Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Maid in Hell

I LOVE my new casa.


So does Sweet Man.

We both revel in how spacious it is....how airy....how bright and shiny and new .....the three full baths..... the huge walk-in shower with the dual shower heads and the glass block window.....the fact that you can go to the bathroom and no one else in the house has to know.....the wet bar, the granite counter tops, the hardwood floors, the 5 sets of French doors, the fire pit, the decks, the covered patio.....

All that.

Do we love cleaning it?

Not so much.

Suzy Q warned me that I'd get tired of cleaning a house that is almost 1000 square fit bigger than the original casa de Pissy.

She was right.

I love decorating it, shopping for just the right things for it, making it look just the way I want it to look....

You know.

All the fun stuff.

I may have to go back to work so I can afford a maid.


  1. I hate housework. As soon as you finish, you have to start all over again!

  2. I'll do it if I can wear a pink French maid outfit...

  3. loops: Exactly! and I'm one of those people who wants it too look clean all the time. Which is almost impossible unless you clean everyday. Which I don't want want to do. :(

    Mr. Fab: I have JUST the outfit for you!

  4. I am the only person I know who looked for a tiny kitchen. I'm not cleaning what I'm not going to use.

  5. House sounds great!! I just discovered your blog a couple days ago...very good, very funny. I see Mr. Fab likes it too. :-)

  6. I was gonna suggest a maid. I'll be your live in maid, as long as I get my own bathroom :)

  7. mist: Why would you need a kitchen anyway? Make all those guys take you out to eat! ;-)

    stan: Aw...thank you! I hope you'll continue to visit. Mr. Fab and I go waaaaaaayyyyy back! ;-)

    nonny: Deal! Which bathroom do you want?

  8. I like things to look clean too... Doesn't have to be spotless all the time, but living in filth and clutter makes me feel tense.

    My husband likes coffee, bread, and cooking with olive oil. I wish he'd wipe off the fucking counter more often. The kitchen is always covered in crumbs, stains, and splatters.


  9. something you might want to read
    it is something you ought to read.
    don't stop halfway. if you consider yourself a friend of the person, you need to read it through.

  10. Boo fucking hoo. Come clean my 400 square feet.

  11. There is only two of you. How dirty does your house get?

  12. loops: Ack! Not wiping off counters is a pet peeve of mine! I mean: how long does it take?!? :(

    anonymous: You leave comments here about Cad. I read them. You've given me a link to someone who did a post trashing Cad. I read it.

    Now I'm asking you nicely to leave me alone.

    Thank you.

    rat: Oh no. I'm not feeling sorry for your 400 sq feet. You live in California. You probably pay as much for your 400 sq feet as I do for my 2500 sq ft in Hell.

    pud: I think the 3 dogs contribute to it. Although it's muuuuuucccchhh easier to clean than the old casa because it's so much newer. There's just so much more of it. I love it.

    I'm just lazy!

  13. My Mother had a huge ranch house in our town here...it was just too much for her...the upkeep, the lawn...all of it. My brother bought it....my poor SIL is already complaining about all the cleaning and upkeep that goes with it...lol...and I dont blame her.My house is much smaller...I call it the Nest. Just a 2 bedroom bungalow that I can run the sweeper and dust in a zip! My Mother is always amazed ( since she moved in with me) at how fast we can get this place ship shape..big houses are nice...till you have to clean them! lol

  14. I'm supposed to be cleaning out the spare bedroom right now, but I'd rather post comments on blogs. How's the water pressure in your bathrooms? That's the first thing I look at when I'm hunting for a place to live.

  15. I like the place to look nice but find cleaning BORING. of course that may be due to the fact that its all I have to do all day.

    Our new apartment has a new vanity unit, new carpets and floors so I want them to stay nice but the bath is just horrible. There are all these tiny scratches in the bottom of it- it never looks clean> :|

  16. Um yeah... a lot harder to keep up. TOo bad that I despise the thought of stangers touching my things?! My casa would be a LOT cleaner too...

  17. I used to live in a big house, wtih 3 dogs and I felt like I was sweeping, swiffering and vacuuming all the time.

    Oh, and I think I figured out my blog problem with your Dell...I tried to look at my blog through the Firefox-Mozilla Browser and I couldn't see it either...Were you using Mozilla? Or am I speaking in tongues here?

  18. My cleaning lady had her husband need medical care, so I lost her. Personally, I think she went the ol' Munchausen Syndrom by Proxy so she could stop cleaning here. Because my big ass house with four kids in it is a bitch to keep clean.
    I want her back.
    Excuse me while I go in a corner, curl up in the fetal position, and whimper.

  19. I probably shouldn't admit this, but when we lived in the old house, I never cleaned it except if I knew someone was coming over. No kidding. It was a hell-hole and I hated it so I wasn't the least bit interested in keeping it clean.

    But the new house.... as soon as I walk in the door each day after work, I vacuum, wipe counters, clean potties. No kidding. My son thinks an alien has switched places with me.

  20. Are the maids where you live all named Rosa, Lupe and Maria, like they are here? Haha... I think my mom's got all those incorporated into her full name somehow. Why do our people feel the need for 10 names???

  21. catch: your house sounds like my original casa. I loved it and it was so cute. But would have needed major remodeling to make us happy. And our yard there was HUGE!

    corky: our water pressure is excellent. I also look for that. Nothing as bad as no water pressure. :(

    pixie: I know what you mean about the boredom. and like loops said: as soon as you finish, you have to start all over again.

    I had a kitchen floor like that before we put the ceramic tile in. Tiny scratches from the dog's paws. I could mop it everyday and it still didn't look clean. :(

    nwg: I thought of that. But if I was here when they cleaned, I might not mind it so much.

    j r: That sounds like me! I dustmop everyday!

    I use Mozilla on both my laptop and desktop. So I don't know why it is that I can't see your blog from my laptop.... :(

    sunshine: a big ass house AND four kids would scare me away if I was a cleaning lady. Maybe you should try to entice her back with a raise. ;-)

    kc: That is so funny! I kept my original casa as clean as possible...but I never felt like it was clean. It had old aluminum windows and was always dusty and had mildew on the window sills....YUCK! I don't miss that AT ALL! At least when I clean here it looks clean!

    burr-ee-toe: No. None of them. All of our people here work at the chicken plants. Or not at all.

    And I could never understand that string of names our people saddled their kids with. I only have two: a first name and a middle name. And neither of them are any variation of Maria, Lupe or Rosa. ;-)

  22. I dont trust maids.....they are evil lol


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