
Thursday, May 26, 2011

All Creatures Great & Small

Animals, including insects, amphibians, reptiles, dogs & fish, all catch my eye. It must be the multitude of colors or the textures of their skin or feathers or fur, or it could be that with the assistance of the zoom lens you can get closer to them than you could without, so I look forward to opportunities to go to zoos, wildlife preserves, parks or swamps. You literally never know what you might capture with every trip where such creatures could be present. I have accumulated a few during the past twenty five years or so, from a couple Tasmanian Devils to my best friend; Reggie the Jack Russell terrier. 


  1. Very cool collection, Keith. Of all the exotic animals, of course the photo of the dog is my favorite. :)

  2. Nancy,
    Thanks. The pic of the dog was our jack russel Reggie who passed just a few months ago. We miss him so, bit now have another JR we adopted at the shelter, a little girl we named Lucy.

  3. I'm with Nancy! Love the photo of Reggie! Though the swan is pretty cool too, but I seriously could have done without the snake...

  4. Wonderful collection - however I am a big friend of dogs. Your Reggie was terrific little boy, but I hope Lucy will steal your heart for the rest of her life. I lost our old yorkee last thursday, I know the pain. But show must go on and fortunately we have to other dogs that occupate our minds..

  5. Thank you Marias,
    sorry to hear about your Yorkee. It is always tougher when they have been your faithful companion for so many years. Yes, life goes on.
