Showing posts with label lace making. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lace making. Show all posts

Sunday, 16 July 2017

2017 Wk 28 - A bit of shopping

So the one thing I did manage to do while I was off sick was shop!

The lovely Mr Amazon brought me giant poppers (press studs) and latch hook, and a seam roller (even if it thought it was a wallpaper roller), grippy scissors, snips and a new crochet hook

and a lace making book!

I've been having a go with the help of Mr Google, but I'm not really pleased with it

And I'm not the only one shopping . . .  too early to celebrate yet, but the girls have put in an offer on this lovely little house

(this is the view from the front door)

 and inside

So please keep fingers and toes crossed that all goes well!

Finally, a friend's FB post from hospital where she is recovering from a broken leg . . .  I think she liked the quilt I brought in to her

Friday, 2 June 2017

2017 Wk 22 - Mostly Chertsey

The lovely ladies at Chertsey Museum made tote bags today. Well they started them but there isn't really much to show other then their fabric choices, so first let's look at their show and tell:
Three finished felted pictures (two shown with their inspiration) and some finished flowers

And tote bags ready to finish ...

They recently asked about lace making so I thought I'd have a practice.
My attempt looked like this
Which was just a mess so I pulled the pins out in disgust . . . And it transformed itself into this
Which I LOVE! I couldn't salvage this one so I've started again! At the moment it looks like the previous pic - but fingers crossed it works ok!
I'm off for a girly weekend with friends, and wanted to make them something - I'd seen notebook covers which were a bit more than note book covers . . . so I copied the idea and made these
Note book covers with built in pencil cases!
Now I'm off to pack - have a good weekend x