Showing posts with label Rule systems. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rule systems. Show all posts

Thursday, 5 May 2016

28MM Housing and Terrain

Hi Chaps,

This week has seen no figure painting (well half a dozen Airfix modern Brits were started) but plenty of scratch building for a modern or Zombie table. I did order twice from The Assault Group whose figures are truly world class. Why twice? Mainly because I forgot to order the pack of figures which took me to the site on the first visit! Only a small order but enough to give me a stash of figures to dip into when an opportune moment arises.

Embracing my new love of pdf's and technology I bought the "Danger Close" ruleset from Empress Miniatures. These two page rules seem very interesting and I can hardly wait to push some figures around my desk to try them out. At £1.50 I would recommend them to anyone who has an interest in modern/future will need a 20 sided dice.

The market stalls/bars are now pretty much complete and are really little more than scatter terrain as these things pop up all over the place in countries less preoccupied with health and safety and tax collection than the euro zone.

More scatter terrain was made with this toy car, 99P from a cheap shop-it was originally a police car and there were three in the pack, bargain. This model should work for breaking up lines of sight and could also be used in Zombie games-it can join the couple I made last year.

After a visit to my local burger place I restocked up on coffee stirrers which are being snipped and glued into miniature pallets, a few stacks of these can then be based and used as more scatter terrain and should not be out of place on a board representing real estate anywhere in the world.

Thanks for popping by, two more buildings should be painted by weekend and the TAG order should have arrived so it will be back to figures next week.

Keep blogging Chaps/Chicks.

Saturday, 20 February 2016

Osprey just take my money!

Hi Chaps,

It is Saturday yet again! The weeks seem to go by quicker as I get older but this week I managed to cram in one big painting session which saw six mounted figures assembled, primed, painted and based! I have never managed this before so maybe my painting has become quicker?

The figures are the very affordable Perry miniatures from their Wars of the Roses range and I have to say that I even enjoyed the snipping and gluing involved in the construction process. Another six to go and my late medieval cavalry needs will almost be complete...then onto the long bowmen.

Osprey books have produced yet another winner in the form of Lion Rampant which read very well and I am sure will be fun to use. Almost all the rule sets that I have purchased lately have been from Osprey who just seem to get their subject just right. The range covered by Osprey is growing and I can only hope that they bring out a post Apocalypse set for the inevitable Zombocalypse....come on Osprey I am relying on you (unless Warlord or Mantic do a decent job first).

The photo of my messy work station sets my skin on's a military thing but I like to have order in my little space. As soon as I publish this I am off to clean out the table and have my paints and brushes back in rank!

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

What is the best 28mm Zombie Post Apocalypse rule set?

Hi Chaps,

Can I ask what you fellows are using for modern post Apoc. type games? I am after a simple ruleset for 28mm games with my son or solo. I have FUBAR third edition and may just stick with this but the upcoming release of Warlords new sets is starting to interest me greatly.

The craft knives are out for a spot of modelling to create some 28mm buildings to go with the ones I already have, has anyone made a 28mm Hesco barrier or the move able concrete ones? I will post some pictures shortly of my new board which has been coming along slowly as real life keeps interrupting my hobby!

Keep Blogging chaps I need your ideas.

Saturday, 7 November 2015

Osprey Black Ops on the desk.

Hi Chaps,

It's been a great week! Most days are damned good but a couple of days this week got elevated to awesome. Osprey have done it again with their ruleset Black Ops which on first read through is very interesting-not because of the Black Ops nature of the game but because of the potential of the system it employs.

Anyone who has spent any amount of time in the forces knows that every task you undertake is thought out, planned and executed as cleanly and professionally as possible. Whilst I would not describe the whole scene as a Black Op most operations have the same planning....

I digress. The book is very well written and I hope that a standard war games version is published along with army lists. This system is really interesting and made me dig out some old 20mm US plastic figures to experiment with-I simply cannot afford to start another project in any other scale with Christmas on the way...bah humbug etc etc.

There is no getting away from the fact that these Chaps are cheap 20mm plastic but they have brushed up OK, there is a Bradley from Fabbri on the way as cheapo support as well. If things go well with the rules I may splash out on some Elheim figures which look incredible. Britannia (Grubby tanks) can supply the rest in the form of civilians and a T62, .

My desk is a mess at the moment which is a pet hate of mine, even the addition of a paint rack has not helped though my mood has been lifted by the arrival of some Tau figures. i do not game 40K and to be honest I only paint the miniatures to provide a change to my normal painting habits. The 40K figures are growing in number though! nearly 30 Space Marines and now Tau to go at!

