Showing posts with label Az-Zumar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Az-Zumar. Show all posts

Friday, 18 April 2014

doa penghapus sel kanser

Lapan surah ini diamalkan dan dibaca untuk memusnahkan sel-sel barah kanser. Jika pesakit dapat membacanya lagi baik. Jika tak terdaya atau kurang baik bacaannya maka boleh minta suami, ayah, ibu atau orang lain membaca untuknya. Selok-eloknya sebelum memulakan bacaan surah dibawah : 

1. Istighfar 10x. 
2. Salawat Nabi 10x. 
3. Al-Fatihah 1x. 

Sediakan sebotol secukupnya air yang bersih lagi suci dan setiap kali habis surah dibaca, ditiupkan kepada air. Pesakit dinasihat minum air bacaan tiap-tiap hari dan sapu/mandi pada anggota yang kena barah kanser. InsyaAllah kerana sakit dan sembuh semua kekuasaanNya.

1. Surah Al Maidah (Ayat 82-91). 
2. Surah Al Araf (Ayat 70-81). 
3. Surah Ar Ra’d (Ayat 16-28). 
4. Surah Al Anbiyaa’ (Ayat 38-50). 
5. Surah Asy Syu’ara (Ayat 185-227). 
6. Surah Az Zummar (Ayat 42-52). 
7. Surah Ghafir (Ayat 67-77). 
8. Surah Az Zukhruf (Ayat 52-70).

Kepada pembaca tolong sebarkan kepada ahli keluarga dan saudara yang sedang mengidap penyakit kanser. Semoga dengan menolong mereka yang sakit, akan juga mendapat pahala dari bacaannya serta pahala kerana menolong sesama hamba yang benar-benar memerlukan pertolongan dan penyembuhan dari-Nya.

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Friday, 4 April 2014

6 ayat yang terkait dengan Semestinya


QS. Al-An'aam (Al-An'am) [6] : ayat 91
[6:91] Dan mereka tidak menghormati Allah dengan penghormatan yang semestinya, di kala mereka berkata: "Allah tidak menurunkan sesuatu pun kepada manusia". Katakanlah: "Siapakah yang menurunkan kitab (Taurat) yang dibawa oleh Musa sebagai cahaya dan petunjuk bagi manusia, kamu jadikan kitab itu lembaran-lembaran kertas yang bercerai-berai, kamu perlihatkan (sebagiannya) dan kamu sembunyikan sebagian besarnya, padahal telah diajarkan kepadamu apa yang kamu dan bapak-bapak kamu tidak mengetahui(nya) ?" Katakanlah: "Allah-lah (yang menurunkannya)", kemudian (sesudah kamu menyampaikan Al Quran kepada mereka), biarkanlah mereka bermain-main dalam kesesatannya.
[6:91] And they do not assign to Allah the attributes due to Him when they say: Allah has not revealed anything to a mortal. Say: Who revealed the Book which Musa brought, a light and a guidance to men, which you make into scattered writings which you show while you conceal much? And you were taught what you did not know, (neither) you nor your fathers. Say: Allah then leave them sporting in their vain discourses.

QS. An-Nuur (An-Nur) [24] : ayat 25
[24:25] Di hari itu, Allah akan memberi mereka balasan yag setimpal menurut semestinya, dan tahulah mereka bahwa Allah-lah yang Benar, lagi Yang menjelaskan (segala sesuatu menurut hakikat yang sebenarnya).
[24:25] On that day Allah will pay back to them in full their just reward, and they shall know that Allah is the evident Truth.

QS. Az-Zumar [39] : ayat 67
[39:67] Dan mereka tidak mengagungkan Allah dengan pengagungan yang semestinya padahal bumi seluruhnya dalam genggaman-Nya pada hari kiamat dan langit digulung dengan tangan kanan-Nya. Maha Suci Tuhan dan Maha Tinggi Dia dari apa yang mereka persekutukan.
[39:67] And they have not honored Allah with the honor that is due to Him; and the whole earth shall be in His grip on the day of resurrection and the heavens rolled up in His right hand; glory be to Him, and may He be exalted above what they associate (with Him).

QS. Al-Hadiid (Al-Hadid) [57] : ayat 27
[57:27] Kemudian Kami iringi di belakang mereka dengan rasul-rasul Kami dan Kami iringi (pula) dengan Isa putra Maryam; dan Kami berikan kepadanya Injil dan Kami jadikan dalam hati orang-orang yang mengikutinya rasa santun dan kasih sayang. Dan mereka mengada-adakan rahbaniyyah padahal kami tidak mewajibkannya kepada mereka tetapi (mereka sendirilah yang mengada-adakannya) untuk mencari keridhaan Allah, lalu mereka tidak memeliharanya dengan pemeliharaan yang semestinya. Maka Kami berikan kepada orang-orang yang beriman di antara mereka pahalanya dan banyak di antara mereka orang-orang fasik.
[57:27] Then We made Our apostles to follow in their footsteps, and We sent Isa son of Marium afterwards, and We gave him the Injeel, and We put in the hearts of those who followed him kindness and mercy; and (as for) monkery, they innovated it -- We did not prescribe it to them -- only to seek Allah's pleasure, but they did not observe it with its due observance; so We gave to those of them who believed their reward, and most of them are transgressors.

QS. Al-Insyiqaaq (Al-Insyiqaq) [84] : ayat 2
[84:2] dan patuh kepada Tuhannya, dan sudah semestinya langit itu patuh,
[84:2] And obeys its Lord and it must.

QS. Al-Insyiqaaq (Al-Insyiqaq) [84] : ayat 5
[84:5] dan patuh kepada Tuhannya, dan sudah semestinya bumi itu patuh, (pada waktu itu manusia akan mengetahui akibat perbuatannya).
[84:5] And obeys its Lord and it must.

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Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Sakit Hati, Mengapa terjadi?

Apabila ada tiga cawan, yang satunya kosong belum terisi, yang satunya lagi terisi setengahnya, adapun yang ketiganya telah penuh terisi, kiranya cawan yang mana diantara ketiganya yang masih bisa menerima sesuatu? Jawabannya tentu yang masih kosong dan atau yang masih terisi setengahnya. Adapun yang telah penuh maka tidak mungkin lagi bisa menerima sesuatu. Apabila sebuah cawan kita isi dan terus kita isi, maka akankah cawan itu tetap lapang atau bahkan semakin lapang, atau justru cawan itu akan semakin sempit ruangannya?

Kita sepakat bahwa cawan itu akan semakin sempit saja ruangannya seiring dengan semakin bertambahnya isi yang kita masukkan. Tahukah Antum, bahwa ada cawan yang tidak pernah penuh walau terus diisi? Apabila ada cawan yang meski terus diisi tidak akan semakin sempit ruanganya ialah hati.

Hati yang lembut semakin diisi dengan iman dan dengan ilmu yang bermanfaat justru semakin luas dan semakin lapang menghadapi segala sesuatu. Berarti sebaliknya, apabila hati yang lembut ini semakin ditinggalkan oleh iman dan ilmu yang bermanfaat pasti ia menjadi semakin sesak lagi sempit.

Sedangkan sempitnya hati dan sesaknya itulah hakikat sakit hati. Berarti sakit hati akan muncul apabila hati semakin ditinggalkan oleh iman dan ilmu yang bermanfaat. Dan ia akan muncul apabila hati terus dikotori oleh sesuatu yang mengotori iman dan meracuninya.

Sakit hati sebab kebakhilan

Salah satu contoh racun hati dan pengekang hati ialah sifat bakhil. Kebakhilan memicu sakit hati. Sebab kebakhilan ialah sebuah sifat yang menahan pemiliknya untuk berbuat kebaikan, dan mencegah pemiliknya dari menuanikan setiap ketaatan dan kemuliaan. Oleh karena kebakhilan itu sedemikian maka wajar apabila sifat bakhil ini memicu sempitnya hati dan memicu sakit hati. Wajar apabila bakhil ini menyempitkan dada dan menghilangkan kesabaran. Wajar apabila ia mencegah lapangnya dada dan mengecilkan serta mengerdilkan jiwa dan meneyedikitkan kegembiraan.

Sebaliknya ia justru memicu timbulnya banyak gundah dan gulana. Memicu timbulnya kedukaan dan kepenatan. Sehingga tak kuasa lagi ia menunaikan hajat kebutuhannya dan tidak lagi bisa membantu mendapatkan sesuatu yang dicari. Sebab balasan itu setimpal dengan amalan.

Sakit hati sebab kejelekan dan dosa

Di antara perkara yang memicu timbulnya sakit hati ialah banyaknya kejelekan dan dosa-dosa. Perhatikanlah firman Alloh ta’ala berikut ini:
Katakanlah: “Hai hamba-hamba-Ku yang beriman, bertakwalah kepada Tuhanmu”. Orang-orang yang berbuat baik di dunia ini memperoleh kebaikan. Dan bumi Alloh itu adalah luas. Sesungguhnya hanya orang-orang yang bersabarlah yang dicukupkan pahala mereka tanpa batas. (QS az-Zumar: 10)
Pada ayat tersebut Alloh subhanahu wata’ala menyebutkan, sebagaimana pada beberapa ayat semisal lainnya, bahwasannya Dia azza wajalla akan membalas orang-orang yang berbuat kebajikan atas kebajikan-Nya subhanahu wata’ala dengan dua balasan sekaligus, yaitu balasan di dunia dan balasan di akhirat. Ini berarti bahwa perbuatan baik itu berhak mendapatkan balasan yang disegerakan, dan perbuatan jelek pun akan mendapatkan balasan yang disegerakan, dan memang seharusnya demikian.

Bila saja tidak didapati balasan atas orang-orang yang berbuat kebajikan selain dari lapangnya dada dari setiap apa yang mendesak hati sehingga hati tetap luas dan gembira serta merasakan kelezatannya terus menerus bergumul dengan Robbnya subhanahu wata’ala dan terus menerus di dalam ketaatan kepada-Nya azza wajalla, senantiasa berdzikir, menyebut-nyebut kenikmatan-kenikmatan-Nya atas ruh dan jiwanya, atas kecintaannya kepada-Nya, juga senantiasa menyebut-nyebut dengan dzikir kepada Robbnya, juga kegembiaraannya pada dzikirnya, maka cukuplah ini merupakan seagung-agungnya kegembiaraan. Bahkan ini lebih agung dibandingkan kegembiaraan seseorang yang didekatkan kepada penguasa atas kekuasaannya sekalipun.

