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Pokazywanie postów oznaczonych etykietą Crea Red. Pokaż wszystkie posty

sobota, 5 grudnia 2020

Steampunk album cover

 Hi and welcome to another blog on SnipArt

The last month of the year already and the holidays are coming up

I made a Steampunk album for you

I used a lot of steampunk mdf and chipboards

Like the pipelines, the clock, gears and the background

I made these pipelines even more 3d, by using mitform castings pipelines in some places

Painting the album with the Lindy's spray Tibetan Poppy Teal
And highlighted with the firebird wax from Finnabair

Hope you got some inspiration from my project

I used these products:


wtorek, 17 listopada 2020

Winter wonder land

 Hi SnipArt fans,

I made this Winter wonder land for you ,

and gonna tell you how I did that

I am just in love with all those tiny houses, from Little Town.

I started with an old photoframe and made my layout


Using cheesecloth to make a mountain landscape behind the house

I worked with powertex to harden the fabric.

Then I positioned it like I wanted.

Putting structure paste on the sides and some resin pourings from moulds.


Then I glued the Frosty Moments Icicles on the top of my "landscape" 

and some really tiny ones on the front of the house..

Coloured my house with Liquid acrylics by Finnabair and 

used the snow- and icepaste from stamperia to make a winter landscape.


I put ice- and snowpaste on the fabric in the back and on the icicles .
Some tiny cypresses beside the house and on the side of the frame.
Then I draw thin lines with my gluegun and throw glitter on there when it was still hot
and some snowflakes over the ice-and snowpaste

 The last thing I did was putting Mitform Castings stars on the top

I hope you like my project and get inspired by it

warm greetings 


piątek, 6 listopada 2020

Wyzwanie / Challenge #67

                                                                        Wyzwanie / Challenge #67

Zielony, Trybiki i Czas

Tym razem wyzwanie opiera się o rdzawe jesienne kolory, a także o zielone choinki

Czas to tylko chwila która tworzymy


This time is about the rusty fall colours, but also the green Christmas-trees 

Time is just a moment we create

1. Praca musi być nowa, nigdzie indziej wcześniej nie publikowana, 
stworzona specjalnie na nasze wyzwanie.
2. Forma pracy - dowolna.
3. Praca musi być związana z tematem wyzwania.
4. Wyzwanie trwa od 6 listopada do 30 listopa1da do godziny 23:55.
5. Prace zgłaszacie za pomocą inlinkz na dole posta, podając link do swojego POSTA z pracą 
(nie do całego bloga)
6. W poście z pracą musi być zamieszczony wyzwaniowy banerek i podlinkowany do tego wyzwania.
7. Prosimy o wyłączenie weryfikacji obrazkowej.
8. Można zgłosić dowolną ilość prac, ale każdą w OSOBNYM poście.
9. Zgłaszając się do zabawy wyrażacie zgodę na publikację swojej pracy na blogu firmowym Snip Art.
10. Pracę można połączyć tylko z JEDNYM innym wyzwaniem.

1. Project must be new, created specially for our challenge.
2. You can create any project you want.
3. Project must be based on the theme of the challenge
4. The challenge last from the 6th to the 30th of November till 23:55.
5. Publish your project on your blog and add a link directly to the post (not to the whole blog) using an Inlinkz tool.
6. Please add the link and info about our challenge, where your work is 
8. You may submit as many entries as you like but each one should be in separate post.
9. By taking a part in our challenge you agree to publish your project on the Snip Art blog.
10. You can mix your project with only ONE other challenge.

We can't wait to see your projects. The best one will get 30PLN voucher to SnipArt shop www.snipart.pl
Just remember about the rules!

Zobaczcie jak z tym zadaniem poradziło sobie nasze DT.
Take a look at our DT's project.

Użyte produkty / Products used:




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