Many of you know my Flossie girl from the day she first came home to be my sweet fur baby .. to 3 yrs later when she became sick with AIHA ( Auto Immune Hemolytic Anemia).
For those of you that don't know .. Flossie is my four legged fur baby ... She's a beautiful English Springer Spaniel and she's now 6 yrs old. In Flossies 3rd yr she became ill with AIHA an auto immune disease which she had a less than 50% chance of surviving. She beat the odds and lived through and is now 3 yrs in remission. With AIHA it's much like cancer in the since that it can come back at any time what is referred to relapsing.
Well prior to Flossie getting AIHA .. she started having severe allergies and after she went through the AIHA for 1 yr and came off all meds her allergies were as bad if not worse. I was at a loss for what to do with her for the first year so the poor thing broke out in hives ended up with skin infections, lost tons of hair, chewed herself raw, eyes poured down her face, ear infections, and more and I would have to medicate her sores with antibiotic cream, cortisone cream and then cover with powder to get relief and healing, I was even using Gold Bond powder on her daily to help calm the itch which worked to a degree. It was absolutely horrible for her and agonizing to watch her go through after going through such a horrible disease and making it through only to live in a constant state of itching.
Some might be thinking why not put her on an allergy med from the vet. A - she has an immune system that over reacts so adding meds to her life isn't a good choice for her. B - I have learned through her disease how to treat ailments naturally and it works... sometimes it takes longer but it works and with no nasty and horrible side effects that are short lived or long lasting from man made medications.
So this last year I went on a search to see what I could find to help with her allergies, Some wrote to switch to a grain free raw food diet .. check mark already done she eats a whole food raw diet for 2 yrs now... and allergies were still an issue, another things was to use Colostrum, check mark again I had used that for over a yr, another suggestion was Quercitin with bromelaine check mark again and still no help. So I found one last natural option that I hadn't tried and that was Organic unfiltered all Natural "LOCAL" Wildflower Honey. I found a great article by: The Ottawa Valley Dog whisperer all about Honey, the different kinds of honey, what not to use, what to use, and how can read that article HERE
All Natural Honey has bits of pollen from the local flowers and grasses etc .. when it's ingested it causes the body to build immunity to those pollens and takes away the allergic reaction .. at least that's how I explain it in my simple persons terms.
So about 12 weeks ago just before spring kicked in I headed to a local shop HONEY HEAVEN that sells local honey. Told them what I needed Organic unfiltered all natural Wildflower Honey and they carried it. I bought a bottle and started Flossie on the amount that was recommended in the article. Now it was a wait and see what was going to happen when all the trees and flowers and grass decided to bloom and spread all that pollen. Well they bloomed and the pollen was heavy this year my car went from charcoal grey to a bright green yellow fuzz and I came down with some massive sneezing, eye watering, sore throat, and overall tiredness from it all myself .. But my sweet Flossie girl hasn't had any itching at all, no chewing, no hives no nothing well I take that back she has the slightest watery eyes but nothing severe like she was. So I think we have the allergy issue solved naturally and I'm so so happy for her.
I wanted to share this in case you have a sweet little four legged friend that could use some allergy relief. In hopes that if you've tried other things including vet meds and they haven't worked this just might be the thing that does.
Sweet Blessings
Sweet Blessings