Dan sedangkan apa yang kejelekan dibalas dengannya, berupa sempitnya dada, membatunya hati, buyarnya kehendak hati, kegelapannya dan terpecah belahnya, kegundahan dan gulananya, kedukaan serta ketakutan dan kekhawatirannya sebagaimana inilah yang didapati oleh setiap yang masih memiliki perasaan dan kehidupan, bahkan mungkin ia mendapatinya lebih sangat lagi, semuanya merupakan hukuman yang disegerakan, merupakan neraka dunia dan jahannam yang telah tiba. Inilah hakikat pemicu sakit hati.

Sedangkan menghadap kepada Alloh subhanahu wata’ala, kembali kepada-Nya, rela dengan keputusan qodho’ dan qodar-Nya, penuhnya hati dengan kecintaan kepada-Nya, terbiasa berdzikir menyebut-nyebut-Nya, gembira dan senang dengan mengenal-Nya merupakan pahala yang disegerakan dan surga dunia serta kehidupan yang tidak bisa dinisbatkan kepada sesuatu apapun sampi kepada kehidupan para raja sekalipun. Sehingga hati yang demikia tidak akan pernah dihinggapi sakit dan kesempitan.

Sakit hati sebab berpaling dari mengingat Alloh azza wajalla

Di dalam sebuah ayat Alloh azza wajalla berfirman:

“Dan barangsiapa berpaling dari peringatan-Ku, maka sesungguhnya baginya penghidupan yang sempit, dan Kami akan menghimpunkannya pada hari kiamat dalam keadaan buta”. (QS. Thoha: 124)
Tentang penghidupan yang sempit dalam ayat ini ada yang menafsirkan artinya ialah adzab kubur. Sedangkan yang lebih tepat maknanya ialah penghidupan yang sempit di dunia serta di alam barzakh sekaligus.

Sesungguhnya orang yang berpaling dari peringatan yang telah diturunkan oleh-Nya subhanahu wata’ala dia berhak mendapatkan sempitnya dada dan kesulitan dan kepenatan hidup. Dia berhak mendapatkan besarnya rasa takut dan kekhawatiran hidup. Dia juga berhak mendapatkan perasaan rakus yang sangat terhadap dunia dan sangat letih dibuatnya. Bahkan ia akan begitu berduka saat tidak mendapatkan dunia. Seluruh rasa ini ada sebelum ia mendapatkan dunia maupun setelahnya.

Sama dan tak berbeda. Dia juga akan mendapati kepedihan dan penderitaan pada setiap perasaannya sesuai dengan besar dan kecilnya, sangat dan lemahnya. Yaitu setiap  kepedihan dan penderitaan yang tak lagi bisa dirasakan oleh hati sebab hati telah terlalu lelap dibuai olehnya dan telah mabuk kepayang dibuatnya. Tidak sesaat pun dia terjaga melainkan pasti ia akan merasakan dan mendapati kepedihan tersebut. Maka iapun segera berusaha menghilangkannya dengan mabuk yang serupa untuk kedua kalinya. Demikianlah ia selama dan seiring waktu-waktu dalam kehidupannya.

Bila demikian keadaannya, adakah kehidupan yang lebih sempit dibandingkan kehidupan yang demikian ini? Duhai adakah hati yang lembut yang masih bisa merasakannya?

Sehingga, hati-hati orang-orang yang suka menyimpang dari syari’at Islam yang mulia, meninggalkan sunah Rosululloh, berpaling dari al-Qur’an, hati orang-oang yang lalai dari Alloh, hati orang-orang ahli maksiat benar-benar berada di dalam jahim sebelum masuk di dalam neraka jahimil akbar, jahim yang lebih besar. Sedangkan hati orang-orang yang baik lagi taat, patuh kepada Alloh dan kepada Rosul-Nya berada di dalam kenikmatan sebelum di dalam kenikmatan yang lebih besar.

Alloh subhanahu wata’ala berfirman:

“Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang banyak berbakti benar-benar berada dalam syurga yang penuh kenikmatan, dan sesungguhnya orang-orang yang durhaka benar-benar berada di dalam neraka (jahim). (QS al-Infithor: 13-14)
Bagaimana Terapinya?

Tidak ada terapi membahagiakan hati dan memeliharanya dari sakitnya selain dengan iman dan ilmu yang bermanfaat. Yang paling utama ialah iman dengan tauhid yang baik dan ilmu yang baik.

Tidak ada kegembiraan bagi hati, kelezatan serta kenikmatannya, kebaikan serta kelapangannya, selain dengan menjadikan Alloh azza wajalla sebagai tuhannya, penciptanya, Dia saja satu-satunya. Dia azza wajalla yang diibadahi dengan peribadahan di atas puncak apa yang diinginkannya. Dan Dia azza wajalla yang paling dicinta dari seluruh apa saja yang selain-Nya. Begitulah cara membahagiakan hati dan melindungi diri dari sakit hati. Yaitu dengan mengikhlaskan hidup dengan berbagai rona-ronanya hanya untuk Alloh azza wajalla. Dan dengan mengikhlaskan kematian juga hanya demi Alloh azza wajalla.
“Katakanlah: “Sesungguhnya sembahyangku, ibadatku, hidupku dan matiku hanyalah untuk Alloh, Tuhan semesta alam.” (QS al-An’am: 162)
Semoga Alloh memelihara kita dari jeleknya hati dan dari sakit hati, dan semoga Dia membimbing hati kita menuju ikhlas kepada-Nya pada kehidupan dan kematian kita.


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Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Scientific Miracles in the Quran

Scientific Miracles of Quran

Hafsa Ahsan offers a selection of scientific evidences found in the Quran, which prove that science and religion can go hand-in-hand.

There has always been an ongoing debate between science and religion. The characteristic of science to prove objectively with hard core evidence seems to clash with the basis of religion, i.e., faith. However, the Quran is filled with the minutest scientific details which increase the faith of those aware of the latest research. Following are some of the scientific miracles in the Quran.

The orbits in motion

“And He it is Who has created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon, each in an orbit floating.” (Al-Anbiya 21:33)

At the time, when there were no advanced technologies of telescopes, the Quran revealed the existence of orbits. Today, we know orbits as fixed paths, along which all the planets and satellites travel. Even the Sun travels in an orbit called the Solar Apex. Another verse in the Quran can be translated as: “By the heaven full of paths.” (Adh-Dhariyat, 51:7)

Mountains as pegs

“And We have placed on the earth firm mountains, lest it should shake with them…” (Al-Anbiya 21:31)

Another verse (Al-Naba 78:7) mentions ‘the mountains as pegs’. Combined with the above verse, this gives us a good idea regarding the function of mountains as pegs. The peg of a tent is used to fix it firmly on the ground. A major portion of the peg is under the ground, while a small part protrudes out. Similarly, mountains also extend under the ground ten to fifteen times their height. These underground parts of mountains are called mountain roots and play a critical role in stabilizing the Earth. If not for them, the plates floating on molten magma in the outer layer of Earth would have been moving rapidly, as the Earth revolves on its orbit. Hence, no life would have been possible on Earth, as no soil could be cultivated, seeds germinated or houses constructed. Mountains, hence, hold the Earth firmly, so that it remains steady.

The two seas, which do not mix

“He has let loose the two seas (the salt and fresh water) meeting together. Between them is a barrier, which none of them can transgress.” (Ar-Rahman 55:19-20)

Modern science has proven that two seas can meet without mixing. An example is that of the Mediterranean Sea with its warm and saline water and the Atlantic Ocean with its fresh and cool water. Where the Mediterranean Sea enters the Atlantic Ocean, it moves into the latter at a depth of a thousand metres. Even with large waves, strong currents, and tides in both, there is an unseen barrier between the two, which they do not cross. Science has attributed this to a phenomenon known as surface tension, whereby waters of different densities repel each other and do not mingle.


“He creates you in the wombs of your mothers: creation after creation in three veils of darkness.” (Az-Zumar 39:6)

It is now known that the above verse refers to the three stages of creation in the development of the embryo in the mother’s womb. The first is the pre-embryonic stage, where the fertilized egg divides into two, and then into four cells and so on. The cells continue to divide, till they form a hollow ball of cells, which is called an embryo. This pre-embryonic stage lasts for two and a half weeks. The embryonic stage, which follows, lasts for five and a half weeks. In this stage, the basic organs and tissues of the embryo begin to develop. The final is the fetal stage, when all the organs have been developed; the embryo is then called a fetus.

The phrase ‘threefold darkness’ is an indication of the three layers around the embryo/fetus: the abdominal wall of the mother, the wall of the uterus and the amnio-chorionic membrane. The latter membrane contains the amniotic fluid, which, among other things, protects the embryo from mechanical injury and allows it to move freely during growth.

Mother’s milk

“And We have enjoined on man (to be dutiful and good) to his parents. His mother bore him in weakness and hardship upon weakness and hardship, and his weaning is in two years – give thanks to Me and to your parents. Unto Me is the final destination.” (Luqman 31:14)

Today, it has been proven that mother’s milk contains a balanced proportion of nutrients and is free from harmful bacteria. Plus, it contains those elements, which help to prevent diseases in a newborn. It is more easily digestible and the baby is less likely to develop milk allergies. Breastfeeding also helps in the emotional development of a baby by inculcating a sense of closeness to the mother. Also, it is custom-made for the baby.

Everything in pairs

“And of everything We have created pairs, that you may remember (the Grace of Allah).” (Ad-Dhariyat 51:49)

Every single thing has been created along with its pair. Flowers have their male and female forms in the stamen and ovules, respectively. Plants have a male and female gender, and even the atoms, which conduct electricity, have their pairs – electrons with a negative charge and protons with a positive charge.

The above are only some of the many millions of miracles that we can find in the Quran. Scientific phenomena in the Quran, a book of signs and guidance, have gone a long way in causing many enlightened intellectuals to enter the folds of Islam. The presence of such accurate scientific facts in a book revealed at a time when science was not advanced is proof that the Quran is the word of Allah (swt).

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Seeking Allah’s Forgiveness

The decision to live our lives for the sake of Allah is no guarantee that we will not forget Allah and commit mistakes for “All children of Adam are sinners, but best among sinners are those who constantly repent.” (At-Tirmidhi)

Imam Al-Bukhari recorded that even the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), though he (peace and blessings be upon him) was sinless, `sought Allah’s forgiveness 70 times a day’. We should, therefore, constantly seek the forgiveness of Allah for every single sin, small or great.

