Tuesday, November 27, 2007


I just opened The Official Steve the Penguin Store at CafePress.com! Featured above is one of the premiere items in the Steve the Penguin collection. It's my favorite shirt so far, but there will be more soon. For now, enjoy the other pieces that are also available:



TV Fan said...
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xxxx said...

Cute!!! I like them!

Bianca Reagan said...

As soon as I figure out what I want to say.

Thanks, swishy!

Chrissy said...

Nice shirts!

I can't wait for your book! So excited!

Citygirl said...

I signed up at that place two years ago and still haven't gotten my shit together enough to put anything up for sell. You are way more ambitious than I am! Looks good ;)

Bianca Reagan said...

chrissy, I'm excited too!

citygirl, thank you!

Catherine Avril Morris said...

Yay, congratulations! And I love the baseball shirt style. Woo-hoo!

Bianca Reagan said...

Thank you, catherine! My Mummy thinks they look like penguins.