Showing posts with label bah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bah. Show all posts

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Artist, War Horse, meh

Just back from watching The Artist and must confess to deep disappointment. And I say this not only because it's up for all those Oscars and has swept all the other awards until now into its little kitty. What was the fuss about, really?

Yeah, it has clever, nice tips of the hat to Sunset Boulevard ("I never loved you, Norma") and Singin' on the Rain, and ok, I get that the dog is cute, but dear god, what a waste of an opportunity! It's even reasonably clever in the use of limited sync sound, and the moments when it chooses to be self-referential ("I won't speak. I won't say a word" is the very first inter title, very appropriately) such as the restaurant scene when Miller - her back to Valentine - is being interviewed. Despite all that, it's a dull film.

I think the reason it failed is because it looks for inspiration and pays homage to a very self-conscious cinema at the adolescence of the sound era that harks back to its own (very-recent) history when it should have been looking to silent cinema. It had Murnau, Stroheim, Keaton (and yes, Harold Lloyd) to drawn on and it ignored all of them in favour of - what? No, really, what? - nothing very special.

Not even the gag that averted the suicide at the end raised a laugh in the audience (though I'll concede there were some chuckles) and that told me everything I needed to know. That laugh was supposed to be the post-climactic tension-relieving laughter and the hall was mostly silent. It's not that the audience didn't get it; it's that they clearly didn't care enough to need the relief of laughter afterwards.

Imagine the same scene in the hands of Griffith.

There were other annoying things about the film: Miller's inspired solution to the problem of a silent film star making it in the new world was not just implausible, it was also unbelievably providential. And the idea came to We are given no clue. And the nice, feudal driver who refuses to be sacked and turns up every time afterwards when he's needed most? Sickening. Even Valentine's shadow had a more independent existence.

I want to say, In those days we had films.

This was just a fast-fading nap-time dream.


I realise this might be the time to get War Horse out of the way. What can I say? It was vintage Spielberg. The kid loved it, it hit all the emotional and plot arcs we're told are necessary. It wrung my son's heart and elated him and I suppose that's a good thing. It was this generation's International Velvet.

Me, I was mostly unmoved. Actually, strike that. All those blood-red susets (which, as Baradwaj Rangan rightly pointed out, were pure Gone With the Wind) and backlit trenches that made war and its aftermath look immensely beautiful, made me ill. And all those good people! I mean, it makes you ask how there ever was a war when everyone was so fucking nice all the time.

For me, again, meh. (Though the kid loved the film).

Monday, February 20, 2012

treasure hunting

Come on all you Indiana Joneses, gather your tool kits, your crystal skull cases, gold dust magnets and divining rods - there are treasures to be unearthed at schools. Here be natives! And WWII bunkers! And almirahs filled with jools!


This thing erupted over the weekend so it turns out that the kid has a loooong weekend. In the meantime, the football field, the hillside, the trees on it, the birds, everything is going, going, gone. All because some 'prominent' citizens, as yet unnamed, along with a couple of masons from the hotel next door (who claim to have seen with 'their own eyes'; why they forgot to say their 'own two eyes' history will leave unrecorded) claim there's treasure somewhere on the hill.

What this has to do with archaeology I don't know. Perhaps the government just failed to create a Dept. of Treasure Hunting at the time, and now has to farm it out to slightly-related departments.

Bah, I say.

In other news, the informants have claimed one fifth of the treasure under some 1878 act. Spaniard Smells a Huge, Stonking, Mutant-Sized Rat.

Friday, August 05, 2011

sob and moan

You'd think rearranging bookshelves is a matter of joy. Bah, I say.

I have discovered missing books, among them Dubravka Ugresic's The Museum of Unconditional Surrender and Kolatkar's The Boatride and Other Poems.

I am in a very bad mood. Also, I find I cannot write the reviews I must.

Oh, plus three rejection slips in as many weeks. 

Somebody give me some good news.

Friday, April 29, 2011


I've lost the keys to my office.
That's all.*


*Only, not.

Friday, August 06, 2010

Just 'cause

You've seen that notorious Time cover?

A long way down the road from why the US went to Afghanistan in the first place, we have now arrived at where, apparently, Aisha is one reason why they should stay. Or so (many of ) the folks in this comments stream seem to think.

Here's what the cover could have looked like.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Comment moderation on

Some spam bot has found my blog and is annoying the heck out of me. And here I was, thinking I was getting two comments every couple of hours.

So comment moderation is now on, about which apologies.

Sunday, July 04, 2010

Epic Stupid

I can't believe how stupid I have been. I have just realised that I will be on a train on the night of the World Cup finals. When the schedule said 12th July, I didn't read the fine print (12 midnight=11th night). So I booked for the 11th.

This means I will (very likely) miss watching Germany pick up the cup this year (there's my prediction for you. No, I'm not channeling Paul, but I wish he were mine).


Thursday, June 03, 2010

Top Kill or Bottom Nuke?

Since the top-kill (a phrase that needs a post all to itself) has failed, BP now wants to nuke the well. 


Of course the US disagrees. Spills need to be in other backyards before bad ideas begin to look like good ones. (Though, of course, one hopes no one considers it an 'option' in Nigeria or elsewhere.)

Maybe they should consider the worst case scenario.

Monday, January 04, 2010

year end lists

(this is not a post; just a sort-of observation with no links attached)

All these best of the decade posts - notice how most of what's called 'the best' tends to fall within the last year or so? Either we have short memories (that they're unreliable goes without saying) or every day, in every way, the world is getting better and better.


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

to the noughtie listers

The decade ends next year, ok?

Saturday, April 26, 2008


I'm bored.

I'm bored of my books, I'm bored with this blog, with all blogs, with writing, with reading.

There was a terrible play last night that is just waiting to be ripped into. There was that wasted day at the mall while we waited to watch Horton, and when we went in the theatre smelled of pee (did someone take their ickle precious to a horror film, then?).

And when all's done, there's always the rich seam of newspaper hilarity to be mined.

But none of it moves me.

I guess I'll see ya'll when I see y'all.

(One of these days I will learn to leave unannounced.)