:
One puzzle has been solved, but questions remain: "Who is "Israel Shamir"? Is he "Jöran Jermas"? Or are they both fictional? What about his other aliases, “Vassili Krasevsky” and “Robert David” (inter alia?)? More important still, whoever he is, what's his game?"
And this is the character whom Assange has chosen as a partner in his latest endeavor. Whatever his game, his support for Assange carries indelible fingerprints of heavy-duty Soviet propaganda. The best example is the way he has chosen to discredit Assange's Swedish "girlfriends": Anna Ardin and Sofia Wilen. Instead of seeing Anna Ardin for what she is, which is a militant (or raving, one could say) feminist with a pyramid-sized chip on her shoulder, he has concocted a CIA-led conspiracy to beat any feverish dream. Of course, it's easy to see through, as these two bloggers show. But so what - there are enough moonbats to buy this crap and put it on their flag...

To conclude: I hope for Assange's own good that the rest of his partners are not similar to Israel Shamir. Although it may already be too late, because even one Israel Shamir is one too many to have watching your back.

And if you are into Biblical (New Testament) analogies and apt to compare Julian Assange with The One: he may have already found that specific disciple it's so fashionable to hate for the last 2,000 years or so...