Allah says:

{Ask forgiveness from your Lord, then turn towards Him in repentance; He will loosen the sky over you in abundance, and He will add strength unto your strength.} (Hud 11: 52)

Seeking continuous forgiveness of Allah will assist in ensuring that our hearts and souls remain pure and wholesome. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said in this regard:

“When a Believer sins, a black spot appears on his heart. But if he repents and seeks Allah’s forgiveness, his heart becomes cleansed and polished. However, if he continues to commit more and more sins [without seeking forgiveness, the spot continues to spread and ultimately covers all of his heart.

This is the rust which Allah mentions [in the Qur'an]:

{What deeds they earn rust upon their hearts.} (Al-Mutaffifin 83: 14)”, (Ahmad and At-Tirmidhi).

Whatever the magnitude of our misdeeds, Allah is always ready to respond with an even greater amount of pardon. Therefore, never despair of the mercy of Allah, in seeking His forgiveness, even for those sins committed repeatedly:  

{O My servants who have transgressed against themselves, despair not of Allah’s mercy; for Allah forgives all sins, surely He is the all-forgiving, the Mercy-giving.} (Az-Zumar 39: 53)

Thus, as long as there is hope there remains opportunity for redemption and salvation. Be aware, though, that the best form of repentance involves a firm resolve to reform and do better. The

Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said:  

“Remain conscious of Allah and fear Him wherever you are, and follow a bad deed with a good deed which will wipe it out, and behave well towards people.” (At-Tirmidhi)

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Saturday, 8 March 2014

Thursday, 27 February 2014


Saudaraku, waspadalah akan tentara pemusnah masal yang siap Alloh SWT kirimkan kepada hamba yang melanggar aturan-Nya. Tentara itu tidak pandang bulu, ia tidak hanya akan menyerang orang yang bermaksiat, namun juga akan menyerang orang mukmin yang membiarkan saudaranya bergelimang dalam maksiat.

Layaknya seekor nyamuk yang menggigit kita, maka yang kita lakukan bukan hanya memburu nyamuk yang bersalah itu, namun nyamuk lain yang tak bersalahpun kita buru.

Hai orang-orang yang beriman, ingatlah akan nikmat Allah (yang telah dikurniakan) kepadamu ketika datang kepadamu tentara-tentara, lalu Kami kirimkan kepada mereka angin topan dan tentara yang tidak dapat kamu melihatnya. Dan adalah Allah Maha Melihat akan apa yang kamu kerjakan. (QS. Al-Ahzab : 6)
Jika mereka berpaling maka katakanlah: "Aku telah memperingatkan kamu dengan petir, seperti petir yang menimpa kaum 'Aad dan Tsamud." (QS. Fushilat : 13)
“dan apabila gunung-gunung telah dihancurkan menjadi debu,” (QS. Al-Mursalat: 10)

Maka Kami hukumlah Fir'aun dan bala tentaranya, lalu Kami lemparkan mereka ke dalam laut. Maka lihatlah bagaimana akibat orang-orang yang zalim. (QS. Al-Qoshosh: 40)

Bagi mereka lapisan-lapisan dari api di atas mereka dan di bawah merekapun lapisan-lapisan (dari api). Demikianlah Allah mempertakuti hamba-hamba-Nya dengan azab itu. Maka bertakwalah kepada-Ku hai hamba-hamba-Ku.
(QS. Az-Zumar: 16)

“atau apakah kamu merasa aman terhadap Allah yang (berkuasa) di langit bahwa Dia akan mengirimkan badai yang berbatu. Maka kelak kamu akan mengetahui bagaimana (akibat mendustakan) peringatan-Ku? (QS. Al-Mulk: 17)


“Kemudian mereka ditimpa gempa, maka jadilah mereka mayat-mayat yang bergelimpangan di dalam rumah-rumah mereka,” (QS. Al-A`rof: 91)


Dan Kami turunkan hujan atas mereka (hujan batu), maka amat buruklah hujan yang ditimpakan atas orang-orang yang diberi peringatan itu.
(QS. An-Naml: 58)

Maka dimusnahkanlah mereka oleh suara yang mengguntur dengan hak dan Kami jadikan mereka (sebagai) sampah banjir maka kebinasaanlah bagi orang-orang yang zalim itu.
(QS. Al-Mu`minuun: 41)

Maka Kami benamkanlah Karun beserta rumahnya ke dalam bumi. Maka tidak ada baginya suatu golonganpun yang menolongnya terhadap azab Allah. Dan tiadalah ia termasuk orang-orang (yang dapat) membela (dirinya).
(QS. Al-Qoshosh: 81)


Untuk itu, marilah kita ajak keluarga kita, saudara-saudara kita, teman-teman kita untuk senantiasa berbakti kepada Alloh Yang Maha Suci dan berusaha meninggalkan kemaksiatan yang selama ini kita perbuat kepada-nya,

Sebagaimana firman Alloh SWT: Hai orang-orang yang beriman, peliharalah dirimu dan keluargamu dari api neraka yang bahan bakarnya adalah manusia dan batu; penjaganya malaikat-malaikat yang kasar, keras, dan tidak mendurhakai Allah terhadap apa yang diperintahkan-Nya kepada mereka dan selalu mengerjakan apa yang diperintahkan.
(QS. At-Tahrim: 6)


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Friday, 3 January 2014

The real losers are those who lose themselves


"So worship anything you will apart from Him!"Say:"The real losers are those who lose themselves and their families on the day of Rising..." (Surat az-zumer: 15)

As for those who disbelieve, their wealth and children will not help them against Allah in any way.They are the Companions of the fire ramaining in it timelessly,for ever.
(Surah Al Imran: 116)

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A graphic impression of a star becoming a supernova

Do they not see that Allah, Who created the heavens and Earth, has the power to create the like of them, and has appointed fixed terms for them of which there is no doubt? But the wrongdoers still spurn anything but unbelief. (Surat al-Isra', 99)

Do they not see that Allah—Who created the heavens and Earth and was not wearied by creating them—has the power to bring the dead to life? Yes indeed! He has power over all things. (Surat al-Ahqaf, 33)

On the Day Earth is changed to other than Earth, and the heavens likewise, and they parade before Allah, the One, the All-Conquering. (Surah Ibrahim, 48)

How can you reject Allah, when you were dead and then He gave you life, then He will make you die and then give you life again, then you will be returned to Him? (Surat al-Baqara, 28)

"You tarried in accordance with Allah's Decree until the Day of Resurrection. And this is the Day of Resurrection, but you did not know it." On that Day the excuses of those who did wrong will not help them, nor will they be able to appease Allah. (Surat ar-Rum, 56-57)

They swear by Allah with their most earnest oaths that He will not raise up those who die, when, on the contrary, it is a binding promise on Him; but most people do not know it. So that He can make clear to them the things they differed about, and so that those who did not believe will know that they were liars. (Surat an-Nahl, 38-39)

"If you were to obey a human being like yourselves, you would, in that case, definitely be the losers. Does he promise you that when you have died and become dust and bones that you will be brought forth again? What you have been promised is sheer nonsense! What is there but our life in this world? We die and we live, and we will not be raised again." (Surat al-Mu'minun, 34-37)

He makes likenesses of Us and forgets his own creation, saying: "Who will give life to bones when they are decayed?" Say: "He Who made them in the first place will bring them back to life. He has total knowledge of each created thing; He Who produces fire for you from green trees so that you use them to light your fires." Does He Who created the heavens and Earth not have the power to create the same again? Yes indeed! He is the Creator, the All-Knowing. His command when He desires a thing is just to say to it: "Be!" and it is. Glory be to Him Who has the Dominion of all things in His Hand. To Him you will be returned. (Surah Ya Sin, 78-83)

Among His Signs is that you see the earth laid bare, and then when We send down water on it, it quivers and swells. He Who gives it life is He Who gives life to the dead. Certainly He has power over all things. (Surah Fussilat, 39)

The Trumpet will be blown, and those in the heavens and those in the earth will all lose consciousness, except those Allah wills. Then it will be blown a second time, and at once they will be standing upright, looking on. (Surat az-Zumar, 68)

Say: "Allah gives you life, then causes you to die, and then will gather you together for the Day of Resurrection, about which there is no doubt. But most people do not know it." (Surat al-Jathiya, 26)

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Friday, 1 November 2013

“Dont be Sad”

AL-QURAN ANSWERS: “Do men think that they will be left alone saying,’We believe’, and that they will not be tested? We did test those before them, and Allah will certainly know those who are true from those who are false.” [29:2-3]2)

2) WE ALWAYS ASK: Why I never get what I wanted?
AL-QURAN ANSWERS: ” It is possible that you dislike a thing which is good for you, and that you love a thing, which is bad for you. But Allah knows, while you know not.” Surah Al-Baqarah [2:216]

3) WE ALWAYS ASK: Why was I burdened this way?
AL-QURAN ANSWERS: “Allah does not place a burden to a soul greater than it can bear. It gets every good that it earns, and it suffers every ill that it earns.” Surah Al-Baqarah [2:286]& ” So verily, with every difficulty there is relief: (repeated) Verily, with every difficulty there is relief.” Surah Al-Insyirah [94:5-6]

4) WE ALWAYS ASK: Why am I losing hope?
AL-QURAN ANSWERS: “So lose not heart, nor fall into despair: For you will be superior if you are true in Faith.” Surah Al-Imran [3:139]

5) WE ALWAYS ASK: How can I face it?
AL-QURAN ANSWERS: ” O you who believed! Persevere in patience and constancy; vie in such perseverance; strengthen each other; and fear Allah that you may prosper.” Surah Al-Imran[3:200] & “And seek(Allah’s) help with patient, perseverance and prayer: It is indeed hard, except to those who bring a humbly submissive (to Allah).” Surah Al-Baqarah [2:45]

6) WE ALWAYS ASK: What do I get from all these?
AL-QURAN ANSWERS: “Indeed, Allah has purchased from the believers their lives and properties (in exchange) for that they will have the garden (of Paradise)…” Surah At-Taubah [9:111]

7) WE ALWAYS ASK: To whom could I depend?
AL-QURAN ANSWERS: “(Allah) suffice me: there is no god but He: On Him is my trust- He the Lord of the Throne (of Glory) Supreme.” Surah At-Taaubah [9:129]

8) WE ALWAYS ASK: But I can’t take it anymore!
AL-QURAN ANSWERS: “…and never give up hope of Allah’s Soothing Mercy; truly No one despairs of Allah’s Soothing Mercy. except Those who have no faith.” Surah Yusuf [9:87]& “Despairs not of the Mercy of Allah: for Allah forgives All sins for He is Often- Forgiving, Most Merciful.” Surah Az-Zumar [39:53]

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Monday, 19 August 2013

Memperkuat Iman

“Hai orang-orang yang beriman, bertakwalah kepada Allah sebenar-benarnya takwa kepada-Nya dan janganlah sekali-kali kamu mati melainkan dalam keadaan Islam.” (Ali Imran: 102)

“Hai sekalian manusia, bertakwalah kepada Rabb-mu yang telah menciptakan kamu dari seorang diri, dan daripadanya Allah menciptakan istrinya, dan daripada keduanya Allah mengembangbiakkan lelaki dan perempuan yang banyak. Dan bertakwalah kepada Allah yang denan (menggunakan) nama-Nya kami saling meminta satu sama lain, dan (peliharalah) hubungan silaturrahim. Sesungguhnya Allah selalu menjaga dan mengawasi kamu.” (An-Nisa: 1)

“Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, bertakwalah kamu kepada Allah dan katakanlah perkataan yang benar, niscaya Allah memperbaiki bagimu amalan-amalanmu dan mengampuni bagimu dosa-dosamu. Dan, barangsiapa menaati Allah dan Rasul-Nya, maka sesungguhnya dia telah mendapatkan kemenangan yang besar.”

