Showing posts with label Crazy Quilting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crazy Quilting. Show all posts

Monday, October 22, 2012

Some finishes and some updates

I've finally been stitching again in the last couple of weeks or so and have some progress to show.

First are a couple of ASG (Austin Stitchery Guild) projects that I started and finished at the meetings - a beaded Christmas Bell, and a patch for the crazy quilt project.

At the Antique Sampler satellite meeting you get a pin for every project you finish and bring for show and tell, so since I finished the bell at that meeting I got my first pin (they provide the pin cushion too):

Now for some progress pictures.

Tree of Stitches:

Happily Ever After (not so happily lagging in progress):

And Stained Glass Sampler:

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A couple more finishes

Today I've got two more finishes to show you - the first is my bag. I only broke 5 sewing machine needles getting it together. Afterwards the instructor and I came up with a few different ways we could have done it differently so the poor needles didn't have such a hard time getting through all the layers (6+ layers of pre-quilted fabric gets rather thick) - still it all goes into the experience to learn from for next time.

Then I attended my first EGA meetings this month (my local chapter meets a number of times a month for different things. The main meeting has just started a series on crazy quilts, so we did our first block this month and here's mine:

The other meeting I went to was the sampler satellite where we had a talk about whitework which was very interesting and has got me wanting to pull out my Ukrainian Whitework book and find a project to do. But I'm being good and waiting - although I'm thinking that would be a good project to take to the sampler satellite each month, so I may end up starting it just for that purpose.

I've also almost finished the things for school - just as well as the last day is Wednesday, so I'll show that to you soon when they are finished finished.