Friday, December 1, 2006

It's my birthday!!!'s my "blogging" birthday.
I've decided that I like that better than "blogaversery". Did I even spell that right?

Anyway, today is the birthday of my blog. I've had so much fun blogging this past year....I've become addicted to it.


Ask my daughters. They'll tell you. ;-)

...and because I spend so much time doing this......

I've decided that there will be none of this.....

this year!


  1. Well Happy Blog Birthday!!! What a year of entertainment it's been!

    I'm thinking about not putting up a tree either but the kiddos keep calling me Scrooge.

  2. Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday dear Miss Pissy's Blog called "Southern Circle of Hell",
    Happy Birthday to you!

    That third line was a mouthful!

  3. Has it been a year? I guess that it has.

    Let me tell you Pissy, we have like NO decor up yet. Pain is the a, isn't it?1

  4. Happy birthday Pissy's blog. I think your rigth about blogeversery, it sounds too much like slavery, and god knows that none of us are slaves to our blogs.

  5. Happy birthanniversary, or whatever it's called! You've been one of my faves ever since I found you! Here's to many more years of blogging from you!

  6. No fainting over a dimly lit and dying tree? Good call.

    Happy Birthday.

  7. Happy blog-a-birthday. What did you get me?


  8. Holy Shit you crazy old woman you've only been blogging for a year? Damn. You are so good at it. And everyone loves you. You were a quick learner.

  9. happy blog-aversary...I'm addicted to your blog too.


  10. Happy Fake Birthday Pissy!!!

    May you, Buster, and lil momo be filled with joy!!

  11. Congratulations!

    Keep on, keeping on...

  12. blog with pride, lassy

    blog with pride


    pleased to know you through this time

  13. Congratulations Pissy! My tree is up year a pencil tree....I just change the decorations at Christmas time!!

  14. Congrats on your birthday! PARTY! The next round is on me!

  15. Happy Blog Birthday! And I must say, you don't look a day over 3 months.

  16. Yippee! Happy blog birthday Pissy! :)

  17. I'm bad at remembering anniversaries.

  18. A big happy birthday to your blog, Big Pissy! Time and space have a different meaning in the blogosphere.

  19. Happy Birthday Pissy girl. Ah, to be one year old again. I can just imagine....shit I can't get a year in before someone starts the fucking stalking and I have to stop the one thing I enjoy

  20. Damn, I wish I looked as good as that cartoon chick in her pseudo hooker boots. *sigh*

    Now, get your damn tree UP!

  21. Awe c'mon, at least break out the tree!!!!

    Happy Birthday, that is quite a commitment!

  22. Happy Birthday!!!! None of what? Wearing clothes in front of the tree?? Awesome.

  23. Happy blogging birthday, you southern firecracker, you!

    You are an inspiration. May you blog for a hundred and one more years!

  24. jenn: Thanks! Bless your heart, you've been with me since the beginning. :)

    I'm not putting up a tree b/c we're not going to be home.

    dan: Thank you so much for that special song.

    Especially the third line. ;-)

    nwg: It has.

    I'm not putting up ANY decor. I'm worn out from just doing normal decor.

    corky: My blog thanks you.

    and of course we're not slaves to our blogs....


    kc: Thank you! That is so sweet! :)

    limpy: exactly!


    jef: "blog-a-birthday"...I like it!

    I got you tickes to the lastest Victoria's Secret Fashion show.

    Didn't you get them?

    hotlipz: I thought you knew I'd only been blogging for a while....

    guess you're not as much of a fan as I thought, huh?

    jerr: Thanks!
    ...and since you're addicted too, maybe we should form a support group ;-)

    hippo: thank you so much!

    Lil Momo and Buster say "thanks" too!

    monk: thanks, buddy!

    cad: I intend to....and I've enjoyed getting to know you through this time too.

    mimi: thanks! :)

    catch: thanks!

    Keeping the tree up all year is probably the easiest way to go :)

    paul: Thanks! I'll have a coke! :)

    sunshine: Thank you ever so much! *batting eyelashes* *LOL*

    burr-ee-toe: thanks!! :)

    j r : no tree only b/c I'll be in Atlanta for chirstmas... :)

    mist: me too. I had to look it up.

    arc: Thanks! and I think you're right about that time/space thingy ;-)

    babygirl: Thanks! All your blogging "difficulties" suck! I'm glad no one is interested in me enough to stalk me! *lol*

    buddha girl: me too.....

    GaBelle is putting up two trees this year.

    We'll just pretend one is mine. ;-)

    bid: re: tree...see above ^^

    and thanks! I really enjoy it. :)

    rat: thanks! and there will be no nakedness in front of the tree for me...thankyouverymuch! ;-)

    library mama: Awww...that's so sweet! Thanks! :)

    sam: thanks, sweetie! :)

    beady: thank you! :)

  25. Happy Blog Birthday Pissy!:)

    I remember your blog birth and the many changes you've gone through with it and reading the many changes in your life as well.

    I'm happy you joined the blogworld and your posts are part of my regular blog reading.
    Thanks for the laughs and great posts this past year.

  26. top cat: I have been through some changes, haven't I? With my blog and with my life....and you've been there for all of them.

    Thanks for sticking with me. :)

  27. Such a lovely cake!

    And a very happy b'day to you!


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