Begitulah perintah Allah kepada kita agar kita bertakwa. Namun, iman di dalam hati kita bukanlah sesuatu yang statis. Iman kita begitu dinamis. Bak gelombang air laut yang kadang pasang naik dan kadang pasang surut.

Ketika kondisi iman kita lemah dan kondisi lemah itu kita masih ada dalam kebaikan, kita beruntung. Namun, bila ketika kondisi iman kita lemah dan kondisi lemah itu membuat kita ada di luar koridor ajaran Rasulullah saw., kita celaka. Rasulullah saw. bersabda, “Engkau mempunyai amal yang bersemangat, dan setiap semangat mempunyai kelemahan. Barangsiapa yang kelemahannya tertuju pada sunnahku, maka dia telah beruntung. Dan, siapa yang kelemahannya tertuju kepada selain itu, maka dia telah binasa.” (Ahmad)

Begitulah kondisi hati kita. Sesuai dengan namanya, hati –dalam bahasa Arab qalban—selalu berubah-ubah (at-taqallub) dengan cepat. Rasulullah saw. berkata, “Dinamakan hati karena perubahannya. Sesungguhnya hati itu ialah laksana bulu yang menempel di pangkal pohon yang diubah oleh hembusan angin secara terbalik.” (Ahmad dalam Shahihul Jami’ no. 2365)

Karena itu Rasulullah saw. mengajarkan kepada kita sebuah doa agar Allah saw. menetapkan hati kita dalam ketaatan. “Ya Allah Yang membolak-balikan hati-hati manusia, balikanlah hati kami untuk taat kepada-Mu.” (Muslim no. 2654)

Hati kita akan kembali pada kondisi ketaatan kepada Allah swt. jika kita senantiasa memperbaharui keimanan kita. Rasulullah saw. bersabda, “Sesungguhnya iman itu dijadikan di dalam diri salah seorang di antara kamu sekalian sebagaimana pakaian yang dijadikan, maka memohonlah kepada Allah agar Dia memperbaharui iman di dalam hatimu.” (Al-Hakim di Al-Mustadrak, 1/4; Al-Silsilah Ash-Shahihain no. 1585; Thabrany di Al-Kabir)

Bagaimana cara memperbaharui iman? Ada 20 sarana yang bisa kita lakukan, yaitu sebagai berikut.

1. Perbanyaklah menyimak ayat-ayat Al-Quran

Al-Qur’an diturunkan Allah sebagai cahaya dan petunjuk, juga sebagai obat bagi hati manusia. “Dan Kami turunkan dari Al-Qur’an sesuatu yang menjadi obat dan rahmat bagi orang-orang yang beriman.” (Al-Isra’: 82).

Kata Ibnu Qayyim, yang seharusnya dilakukan oleh seorang muslim untuk menyembuhkan hatinya melalui Al-Quran, “Caranya ada dua macam: pertama, engkau harus mengalihkan hatimu dari dunia, lalu engkau harus menempatkannya di akhirat. Kedua, sesudah itu engkau harus menghadapkan semua hatimu kepada pengertian-pengertian Al-Qur’an, memikirkan dan memahami apa yang dimaksud dan mengapa ia diturunkan. Engkau harus mengamati semua ayat-ayat-Nya. Jika suatu ayat diturunkan untuk mengobati hati, maka dengan izin Allah hati itu pun akan sembuh.”

2. Rasakan keagungan Allah seperti yang digambarkan Al-Qur’an dan Sunnah

Al-Qur’an dan Sunnah banyak sekali mengungkap keagungan Allah swt. Seorang muslim yang ketika dihadapkan dengan keagungan Allah, hatinya akan bergetar dan jiwanya akan tunduk. Kekhusukan akan hadir mengisi relung-relung hatinya.

Resapi betapa agungnya Allah yang Maha Mendengar, Maha Mengetahui, yang memiliki nama-nama yang baik (asma’ul husna). Dialah Al-’Azhim, Al-Muhaimin, Al-Jabbar, Al-Mutakabbir, Al-Qawiyyu, Al-Qahhar, Al-Kabiir, Al-Muth’ali. Dia yang menciptakan segala sesuatu dan hanya kepada-Nya lah kita kembali.

Jangan sampai kita termasuk orang yang disebut ayat ini, “Dan mereka tidak mengagungkan Allah dengan pengagungan yang semestinya, padahal bumi dan seluruhnya dalam genggaman-Nya pada hari kiamat dan langit digulung dengan tangan kanan-Nya.” (Az-Zumar: 67)

3. Carilah ilmu syar’i

Sebab, Al-Qur’an berkata, “Sesungguhnya yang takut kepada Allah di antara hamba-hamba-Nya ialah orang-orang yang berilmu.” (Fathir: 28). Karenanya, dalamilah ilmu-ilmu yang mengantarkan kita pada rasa takut kepada Allah.

Allah berfirman, “Adakah sama orang-orang yang mengetahui dengan orang-orang yang tidak mengetahui?” (Az-Zumar: 9). Orang yang tahu tentang hakikat penciptaan manusia, tahu tentang syariat yang diturunkan Allah sebagai tata cara hidup manusia, dan tahu ke mana tujuan akhir hidup manusia, tentu akan lebih khusyuk hatinya dalam ibadah dan kuat imannya dalam aneka gelombang ujian ketimbang orang yang jahil.

Orang yang tahu tentang apa yang halal dan haram, tentu lebih bisa menjaga diri daripada orang yang tidak tahu. Orang yang tahu bagaiman dahsyatnya siksa neraka, tentu akan lebih khusyuk. Orang yang tidak tahu bagaimana nikmatnya surga, tentu tidak akan pernah punya rasa rindu untuk meraihnya.

4. Mengikutilah halaqah dzikir
Suatu hari Abu Bakar mengunjungi Hanzhalah. “Bagaimana keadaanmu, wahai Hanzhalah?” Hanzhalah menjawab, “Hanzhalah telah berbuat munafik.” Abu Bakar menanyakan apa sebabnya. Kata Hanzhalah, “Jika kami berada di sisi Rasulullah saw., beliau mengingatkan kami tentang neraka dan surga yang seakan-akan kami bisa melihat dengan mata kepala sendiri. Lalu setelah kami pergi dari sisi Rasulullah saw. kami pun disibukkan oleh urusan istri, anak-anak, dankehidupan, lalu kami pun banyak lupa.”

Lantas keduanya mengadukan hal itu kepada Rasulullah saw. Kata Rasulullah, “Demi jiwaku yang ada di dalam genggaman-Nya, andaikata kamu sekalian tetap seperti keadaanmu di sisiku dan di dalam dzikir, tentu para malaikat akan menyalami kamu di atas kasurmu dan tatkala kamu dalam perjalanan. Tetapi, wahai Hanzhalah, sa’atah, sa’atan, sa’atan.” (Shahih Muslim no. 2750)

Begitulah majelis dzikir. Bisa menambah bobot iman kita. Makanya para sahabat sangat bersemangat mengadakan pertemuan halaqah dzikir. “Duduklah besama kami untuk mengimani hari kiamat,” begitu ajak Muadz bin Jabal. Di halaqah itu, kita bisa melaksanakan hal-hal yang diwajibkan Allah kepada kita, membaca Al-Qur’an, membaca hadits, atau mengkaji ilmu pengetahuan lainnya.

5. Perbanyaklah amal shalih

Suatu ketika Rasulullah saw. bertanya, “Siapa di antara kalian yang berpuasa di hari ini?” Abu Bakar menjawab, “Saya.” Lalu Rasulullah saw. bertanya lagi, “Siapa di antara kalian yang hari ini menjenguk orang sakit?” Abu Bakar menjawab, “Saya.” Lalu Rasulullah saw. bersabda, “Tidaklah amal-amal itu menyatu dalam diri seseorang malainkan dia akan masuk surga.” (Muslim)

Begitulah seorang mukmin yang shaddiq (sejati), begitu antusias menggunakan setiap kesempatan untuk memperbanyak amal shalih. Mereka berlomba-lomba untuk mendapatkan surga. “Berlomba-lombalah kamu kepada (mendapatkan) ampunan dari Rabb-mu dan surga yang luasnya seluas langit dan bumi.” (Al-Hadid: 21)

Begitulah mereka. Sehingga keadaan mereka seperti yang digambarkan Allah swt., “Mereka sedikit sekali tidur pada waktu malam, dan pada akhir-akhir malam mereka memohon ampunan (kepada Allah). Dan, pada harta-harta mereka ada hak untuk orang miskin yang meminta dan orang miskin yang tidak mendapat bagian.” (Adz-Dzariyat: 17-19)

Banyak beramal shalih, akan menguatkan iman kita. Jika kita kontinu dengan amal-amal shalih, Allah akan mencintai kita. Dalam sebuah hadits qudsy, Rasulullah saw. menerangkan bahwa Allah berfirman, “Hamba-Ku senantiasa bertaqarrub kepada-Ku dengan mengerjakan nafilah sehingga Aku mencintainya.” (Shahih Bukhari no. 6137)

6. Lakukan berbagai macam ibadah

Ibadah memiliki banyak ragamnya. Ada ibadah fisik seperti puasa, ibadah materi seperti zakat, ibadah lisan seperti doa dan dzikir. Ada juga ibadah yang yang memadukan semuanya seperti haji. Semua ragam ibadah itu sangat bermanfaat untuk menyembuhkan lemah iman kita.

