The Spring Quilt Market was a huge hit. We didn’t have to travel far since it was held in our home state of Utah.
This year we were without Renee because she was in Hershey, PA for her son’s graduation from Medical School. Congrats Dr. Nathan Hull!!!!
Bobbi, Carolyn and Kathy did the show!!!! Since our products hold so much, we’re especially grateful for Riley Blake Designs, Lecien, Button Galore, Kati Cupcake, Izzy and Ivy Designs, Atkinson Designs, and The Fiber Goddess for sending products for us to display!!!! Take a moment to check out their websites and new products - they are amazing companies!
Kathy and Sweet Sweet Nireko from Lecien’s
Setting up is always the hardest part, but the end result is always worth the effort. It takes 2 days to set up and 2 hours to take down :)
After Bobbi and Carolyn set most of the booth up, Kathy came in and worked her magic on the decorations. People loved our booth and said it had a steam punk feel to it. They loved all the junk with the fabric flowers in the mesh!!! Kathy’s quilt was a huge hit, she is amazing and so talented and we are so happy to have her helping us at the shows. She also did the Schoolhouse class on “Don’t Agonizes Organize” Thanks to all that came and to Kathy for doing a great job!!!!
Renee and Carolyn found the metal springs and other rusty old junk at Smith and Edwards after hours of digging. One of our many fun finds.
Our New All-In-One coming in August.
We always say we are going to be really good about taking pictures at the show but we get busy and forget. So here are the couple that we took. Yes, Bobbi and Carolyn did work but they also did a great job of avoiding pictures :)
Kathy sharing our products with store owners.
Kathy and talented authors, Ruth and Liz.
We had so much fun and enjoyed seeing old friends. Our favorite part of the show is meeting and spending time with many talented and sweet people .
We hope to see you all at the Houston Fall Quilt Market in October!!!!
Simply Renee Team