I have finished a Chemo quilt that Niki requested for a colleague at work. There is a LOT of white at the moment but she is taking it to work with a handful of fabric pens so that people can write in the white squares - I'll hopefully be able to post another pic when it's been decorated!
We had our monthly (!!!) Days For Girls meeting this weekend. We were aware that some ladies were being put off by the high quality expectations from the charity, so we added a new project - boomerang bags. These can be made to roughly the suggested size, can be overlocked OR zigzagged, can be made of the donated fabrics we would otherwise have to reject as they aren't ok for D4G and are the simplest construction imaginable
We got one finished and several more are close to being finished. We were going to give them away but decided we would sell them to people in the churches which would raise money for the D4G fabrics!
We also found we were spending loads for time each month sorting through and seeing what needs what doing next - so with the help of loads of zip lock bags we now have bags of items all at the same stage and we feel much more organised!
Mum and I went to see the poppies at last. We missed them at the Tower on London, but two sections of the display are now doing a road trip and one is just a short drive from her at
Fort Nelson, Royal Armouries Museum, near Portsmouth
They looked amazing!.
And Brian and I spend all of yesterday at the girls' house. They had hired a sanding machine and wanted to do all the upstairs floors in the one weekend. I wish I had filmed them using the machine. It was an industrial one, and was stronger than them. They switched it on at one end of the room, they then ran with it, trying to slow it down, and trying to turn it off in time that it would stop before it hit the opposite wall, then they would drag it back and repeat. Dad showed them how to master the beast, and 12 hours (!) later the whole of upstairs has been sanded - despite all three bedrooms having the usual amount of furniture - much of the time was taken moving it from one room to another, do you remember these puzzles?
It was a bit like doing one of those, but worth it in the end.
Today they are varnishing - today I am staying at home!