Puasa membuat kita khusyu’ dan mempertebal rasa muraqabatullah (merasa diawasi Allah). Shalat rawatib dapat menyempurnakan amal-amal wajib kita kurang sempurna kualitasnya. Berinfak mengikis sifat bakhil dan penyakit hubbud-dunya. Tahajjud menambah kekuatan.

Banyak melakukan berbagai macam ibadah bukan hanya membuat baju iman kita makin baru dan cemerlang, tapi juga menyediakan bagi kita begitu banyak pintu untuk masuk surga. Rasulullah saw. bersabda, “Barangsiapa yang menafkahi dua istri di jalan Allah, maka dia akan dipanggil dari pintu-pintu surga: ‘Wahai hamba Allah, ini adalah baik.’ Lalu barangsiapa yang menjadi orang yang banyak mendirikan shalat, maka dia dipanggil dari pintu shalat. Barangsiapa menjadi orang yang banyak berjihad, maka dia dipanggil dari pintu jihad. Barangsiapa menjadi orang yang banyak melakukan puasa, maka dia dipanggil dari pintu ar-rayyan. Barangsiapa menjadi orang yang banyak mengeluarkan sedekah, maka dia dipanggil dari pintu sedekah.” (Bukhari no. 1798)

7. Hadirkan perasaan takut mati dalam keadaan su’ul khatimah

Rasa takut su’ul khatimah akan mendorong kita untuk taat dan senantiasa menjaga iman kita. Penyebab su’ul khatimah adalah lemahnya iman menenggelamkan diri kita ke dalam jurang kedurhakaan. Sehingga, ketika nyawa kita dicabut oleh malaikat Izrail, lidah kita tidak mampu mengucapkan kalimat laa ilaha illallah di hembusan nafas terakhir.

8. Banyak-banyaklah ingat mati

Rasulullah saw. bersabda, “Dulu aku melarangmu menziarahi kubur, ketahuilah sekarang ziarahilah kubur karena hal itu bisa melunakan hati, membuat mata menangism mengingatkan hari akhirat, dan janganlah kamu mengucapkan kata-kata yang kotor.” (Shahihul Jami’ no. 4584)

Rasulullah saw. juga bersabda, “Banyak-banyaklah mengingat penebas kelezatan-kelezatan, yakni kematian.” (Tirmidzi no. 230)

Mengingat-ingat mati bisa mendorong kita untuk menghindari diri dari berbuat durhaka kepada Allah; dan dapat melunakkan hati kita yang keras. Karena itu Rasulullah menganjurkan kepada kita, “Kunjungilah orang sakit dan iringilah jenazah, niscaya akan mengingatkanmu terhadap hari akhirat.” (Shahihul Jami’ no. 4109)

Melihat orang sakit yang sedang sakaratul maut sangat memberi bekas. Saat berziarah kubur, bayangkan kondisi keadaan orang yang sudah mati. Tubuhnya rusak membusuk. Ulat memakan daging, isi perut, lidah, dan wajah. Tulang-tulang hancur.

Bayangan seperti itu jika membekas di dalam hati, akan membuat kita menyegerakan taubat, membuat hati kita puas dengan apa yang kita miliki, dan tambah rajin beribadah.

9. Mengingat-ingat dahsyatnya keadaan di hari akhirat

Ada beberapa surat yang menceritakan kedahsyatan hari kiamat. Misalnya, surah Qaf, Al-Waqi’ah, Al-Qiyamah, Al-Mursalat, An-Naba, Al-Muththaffifin, dan At-Takwir. Begitu juga hadits-hadits Rasulullah saw.

Dengan membacanya, mata hati kita akan terbuka. Seakan-akan kita menyaksikan semua itu dan hadir di pemandangan yang dahsyat itu. Semua pengetahuan kita tentang kejadian hari kiamat, hari kebangkitan, berkumpul di mahsyar, tentang syafa’at Rasulullah saw., hisab, pahala, qishas, timbangan, jembatan, tempat tinggal yang kekal di surga atau neraka; semua itu menambah tebal iman kita.

10. Berinteraksi dengan ayat-ayat yang berkaitan dengan fenomena alam

Aisyah pernah berkata, “Wahai Rasulullah, aku melihat orang-orang jika mereka melihat awan, maka mereka gembira karena berharap turun hujan. Namun aku melihat engkau jika engkau melihat awan, aku tahu ketidaksukaan di wajahmu.” Rasulullah saw. menjawab, “Wahai Aisyah, aku tidak merasa aman jika di situ ada adzab. Sebab ada suatu kaum yang pernah diadzab dikarenakan angin, dan ada suatu kaum yang melihat adzab seraya berkata, ‘Ini adalah awan yang akan menurunkan hujan kepada kami’.” (Muslim no. 899)

Begitulah Rasulullah saw. berinteraksi dengan fenomena alam. Bahkan, jika melihat gerhana, terlihat raut takut di wajah beliau. Kata Abu Musa, “Matahari pernah gerhana, lalu Rasulullah saw. berdiri dalam keadaan ketakutan. Beliau takut karena gerhana itu merupakan tanda kiamat.”

11. Berdzikirlah yang banyak

Melalaikan dzikirulah adalah kematian hati. Tubuh kita adalah kuburan sebelum kita terbujur di kubur. Ruh kita terpenjara. Tidak bisa kembali. Karena itu, orang yang ingin mengobati imannya yang lemah, harus memperbanyak dzikirullah. “Dan ingatlah Rabb-mu jika kamu lupa.” (Al-Kahfi: 24) “Ingatlah, hanya dengan mengingat Allah lha hati menjadi tentram.” (Ar-Ra’d: 28)

Ibnu Qayim berkata, “Di dalam hati terdapat kekerasan yang tidak bisa mencair kecuali dengan dzikrullah. Maka seseorang harus mengobati kekerasan hatinya dengan dzikrullah.”

12. Perbanyaklah munajat kepada Allah dan pasrah kepada-Nya

Seseorang selagi banyak pasrah dan tunduk, niscaya akan lebih dekat dengan Allah. Sabda Rasulullah saw., “Saat seseorang paling dekat dengan Rabb-nya ialah ketika ia dalam keadaan sujud, maka perbanyaklah doa.” (Muslim no. 428)

Seseorang selagi mau bermunajat kepada Allah dengan ucapan yang mencerminkan ketundukan dan kepasrahan, tentu imannya semakin kuat di hatinya. Semakin menampakan kehinaan dan kerendahan diri kepada Allah, semakin kuat iman kita. Semakin banyak berharap dan meminta kepada Allah, semakin kuat iman kita kepada Allah swt.

13. Tinggalkan angan-angan yang muluk-muluk

Ini penting untuk meningkatkan iman. Sebab, hakikat dunia hanya sesaat saja. Banyak berangan-angan hanyalah memenjara diri dan memupuk perasaan hubbud-dunya. Padahal, hidup di dunia hanyalah sesaat saja.

Allah swt. berfirman, “Maka bagaimana pendapatmu jika Kami berikan kepada mereka kenikmatan hidup bertahun-tahun, kemudian datang kepada mereka adzab yang telah dijanjikan kepada mereka, niscaya tidak berguna bagi mereka apa yang mereka selalu menikmatinya.” (Asy-Syu’ara: 205-207)

“Seakan-akan mereka tidak pernah diam (di dunia) hanya sesaat saja pada siang hari.” (Yunus: 45)

14. Memikirkan kehinaan dunia

Hati seseorang tergantung pada isi kepalanya. Apa yang dipikirkannya, itulah orientasi hidupnya. Jika di benaknya dunia adalah segala-galanya, maka hidupnya akan diarahkan untuk memperolehnya. Cinta dunia sebangun dengan takut mati. Dan kata Allah swt., “Kehidupan dunia itu tidak lain hanyalah kesenangan yang memperdaya.” (Ali Imran)

Karena itu pikirkanlah bawa dunia itu hina. Kata Rasulullah saw., “Sesungguhnya makanan anak keturunan Adam itu bisa dijadikan perumpamaan bagi dunia. Maka lihatlah apa yang keluar dari diri anak keturunan Adam, dan sesungguhnya rempah-rempah serta lemaknya sudah bisa diketahui akan menjadi apakah ia.” (Thabrani)

Dengan memikirkan bahwa dunia hanya seperti itu, pikiran kita akan mencari orientasi ke hal yang lebih tinggi: surga dan segala kenikmatan yang ada di dalamnya.

15. Mengagungkan hal-hal yang terhormat di sisi Allah

“Barangsiapa yang mengagungkan syiar-syiar Allah, maka sesungguhnya itu dari ketakwaan hati.” (Al-Hajj: 32)

“Dan barangsiapa mengagungkan apa-apa yang terhormat di sisi Allah, maka itu adalah lebih baik baginya di sisi Rabb-nya.” (Al-Hajj: 30)

Hurumatullah adalah hak-hak Allah yang ada di diri manusia, tempat, atau waktu tertentu. Yang termasuk hurumatullah, misalnya, lelaki pilihan Muhammad bin Abdullah, Rasulullah saw.; tempat-tempat suci (Masjid Haram, Masjid Nabawi, Al-Aqha), dan waktu-waktu tertentu seperti bulan-bulan haram.

Yang juga termasuk hurumatullah adalah tidak menyepelekan dosa-dosa kecil. Sebab, banyak manusia binasa karena mereka menganggap ringan dosa-dosa kecil. Kata Rasulullah saw., “Jauhilah dosa-dosa kecil, karena dosa-dosa kecil itu bisa berhimpun pada diri seseornag hingga ia bisa membinasakan dirinya.”

16. Menguatkan sikap al-wala’ wal-bara’

Al-wala’ adalah saling tolong menolong dan pemberian loyalitas kepada sesama muslim. Sedangkan wal-bara adalah berlepas diri dan rasa memusuhi kekafiran. Jika terbalik, kita benci kepada muslim dan amat bergantung pada musuh-musuh Allah, tentu keadaan ini petanda iman kita sangat lemah.

Memurnikan loyalitas hanya kepada Alah, Rasul, dan orang-orang beriman adalah hal yang bisa menghidupkan iman di dalam hati kita.

17. Bersikap tawadhu

Rasulullah saw. bersabda, “Merendahkan diri termasuk bagian dari iman.” (Ibnu Majah no. 4118)

Rasulullah juga berkata, “Barangsiapa menanggalkan pakaian karena merendahkan diri kepada Allah padahal dia mampu mengenakannya, maka Allah akan memanggilnya pada hati kiamat bersama para pemimpin makhluk, sehingga dia diberi kebebasan memilih di antara pakaian-pakaian iman mana yang dikehendaki untuk dikenakannya.” (Tirmidzi no. 2481)

Maka tak heran jika baju yang dikenakan Abdurrahman bin Auf –sahabat yang kaya—tidak beda dengan yang dikenakan para budak yang dimilikinya.

