All ...
Well we have been on standby mode all week not knowing if we were going to make it in the end to The Vintage Marketplace at the Oaks ..and today we got the green light !
As I mentioned in my last post things have been a bit back and forth for us lately due to family illnesses. One being my Dad .. He's still not well .. but he's a trooper and want to come help me at the market so as long as he is up to it he'll be there as always to help out ..
I thought I would give you all one last sneek peek ..
Of our 2013 version of our Sweet Magnolias Farm "Farmhouse Pumpkins" ...
We will have a limited amount of these this year. Abbey is hard at work still getting them ready it's been very last minute for her with all that's been going on with my dad ..
Come Join us Friday Morning .. Gates open at 9:00 a.m. ...
Oh and P.S. we won't be in our normal space under the trees ! But don't worry you can't miss us .. we'll be greeting you all this time right at the entrance ...Look for the Vintage Truck and there you'll find us !
Hugs and Blessings to you All !