Monday, December 11, 2006

The youngest one there.....

I should has suspected something when Sweet Man said we were meeting at the restaurant for dinner at 5:00 p.m........

Sweet Man and I went to an anniversary dinner Saturday night for one of his best golf buddies and his wife.

It was their 45th anniversary.

Considering they were both 16 when they got married.....they're not that old. Relatively speaking....

We get to the large back booth where the party had been seated, and it looked like a scene from the movie 'Cocoon'. and women alike~had gray or white hair. Well....the men who still had hair.

And the women! Serious polyester, granny hair, granny glasses....I'm talking Hallmark granny, y'all! Not the cool grandmothers you see on tv these days.

I was really shocked. I knew these people had older friends, but this old?!?!?

One couple there had been married 48 years.

Another couple had been married for 40 years and had 7 children, 17 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren.

The oldest lady there was married on December 7, 1941.

Pearl Harbor Day.

She was nineteen years old at the time.

I'm going to be 50 in a couple of weeks and for the first time in a long time.....I felt really young.


  1. I LOVE the movie Cocoon. LOVE IT. By the way, you don't even look close to 50 and 50 isn't old.

  2. Did you show them how the younger generation like yourself are keepin it real??!?!?!

    Should have rounded everybody up and ran the group thru the local tattoo parlor for kicks.

    Then again, someone would have gotten confused and had "I Like Ike" tattooed on their ass.....

  3. j r: It's a great movie, isn't it?

    I don't consider 50 to be's just that the majority of my friends are 10 to 15 to 20 years younger than I am.

    So I'm usually the oldest one when we get together.

    sunshine: Oh yeah! ;-)

    I actually felt like an exhibit in a zoo or museum....they kept looking at me and marveling at the fact that I was only 5 years old when the guests of honor were married.

    "I like Ike" *LOL*

  4. LOL, that's hilarious! Thanks for filling out that questionnaire for me!

  5. Take this post down. Lie about your age. I would have never guessed.

  6. "I should has suspected something when Sweet Man said we were meeting at the restaurant for dinner at 5:00 p.m........"

    I love the early bird special! Really only because of the schedule I keep. Plus I really hate waiting for a table.

  7. "I should has suspected something when Sweet Man said we were meeting at the restaurant for dinner at 5:00 p.m........"

    I love the early bird special! Really only because of the schedule I keep. Plus I really hate waiting for a table.

  8. 50? NO WAY!


    You could pass for a LOT younger!

  9. I just realized that my husband may very well favor Don Amichi when he's that age. He already has that hairline.

  10. You keep forgetting ...50 is the new 30!

  11. I think this age group is a LOT more fun to be around than people my age. They have lived through so much and have great values.


  12. There is no way in hell I will look as good as you when I am fifty. Excuse me, forty-nine. So what is the secret?

    Ever see Death Becomes Her?

  13. Cocoon was a great movie. Tnat one alien chick was hot as hell.

  14. So I saw a commercial last night that the Real Housewives of the OC Season 2 starts on Jan. 16. Happy Day!

    Hot Lips

  15. I can no longer imagine being the youngest at any gathering! You must have felt good to be at that celebration!

  16. Old people are funny though because they have some really funny stories to tell. I also like old people because they always tell me how pretty I am. I'm such a sucker for someone who tells me that I'm pretty.

  17. wow. bet that felt awesome! did you learn anything? cuz i would have been asking all KINDS of questions... with a pad in hand to take down some stories.

  18. Plus, you're a hot Latina! You're skin will probably not age very much at all.

  19. You are young, ding bat.

    Those are some might impressive number of years. WOW! That is always so refreshing to hear. Thanks for sharing.

  20. samantha: I'm sure the look on my face was hilarious.

    and you're welcome. :)

    mist: nah...I never hide my age. No point in it. ;-)

    phats: It's a great movie. I don't consider 50 old either. ;-)

    corky: getting to the restaurant early does insure getting a table.

    So that IS an upside. ;-)

    mr fab: yep. 50. I've been told I could pass for younger, but with a 28 year old daughter, how young could I go? *LOL*

    fridaysweb: I think Don Amichi is a nice looking man (or he still alive?). :)

    catch: I know! ;-)

    jef: I tried to get the Pearl Harbor lady to tell me some stories, but she was really quiet. :(

    bid: I have seen Death Becomes Her.... *LOL*

    If I look younger than I am, it has to be genetics. Because I've spent waaaaaayyyy too much time in the sun. ;-

    bostick: It was a good movie. I don't remember the alien chick. I'll have to watch it again and get back to you on that. ;-)

    hotlipz: yeah, but they're not all coming back!

    St. Nick: It was surreal, actually.

    Thanks for stopping by. :)

    burr-ee-toe: they were all very nice and some of them were funny.

    Anytime somebody tells you that you're pretty is a good time. ;-)

    melanie: I wish I could have gotten them to tell some stories, but they mostly wanted to get drunk. ;-)

    phoenix: Maybe the Latina thing will pay off...we'll see. ;-)

    rat: I don't think I'm old...I'm just usually the oldest person among my friends.

    It was so impressive to me to meet people who'd stayed married for so long. That takes a lot of work!

  21. As far as I could tell, it was just the one lady that isn't coming back, the cancer lady from Baltimore. And she's being replaced by somebody who may or may not be interesting. She was my least favorite so who cares about her.

    Hot Lips

  22. Hee.
    I hope none of them ever read your blog with the descriptions you gave of them ;)

  23. hotlipz: she was my least favorite too. But I do wonder why she's not coming back. maybe they didn't ask her?

    pixie: Love your new avatar! Precious! :)

    heh! For the most part, I doubt that they'd know what a "blog" is. And I didn't make up anything about how they look...... ;-)

  24. Actually, I don't know too many old people. Just my grandma and I stay away from her as much as possible because she's crazy as a loon.

    I'm younger than you but you look much younger than me. You inherited great genes!

  25. kc: I didn't realize how many elderly people I knew until recently.... All the ones I know are sane. ;-)

    You look great! I've seen the pictures! :)

  26. Did your butt get hot when you got up to go to the bathroom? That's cause all the grandaddy's was oogling your go girl!

  27. naughty girl: I didn't get up once! I was afraid I'd miss some of the excitement! ;-)

    Thanks for stopping by. :)

  28. Nothing like hanging out with some old timers to make one feel fresh as a daisy.


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