18. Perbanyak amalan hati

Hati akan hidup jika ada rasa mencintai Allah, takut kepada-Nya, berharap bertemu dengan-Nya, berbaik sangka dan ridha dengan semua takdir yang ditetapkan-Nya. Hati juga akan penuh dengan iman jika diisi dengan perasaan syukur dan taubat kepada-Nya. Amalan-amalan hati seperti itu akan menghadirkan rasa khusyuk, zuhud, wara’, dan mawas diri. Inilah halawatul iman (manisnya iman)

19. Sering menghisab diri

Allah berfirman, “Hai orang-ornag yang beriman, bertakwalah kepada Allah dan hendaklah setiap diri memperhatikan apa yang diperbuatnya untuk hari esok (akhirat).” (Al-Hasyr: 18)

Umar bin Khattab r.a. berwasiat, “Hisablah dirimu sekalian sebelum kamu dihisab.” Selagi waktu kita masih longgar, hitung-hitunglah bekal kita untuk hari akhirat. Apakah sudah cukup untuk mendapat ampunan dan surga dari Allah swt.? Sungguh ini sarana yang efektif untuk memperbaharui iman yang ada di dalam diri kita.

20. Berdoa kepada Allah agar diberi ketetapan iman

Perbanyaklah doa. Sebab, doa adalah kekuatan yang luar biasa yang dimiliki seorang hamba. Rasulullah saw. berwasiat, “Iman itu dijadikan di dalam diri salah seorang di antara kamu bagaikan pakaian yang dijadikan, maka memohonlah kepada Allah agar Dia memperbaharui iman di dalam hatimu.”

Ya Allah, perbaharuilah iman yang ada di dalam dada kami. Tetapkanlah hati kami dalam taat kepadamu. Tidak ada daya dan upaya kami kecuali dengan pertolonganMu.

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Lessons from events before Israa’

Glory to (Allah) Who did take His servant for a Journey by night from the Sacred Mosque to the farthest Mosque, whose precincts We did bless,- in order that We might show him some of Our Signs: for He is the One Who heareth and seeth (all things). 017.001 Al-Israa’

This notes is what I managed to record from one Saturday morning tazkirah (admonition)by Ustaz (teacher in Arabic) Sharir Long in Masjid Ubudiah , Kg. Tasik Ampang.

Israa’ is the journey of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) from Mecca and Jerusalem.

Before the journey, Allah’s Apostle undergo a form of surgery as rarrated Abu Dhar:Allah's Apostle (pbuh) said, " While I was at Mecca the roof of my house was opened and Gabriel descended, opened my chest, and washed it with Zam-zam water. Then he brought a golden tray full of wisdom and faith and having poured its contents into my chest, he closed it.

The teacher specifically read the Arabic form of the hadith and translate the last part to be… the wisdom was poured into the heart and faith was coated around the heart before he closed the chest.

The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) informed us in a very famous tradition, commonly quoted with reference to halal and haram, about the importance of the heart .
The hadith in full :- Bukhary, Volume 1, Book 2, Number 49: Narrated An-Nu'man bin Bashir: I heard Allah's Apostle (pbuh) saying, 'Both legal and illegal things are evident but in between them there are doubtful (suspicious) things and most of the people have no knowledge about them. So whoever saves himself from these suspicious things saves his religion and his honor. And whoever indulges in these suspicious things is like a shepherd who grazes (his animals) near the Hima (private pasture) of someone else and at any moment he is liable to get in it. (O people!) Beware! Every king has a Hima and the Hima of Allah on the earth is His illegal (forbidden) things. Beware! There is a piece of flesh in the body if it becomes good (reformed) the whole body becomes good but if it gets spoilt the whole body gets spoilt and that is the heart.

The importance of heart is outlined by the following verses from Al-Quran
The Day whereon neither wealth nor sons will avail, 026.088 Asy-Syu’ara’

Except him who comes to Allah with a heart free (from evil). 026.089 Asy-Syu’ara’
Having said that the teacher told us that the Messenger (pbuh) has to have his heart cleansed, his heart was filled with wisdom(hikmah) and coated with belief (iman) to start his journey to meet Allah in his Mikraj. Similarly, we have to do the same, purify our heart and seek for knowledge or wisdom (hikmah) and Iman in our journey on this earth.

He said the way to purify the heart has been clearly outlined in verse 31 from suratunNur (24)
..And all of you beg Allah to forgive you all, O believers, that you may be successful.

The above verse called for Taubatan Nasuha which means true or sincere repentance; repentance that mends life; such repentance that one never returns to such sin after one repents of it .
Taubatan Nasuha as was outlined by Imam Nawawi:-
1. Stopped from committing the sin
2. Regretted for committing the sin.
3. Determined not to repeat the sin.
4. If anything to do with human being.. to ask for human being forgiveness.

While 1, 2 and 3 are between man and his Creator, to do 4 correctly one have to tell/narrate/detail what exactly were his sins that he want to be forgiven by that particular human being ;( .

The teacher said “Imam Nawawi died when he was 46 years old; he was too busy searching for/teaching knowledge to even get married, while the Muslims now are too busy getting married to search for knowledge” ;) .

To stress the importance of sincere repentance the teacher gave us few more Quranic verses for good measures.
O ye who believe! Turn to Allah with sincere repentance: In the hope that your Lord will remove from you your ills and admit you to Gardens beneath which Rivers flow,- the Day that Allah will not permit to be humiliated the Prophet and those who believe with him. Their Light will run forward before them and by their right hands, while they say, “Our Lord! Perfect our Light for us, and grant us Forgiveness: for Thou hast power over all things.” 066.008 AtTahrim

Turn ye to our Lord (in repentance) and bow to His (Will), before the Penalty comes on you: after that ye shall not be helped. 039.054 AzZummar.

If only thou couldst see when the guilty ones will bend low their heads before their Lord, (saying:) “Our Lord! We have seen and we have heard: Now then send us back (to the world): we will work righteousness: for we do indeed (now) believe.” 032.012 AsSajada..

The last verse signify that it is pertinent that we prepare ourselves while we are in this world.. The teacher even quote the Malay saying “before the rice has become porridge” ;) before bombarding us with more Quranic verses
O ye who believe! Enter into Islam whole-heartedly; and follow not the footsteps of the evil one; for he is to you an avowed enemy 002.208 Al-Baqarah

Or do ye think that ye shall enter the Garden without such (trials) as came to those who passed away before you? they encountered suffering and adversity, and were so shaken in spirit that even the Messenger and those of faith who were with him cried: “When (will come) the help of Allah?” Ah! Verily, the help of Allah is (always) near! 002.214 Al-Baqarah

“Prosper will be those who purify their soul. Lost will be those who defile their soul” he stressed to the congregation. Taking the cue from the story that Gabriel poured knowledge and Hikmah into the Messenger’s heart before coating it with faith before undertaking the journey (israk), we should filled our heart with knowledge while we are our journey to meet HIM.

To further elaborate the importance of knowledge the teacher quote Saidina Ali’s saying
those who want to succeed in this life, he should have the knowledge, those who want to succeed in the hereafter, he should have the knowledge, those who want to succeed in this life and the hereafter, he should have knowledge’

From a saying of the Messenger of Allah (pbuh)"Whoever Allah wants good for, HE gives him fiqh (understanding) of the Deen".

He granteth wisdom to whom He pleaseth; and he to whom wisdom is granted receiveth indeed a benefit overflowing; but none will grasp the Message but men of understanding. 002.269 Al-Baqarah

To know more about virtues of seeking knowledge mentioned in Sunnah, please go here
The teacher was saying that we are here(on this world) as guests of Allah.

To stress the point create a story that if he visit to the Imam’s house.. he will have to follow the Imam’s house rules and procedures.
“Should the Imam want me to seat on the floor by sitting himself on the floor instead of sitting on his nice and comfortable chair, then I will have to follow suit. Should the Imam only asked his wife to bring in a cup of tea for me, then I will have to drink tea for breakfast.. it would be very impolite for me to ask the Imam to bring me the Nasi Lemak, the nice fragrance of which has been whiffed /brought in from his kitchen”

As guests of Allah, we have to follow the Allah’s rules and procedures.
He quoted this verse
O ye who believe! Enter into Islam whole-heartedly; and follow not the footsteps of the evil one; for he is to you an avowed enemy. 002.208 Al-Baqarah

Then he dropped a hint quoting
And pursue not that of which thou hast no knowledge; for every act of hearing, or of seeing or of (feeling in) the heart will be enquired into (on the Day of Reckoning). 017.036 Al –Israa’

Then he talked about the current issue then: “the use of video tapes to accuse one of sexual transgression”, followed by a rather brief history of blasphemous accusation of Messenger’s wife and the related verses from Al-Quran.
Those who brought forward the lie are a body among yourselves: think it not to be an evil to you; On the contrary it is good for you: to every man among them (will come the punishment) of the sin that he earned, and to him who took on himself the lead among them, will be a penalty grievous. 024.011 AnNur

Why did not the believers – men and women – when ye heard of the affair,- put the best construction on it in their own minds and say, “This (charge) is an obvious lie”? 024.012 AnNur

Why did they not bring four witnesses to prove it? When they have not brought the witnesses, such men, in the sight of Allah, (stand forth) themselves as liars! 024.013 AnNur

Were it not for the grace and mercy of Allah on you, in this world and the Hereafter, a grievous penalty would have seized you in that ye rushed glibly into this affair 024.014 AnNur

He mentioned solemnly that he was rather unhappy about the use of tapes to accuse someone of sexual transgression.. because if we believe that the accused are guilty based on videotapes alone.. then we believed liars in the sight of Allah and we ourselves may fall in Kufr..

He sends down water from the skies, and the channels flow, each according to its measure: But the torrent bears away to foam that mounts up to the surface. Even so, from that (ore) which they heat in the fire, to make ornaments or utensils therewith, there is a scum likewise. Thus doth Allah (by parables) show forth Truth and Vanity. For the scum disappears like forth cast out; while that which is for the good of mankind remains on the earth. Thus doth Allah set forth parables. 013.017 Ar-Ra’d
Expounding that we must take care of our Iman (belief), the teacher quote ..
Those who believe, then reject faith, then believe (again) and (again) reject faith, and go on increasing in unbelief,- Allah will not forgive them nor guide them nor guide them on the way. 004.137 AnNisaa

Due to lack of time he quoted a hadith from Bukhari which meant +-“Wealth is not due to plenty of money, but wealth is calm and collected soul”.

