Showing posts with label Cathies Cupboard and Crafts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cathies Cupboard and Crafts. Show all posts

Monday, June 28, 2010

Monday, June 21, 2010

O Sweet Mortal

I've also been working on O Sweet Mortal. Last night I got sick of tent stitch and cross stitch so picked up An Open Heart again - only to find I was up to a band that was all cross stitch, so I got to do cross stitch anyway. I'll show the picture of that when I finish the band - for now here's O Sweet Mortal.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

O Sweet Mortal

I've finished the first page. Well technically it's the second as the first was blank. But then the first was about 3 rows deep, and the second isn't a full page either. Still it feels like an achievement anyway.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

O Sweet Mortal

I've been working a little bit on this - just cos I wanted to. I'm actually starting to put some real colour in rather than just the inside of the cloak.

I'm going to take this with me to the Harrogate Knitting and Stitching Show to work on if I get a chance. I'm going to be helping on the Sparklies stand on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, which I'm looking forward to. I chose this one to take partly because it's got it's own bag for carrying and partly because it's on Sparklies fabric. I'm probably going to regret choosing it later because of the size, but hey, at least it might get more stitched on it, even if only in the evenings.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

O Sweet Mortal

Well, here it is restarted:

I haven't done as much yet as I had done (I had pretty much all the centre of what I've done now filled in), but I'll get there.

Friday, August 15, 2008

O Sweet Mortal

I had almost half a page done on this - so a lot more than what the last picture was - I should have taken a photo but didn't think of it - when I discovered I'd started in the wrong place. So I've unpicked it all and am starting again. Well actually I unpicked some, started again, and then unpicked the rest. Somehow it wasn't as disheartened that way as I never got back to a completely blank canvas. And at least I had only stitched the small amount that I had - it could have been worse.

Monday, August 04, 2008

O Sweet Mortal

I recently started O Sweet Mortal (Cathie Farr / Cathies Cupboard and Crafts) as the new Sparklies fabric arrived (28ct Sparkling Glacier).

It looks a bit dark and dull at the moment as I started in the bottom corner like usual and it's the inside of the guys cloak.