
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Travel /Vacation Photography

The one thing I like so much about photography is the fact that you can sit your camera on the shelf or pack it up in the bag and forget about taking pictures for a while. Whether or not that is a day or two or a few weeks or even a few months, that is entirely up to you. Then, out of the blue you will be looking online and perhaps you see a great picture or reading a magazine and see something that catches your eye, and you get totally re - enthused to go out and take some pictures.
Nothing gets my juices going though like taking a trip and going to an entirely new environment with my camera bag. A new city or town to take photographs gets my senses at their pinnacle. I tend to get absorbed in colors, textures and architecture. My eyes are paying extra attention to detail. I constantly look for interesting looking people to take candid pictures of their everyday life. I record the memories I want to have of my trip, and you should always do the same. There is not standard when it comes to your personal preference. I have posted a few examples.

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