But when I met him after the tazkirah he quoted another hadith from Bukhari which meant +-“Those who slander will not go to the heaven”.

Have a good and nice month of Syaaban .

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Thursday, 25 July 2013

Mind The Gap

In our lives, we undergo phases. And the transition from one phase to another is tedious. And sometimes, in these transitions, we experience empty spaces. There are chances we might slip and fall into those empty spaces, or fill those empty spaces with completely wrong things. So what we need to do is this: Mind The Gap.

Imagine stepping yourself out an underground train, onto the platform.

A moment ago, you were in the train. You knew your destination. You knew where you were headed. But just before you were about to reach there, you checked the approximate minutes remaining to the destination. You checked the map if you were new to the area. A few minutes earlier, you stood up in anticipation. You checked that you had not left behind anything on the seat. You moved closer to the door. And once the door opened, you made sure you step out carefully. You did mind the gap. Because you do not want to fall.

Within seconds, you are now in another realm. Transition over. Fast paced steps, purposeful, focused. That is because you were careful not to get your foot stuck in the gap. Because going down the wrong gap is a whirlpool situation. That one careful step was important.

In our lives, this is what we go through. Transitions. Phases.

In the Qur’an, Surah Al-Inshiqaq addresses humans, telling us that ours is a continuous journey of moving on from stage to stage:
“That you shall assuredly pass on from one stage to another.” (Q, 84:20)

I am forever intrigued and fascinated by the lives of the Prophets (as) of Allah, and the phases of their lives.
Yusuf (as) – from loved and pampered son to a brother deceived by blood to a slave sold in teenage years to a prisoner in a well to a young man to the Prophet of Allah to the ruler of Egypt to the magnanimous brother who chooses to forgive his brothers. Phew!

Muhammad (saw) – from an orphan brought up in rural Arabia in the lap of Haleema to his uncle’s home to a 25 year old young man married to the wonderful Khadija to father of many. And to the cave of Hira – to solitude and connection with Allah and Prophethood. And to being oppressed and persecuted in Makkah, and to being forced to migrate to Medina. And to being a statesman and ruler and general of the forces and husband to wives from diverse backgrounds. And from each chapter of the Qur’an to another – a 114 rungs of the ladder.

Moosa (as) – Plucked from his mother’s lap as an infant, into the palace of Pharoah. Prince of Egypt to one who unintentionally kills a person and flees from Egypt. From a shepherd to the Prophet whom Allah speaks to. And so Allah speaks to him in one of my favourite chapters of the Qur’an, surah Taha:

“….so We freed you from sorrow, and tested you to the maximum; you therefore stayed for several years among the people of Madyan; then you came (here) at an appointed time, O Moosa.” (Q, 20:40)

An appointed time! So yes, there is a time for everything. And in that journey, from one phase to another.
We go from being single to committed. We go from being a child to an adult. We go from being student to teacher. We go from being a daughter to a mom, a son to a father. We move stations - geographically, mentally,emotionally. We change jobs. We go from being thin to fat to thin again. We evolve in our thought processes. We replace one set of friends with another. We lose parents to death. We lose loved ones to separation. And change is not always about loss. It is also about gain. We move up the social ladder. We become richer or more famous.

Every transition is a test. And every time a transition happens, there is “gap”….an interim”void”…..which could be a big one or a seemingly small one. A tiny emptiness, between the familiar and the unfamiliar.
One fills up that void with the wrong things a lot of times. Vacuums suck out the worst in us. Alcohol, drugs, sex, addictions. Letting one get sucked up into whirlpools of negativity or hatred or depression. Or other highs – like pride and arrogance and materialism and undermining others.

And so, what actually was a time for becoming stronger and climbing a rung higher becomes a time of sliding down on that most important ladder – the ladder that leads to self-actualization, of closeness of Allah, of ma’arifat (recognition) of Allah.

We either stop realizing at all that we are doing anything wrong. Slowly, the gap-filling wrong things start feeling right. So much so that we reach a stage where we say “there is nothing such as wrong or right”. Satan, often residing within us, lulls us to sleep.

The other extreme then is that we despair and feel remorse to such a degree that we stop trusting in the mercy of Allah….we feel we are beyond repair and forgiveness. We give up on ourselves….on His Mercy, and forget that the Qur’an tells us in Surah Az-Zumr:

“Say, “O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah. Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful.” (Q, 39:53)

So at times of transition, of change, of movement, watch out. Stay connected to Allah. Gotta be careful to fill the void with the right things, not the wrong. Fill the void with the doing of good, productive, positive stuff. And with zikr (His remembrance). Through the Qur’an. Through dua. And he who holds onto Allah, Allah Will not let him slide into an abyss. Like it says in Surah Al-Baqarah:

“…..whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks………” (Q, 2:256)

So hold on to Him. And Mind the Gap.

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Wednesday, 17 July 2013

The Qur'anic Criteria of Inner Participation

First: Say to yourself: My Qur'an reading will not be truly tilawah unless my inner self participates in it as Allah desires it to participate.

So what does Allah desire? And how should you receive the Qur'an? The Qur'an itself in many places tells you vividly how it was received by the Prophet, blessings and peace be on him, and by his Companions, and by those whose hearts were gripped by it. Such Qur'anic verses you should try to remember, and, then, recollect and reflect upon them whenever you read the Qur'an. Some of these are: Those only are believers who, when Allah is mentioned, their hearts tremble; and when His verses are recited to them, they increase them in faith (al-Anfal 8: 2).

God has sent down the best discourse as a Book, fully consistent within itself, oft-repeated, whereat shiver the skins of those who fear their Lord; then their skins and hearts soften to the remembrance of Allah (al-Zumar 39: 23).

When it is recited to them, they fall down upon their faces, prostrating, and say: Glory be to our Lord! Our Lord's promise is fulfilled. And they fall down upon their faces, weeping; and it increases them in humility (al-Isra' 17: 107-9).

Whenever the verses of the Most-merciful are read unto them, they fall down, prostrating themselves and weeping (Maryam 19: 58).

And when they hear what has been sent down to the Messenger, you see their eyes overflow with tears because of what they have recognized of Truth. They cry: Our Lord! We believe; so You do write us down among the witnesses [to the Truth] (al-Ma'idah 5: 83) .

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Participation of the Inner Self

Reading the Qur'an, the tilawah, must involve your whole 'person'. 

Only thus will you be able to elevate your encounter with the Qur'an to the level where you can be called a 'true' believer in the Qur'an (al-Baqarah 2: 121).

What is the Heart?

The more important part of your 'person' is your inner self. This inner self the Qur'an calls the qalb or the 'heart'. The heart of the Prophet, blessings and peace be on him, was the first recipient of the Qur'anic message:

Truly it has been sent down by the Lord of all the worlds, the Trustworthy Spirit has alighted with it upon your heart [O Prophet], that you may be one of the warners ... (al-Shu'ara' 26: 1924).

You will therefore reap the full joys and blessings of reading the Qur'an when you are able to involve your heart fully in your task.

The 'heart', in Qur'anic vocabulary, is not the piece of flesh in your body, but the centre of all your feelings, emotions, motives, drives, aspirations, remembrance and attention. It is the hearts which soften (al-Zumar 39: 23), or harden and become stony (al-Baqarah 2: 74). It is they which go blind and refuse to recognize the truth (al-Hajj 22: 46) for it is their function to reason and understand (al-A'raf 7: 179;al-Hajj 22: 46; Qaf 50: 37). In hearts, lie the roots of all outward diseases (al-Ma'idah 5: 52); they are the seat of all inner ills (al-Baqarah 2: 10); hearts are the abode of Iman (al-Ma'idah 5: 41) and hypocrisy (al-Tawbah 9: 77). It is the hearts, again, which are the centre of every good and bad thing, whether it be contentment and peace (al-Ra'd 13: 28), the strength to face afflictions (al-Taghabun 64: 11), mercy (al-Hadid 57: 27), brotherly love (al-Anfal 8: 63), taqwd (al-Hujurat 49: 3; al-Hajj 22: 32); or, doubt and hesitation (al-Tawbah 9: 45), regrets (Al 'Imran 3: 156), and anger (al-Tawbah 9: 15). 

Finally it is, in reality, the ways of the heart for which we shall be accountable, and only the one who brings before his God a sound and whole heart will deserve to be saved.

God will not take you to task for a slip, but He will take you to task for what your hearts have earned (al-Baqarah 2: 225).

The Day when neither wealth nor children shall profit, [and when] only he [will be saved] who comes before God with a sound heart [free of evil] (al-Shu'ara' 26: 88-9).

You must therefore ensure that so long as you are with the Qur'an, your heart remains with you. The heart not being that piece of flesh but what the Qur'an calls qalb.

This should not prove difficult if you remain conscious of a few things and observe certain actions of heart and body The seven prerequisites described earlier lay the foundation for the fuller participation of your inner self in reading the Qur'an. In addition to these, the taking of a few more steps will greatly increase the intensity and quality of this involvement of the heart.

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Monday, 15 July 2013

Submission to Destiny

You should be aware that you are in a state of unconditional submission to your own destiny. No power other than Allah can alter this. Everything that you have experienced or will experience in future is set out in the Sight of Allah, and you have no control over your future. This book will leave your hands in a while, wrinkles will appear on your face in a few years’ time, and all the details of a film you will watch 15 years from now are all included in the knowledge of Allah. The people you will meet, how much money you will earn, which illnesses you will suffer, what you will rejoice over and how and where you will die—all this has already taken place in your own destiny.

The only reason why you do not know these things is that they are not yet in your memory.
Grieving over something that happens, therefore, wondering “Why did it happen like that?”, harboring sorrow and regret and starting with the words “If only . . . ,” and becoming angry, greedy or impatient—all these actions are needless and meaningless. That is because all events that give rise to sorrow or anger are under the control of Allah. It is Allah Who creates all of these within a person’s destiny, and there can be no question of any other possibility outside a person’s destiny.

If someone has a traffic accident after turning into the wrong street, it is meaningless to complain about his mistake. Even if he could have his time over again, he would still turn into the wrong street and still have that accident. Saying things like, “If only I had my life to live over” are pointless and stem from a failure to understand this fact. Similarly, it is no solution for someone whose wallet is stolen to say, “If only I hadn’t gone into that shop,” or “If only I had kept my money in my pocket.” That person had no alternative but to go into that shop, carry money in his wallet and have it stolen. That person’s destiny has been created to go into a particular place at a particular time and for the money to be stolen. Even if he were to go back in time a thousand times, the money would still be stolen a thousand times.