The small plastic card accompanies me to car boots, charity shops and pound shops all the time....this is the second such device as the first went awol. It is 30mm tall and has small nicks in it to show 20 and 23mm....useful for measuring vehicles! This prevents me from amassing boxes full of toy cars that will never see use. I must mention that I have never found a tank suitable for 28mm in poundland yet everyone else is turning them up by the bucketload! Whats going on??

Well have a good week Chaps, I enjoy reading about your exploits, keep blogging and I hope you enjoyed getting a view of my little piece of heaven that is my painting table.

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Osprey Black Ops

Hi Chaps,

I am sure that you are all aware of the upcoming Osprey Black Ops rule book which is due for release in October? They sound amazing!  A quick read on Amazon will give you a good idea of what to expect....I have been waiting for a set of rules covering this genre for a long time....finally this could be just that set.

A project for the autumn,,,,,,,,

Friday, 3 April 2015

WarHammer Fantasy....what the hell?

Hi Chaps,

I am confused. Last year my son and I played Space Hulk many times and enjoyed every game...we fudged the odd rule here and there but it was simple enough and we got by. Buoyed by this success I dug out a very old copy of Warhammer Fantasy thinking that we could play a game or two with the figures in the box. The old rules seemed straight forward....

This was not the end though, I have a later set. The problems started when I began to read them! They made WRG 7th edition seem like DBA!! How the hell does Games Workshop sell these rules to kids? I can only imagine the endless tedious arguments and teenage angst poured out over this poorly written needlessly complicated pile of crap....and you need a book for each army!!

This is of course my own fault for buying something without researching it...but in my defense this was before the internet and I was single so I had money to I have a large Empire army which looks attractive enough but it needs a set of rules!

Any advice would be appreciated...the thought of blue tacking my figures down to cardboard is making me ill but Hordes of the Things never looked so good!

It has occurred to me that I am just thick and GW have produced a slick and easy to read manual......(oh god no)....

Friday, 18 July 2014

Well done Caliver books!

The power of Blogger has proved itself to me yet again. At last I am the proud owner of "At Close Quarters" (3rd Edition) and I must give praise to Caliver books for amazing service. My copy arrived the day after I ordered it!! I am pretty damned impressed with the speed my copy arrived-in fact I am taken aback...if you need a book check Caliver out because it will arrive quickly.

To try the rules out I have been painting some 20mm plastics by Caesar...what started as a handful has morphed into something far larger than I intended. The plastic Brits are now (if you use Rapid Fire type units) a full battalion with heavy weapons support and transport from Britannia....and the "bad guys" are growing in number with an order from Elhiem planned.

My dimming eyesight will probably make regular 20mm gamers shudder but on the table they will pass off as adequate, I have coated the figures with a generous amount of PVA before and after painting so they are fairly solid but they do have a certain sheen to them. Initially these plastic chaps were a stop gap to be replaced with fine quality 28mm the moment I won the Euro lottery but actually they are growing on me. Suddenly lists of 20mm moderns by various manufacturers are becoming very interesting.

Thanks for all the help in tracking down the rules...Ever Victorious Armies next, to be viewed alone in a dimmed room with a fine wine, internet and visa card.

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Solo Wargaming

Hi Chaps,

It has been some time since I did the D and D thing but I think that just for the amount of effort put into this project we should give it a look.

As a game thi would be ideal to drop into and I wish it well. Kickstarter is an excellent concept for those of us trying to get our work out to the general gaming community...

Thanks for looking.

Friday, 24 January 2014

Back when Games Workshop was cool!

Hi Chaps,

there has been a few days delay with this post because my router snuffed it and I had to buy a replacement....and then wait for it to arrive. Still on the bright side I have super fast broadband now!

Is anyone old enough to remember when GW was cool? I have their early rule sets including the first Warhammer 40 000 which is actually a very good game. Everything changes though, a recent visit to their shop in Preston was a revelation...all the paints have changed names again and the prices are just a joke....such a pity as this was once a good company.

It seems that this may be a year for experimenting with rules, IHMN are excellent fun but Force on Force is a total let down. Buckets of strange dice and the initiative changes make me dizzy. Also where does one buy all the good 1/72 stuff from?

World aflame is interesting and I may use it for some Back of Beyond games, it struck me as old scool in the record keeping department, not as good as Contemptible Little Armies though.

For inspiration if you can get hold of White Dwarf 360 (December 2009) there is an article entitled "Old War Stories". For me this article really captures what war gaming is an army evolves and why certain characters and units develop the way that they do. In fact I was so inspired by re reading this that I went straight to games workshop to buy some figures. Only to come straight back out again when I saw the prices!

Keep blogging Chaps, I missed you all!