Well it's a beautiful Saturday Afternoon .. The Sun is shining bright ..and well I have to admit it's Hot .. it's in the 90's here today and supposed to reach well near 100 degrees over the next few days.
So needless to say I'm staying inside.
It's been an amazingly busy week .. It seems for us it tends to be that way leading up to any special day or Holiday ..and Mother's Day is one of those busy times for us. In fact I got so busy that I had Jury Duty starting this last Monday .. and I completely forgot to call in until "Thursday" Night .. I was in a bit of a panic .. I didn't know what happened if you didn't call in and all I could think was "is there a warrant out for my arrest ?" .. you can laugh but that's what I thought. Well I called that night and it said to appear at 8:00 a.m. any morning within so many days at the courthouse .. So needless to say I wasn't waiting around ..Friday Morning I was at the courthouse at 8 sharp. I found out that I had to sit and wait to see if I would be called to serve that morning and the great thing was that being it was Friday they don't generally start trials so we were released by 10:30 yesterday morning. So now I'm good ..until they send me another summons ..which they send quite often .. I get them 2 to 3 times a year ..
So today I finally have a few minutes to just sit down and blog .. and thought this was a good time to share this week's "Free Printable"
This is such a sweet sweet Antique Advertising Card ...
With a Cute little Kitten in a woven basket ..
I also extracted the cat in the basket by itself ..for your pleasure and it can be found on the printables page for your pleasure !
Wishing you all Sunshine Dreams ....