A happy event or a success achieved are also in the individual’s destiny. Those successes and moments of joy will inevitably be experienced, because they are appointed in destiny.
Some people are reluctant to accept this insight. Roger Penrose describes them:
I think the trouble that people have with this idea is that you think the future is under your control, to some degree. And so, this means that if the future’s laid out, then in a sense it’s not under your control.148
Since most people wish to be in control of their own lives, they reject the fact of destiny. Yet they fall into a serious error by doing so, because whether or not they wish to, whether they admit the fact or not, people live their own destinies. People’s very denial is also appointed in their destiny!

If Allah afflicts you with harm, no one can remove it except Him. If He desires good for you, no one can avert His favor. He bestows it on whichever of His slaves He wills. He is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Surah Yunus, 107)

. . . Allah’s command is a pre-ordained decree. (Surat al-Ahzab, 38)


It will be useful to recall that living in submission to one’s destiny is a great blessing and brings great peace of mind. People experience great panic and distress if they think that events are actually under their own control. They then imagine that every event in the future will be their own responsibility, and they feel the weight of every event on their own shoulders. They feel that they must resolve all difficulties on their own. Unable to see the auspicious side of the functioning of events, they experience great distress in the face of events. They grow proud in the face of the triumphs they achieve, which feeling may result in serious harm in this world and in the Hereafter. The difficulties they experience, on the other hand, lead to increasing pessimism, emptiness and stress.

But knowing that every event takes place within a destiny determined by Allah and believing that all events are created for good is one of the greatest blessings a person can enjoy. Living in submission to the destiny appointed by Allah means accepting His will and voluntarily submitting to every event determined by Him. People will then be freed from the feeling that events are under their control, will feel rid of troubles, will know that they are living events that are already over and done with, and will enjoy the peace of mind that this imparts. Submission to destiny is a great blessing for anyone who knows that all things are created to be auspicious. Even events that may appear to be troubles or difficulties are in fact positive and eventually result in great good.

When considering the concept of destiny, some people take the fact that everything is predetermined to imagine that there is no need for them to do anything. Yet this is a major distortion of the concept of destiny. True, everything we experience is determined in our destinies—before we experience them, those events have already taken place in the Sight of Allah and all its details are written down in the Lawh al-Mahfuz (the Preserved Tablet) in His Sight.

However, Allah gives every human being the feeling that they are able to alter events and act in accordance with their own decisions and choices. When one is thirsty, for example, one does not sit down and wait, saying,“I will have a drink—if that is in my destiny.” One gets up, takes a glass and drinks. In fact, of course, one drinks the amount of water determined in one’s destiny. But one nevertheless feels that one is doing this in accord with one’s own wish. That feeling is experienced in everything we do throughout our lives. The difference is that someone who has submitted to the destiny created by Allah knows that despite the feeling he does things of his own accord, he actually performs them by the will of Allah. Others who have failed to grasp this fact mistakenly imagine that they do everything with their own intelligence and strength.

For example, a submitted person who learns that he has contracted a disease will be resigned, since he knows that this is his destiny. He will say, “Since Allah has created this in my destiny, there must be an auspicious element to it.” He will not sit back and do nothing saying “If I am destined to recover, I will.” On the contrary, he will take all the requisite precautions. He will go to the doctor, be careful what he eats and take medicine. However, he will not forget that the doctor he visits, the treatment administered, the drugs he takes, and how effective these will be—in short, every single detail—are all in his destiny. He knows that all these events were already in the memory of Allah, long before he ever came into the world.
Allah has revealed this in verses:

It is He Who created you from clay and then decreed a fixed term, and another fixed term is specified with Him. Yet you still have doubts! (Surat al-An‘am, 2)

. . . Allah’s command is a pre-ordained decree. (Surat al-Ahzab, 38)

Not just human beings have a destiny in the Sight of Allah, but the Sun, the Moon, mountains, trees and all things and entities. A centuries-old antique vase that is broken, for example, breaks at the moment appointed in its destiny. The people who would use this vase, where it would stand in which home, and what other objects would be standing alongside it were all determined at the moment it was manufactured.

Every pattern on it and all its colors were determined beforehand in its destiny. The day, hour and minute when it would be broken, and by whom and how, already exist in the memory of Allah. In fact, the moment that the vase was first made, the moment it was placed in the shop window, the moment it was placed in its new home and the moment it was broken—in short, every moment in the life of that vase lasting several hundred years—all exist as a single moment in the Sight of Allah. Although the person who broke the vase was totally unaware of that event even a few seconds beforehand, that moment had already happened and was known in the Sight of Allah. That is why Allah tells us not to be saddened by what befalls us. That is because what happens is part of one’s destiny, and human beings have no power to change this. However, people must still learn from destined events and, by seeing the wisdom and goodness in them, turn to our Lord, Who creates their destinies and Who is infinitely Merciful, Affectionate and Just, and Who preserves and protects His servants.

The form people assume while still an embryo, their state when they first learn to read and write and the fitness they display on their 35th birthday and when they retire are already determined in the book in the Sight of Allah. Human beings can neither experience nor do anything that is not appointed in their destiny. People heedless of this major truth spend their lives in a state of anxiety and fear.

For example, they constantly worry about their children’s futures, which school they will attend, what jobs they will have, their state of health and the kind of lives they will lead. In fact, however, everything from a person’s existence as a single cell to the time when they first learn to read and write, from the answers they give in exams to what job they will do in which company, how many times they will sign their names, and how and where they will die—everything is predetermined in the Sight of Allah. All these events lie concealed in the memory of Allah. For example, people’s state at this precise moment, as a fetus, in primary school, at university, first day at the office, when they celebrate their 35th birthday, when they see the angels at the time of their death, when they are buried by their relatives and the moments when they account for themselves in the Hereafter—all exist as a single moment in His Sight.
hayat şeridi

Those who sincerely submit to Allah may hope to attain His approval, mercy and Paradise, and will live in peace and happiness in both this world and the Hereafter. For someone who has submitted to Allah and who knows that the destiny created by Him is the most auspicious for them, there is nothing to fear, or regret or sorrow over. Such people will make genuine efforts, but will know that these are all in their destiny, and that they have no power to change what is written in their destiny, no matter what they may do.

A believer will submit to the destiny created by Allah, will embrace, as much as he can, the events he encounters, will take precautionary measures and seek to turn all events in an auspicious direction, but will live in the awareness and ease imparted by knowing that they all take place within his destiny and that Allah has already determined them in the most auspicious form.

In the Qur’an, Allah refers to a precaution taken by the Prophet Yaqub (as) for the security of his children. In order that they should not attract the attention of evilly disposed persons, the Prophet Yaqub (as) recommended that his sons enter the city by separate gates, but also reminded them that this could never alter the destiny appointed by Allah:

He [Jaqub] said, “My sons! You must not enter through a single gate. Go in through different gates. But I cannot save you from Allah at all, for judgment comes from no one but Allah. In Him I put my trust, and let all those who put their trust, put it in Him alone.” (Surah Yusuf, 67)

Allah reveals in another verse that no matter what they may do, people cannot change their destinies:

Then He sent down to you, after the distress, security, restful sleep overtaking a group of you, whereas another group became prey to anxious thoughts, thinking other than the truth about Allah—thoughts belonging to the Time of Ignorance—saying, “Do we have any say in the affair at all?”’ Say, “The affair belongs entirely to Allah.” They are concealing things inside themselves which they do not disclose to you, saying, “If we had only had a say in the affair, none of us would have been killed here in this place.” Say, “Even if you had been inside your homes, those people for whom killing was decreed would have gone out to their place of death.” So that Allah might test what is in your breasts and purge what is in your hearts. Allah knows the contents of your hearts. (Surah Al ‘Imran, 154)

As can be seen from this verse, even if people avoid an auspicious, religious observance in order to save their lives, they will still die if that is what is written in their destiny. The methods to which such a person will resort in order to avoid death are also determined in that destiny, and everyone will experience what has been determined for them.

In this verse, Allah also states that the events created in people’s destinies are intended to test them and cleanse their hearts. In Surah Fatir, it is revealed that everyone’s life span is determined in the Sight of Allah:

Allah created you from dust and then from a drop of sperm and then made you into pairs. No female becomes pregnant or gives birth except with His knowledge. And no living thing lives long or has its life cut short without that being in a Book. That is easy for Allah. (Surah Fatir, 11)


The following verses from Surat al-Qamar reveal that everything a person does has been written line by line and relate the events experienced by the people of Paradise as events which have already occurred. As has already been stated, the true life in Paradise is the future for us. However, the discourse, experiences and banquets in Paradise are all present in the memory of Allah. The future of all people in this world and in the Hereafter have taken place in a moment in the Sight of Allah before we are even born and are preserved in His memory:

Everything they did is in the Books. Everything is recorded, big or small. The people who guard against evil are amid Gardens and Rivers, on seats of honor in the presence of an All-Powerful King. (Surat al-Qamar, 52-55)

In some verses of the Qur’an, Allah refers to some events which lie in the future for us, but which have already taken place in His Sight. For example, certain verses revealing that people will have to account for themselves to Allah in the Hereafter relate those events as already over and done with:

The Trumpet is blown, and those in the heavens and those in the Earth all lose consciousness, except those Allah wills. Then it is blown a second time and at once they are standing upright, looking on. And the Earth shines with the Pure Light of its Lord; the Book is put in place; the Prophets and witnesses are brought; it is decided between them with the truth . . . (Surat az-Zumar, 68-69)

Those who disbelieve are driven to Hell in companies . . . (Surat az-Zumar, 71)

And those who have fear of their Lord are driven to the Garden in companies . . . (Surat az-Zumar, 73)

Other verses on the same subject read:

[On that Day,] every self came together with a driver and a witness. (Surah Qaf, 21)

And Heaven is split apart, for that Day it is very frail. (Surat al-Haqqa, 16)

And [He] rewarded them for their steadfastness with a Garden and with silk. Reclining in it on couches, they experienced there neither burning sun nor bitter cold. (Surat al-Insan, 12-13)

And the Blazing Fire is displayed for all who can see. (Surat an-Nazi‘at, 36)

So today those who believe laugh at the disbelievers. (Surat al-Mutaffifin, 34)

The evildoers saw the Fire and realized they had to fall into it and found no way of escaping from it. (Surat al-Kahf, 53)

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