
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I hate the rain when I'm alone

**I've been importing in this blog all of my previous posts from my old blogs. I wanted to merge everything because I felt there is a sense of security in doing so.

**This page right here was actually a blog post from my late blog, BASKET OF DREAMS, which I deleted a long time ago, but of course, I deleted the blog itself but I never deleted my writings. I love all of the masterpieces I made from the past, beautiful, ugly, good or bad writings will always be kept! And I just decided today (February 9, 2013) to publish again all of these masterpieces in one site! Dates are preserved by the way.

 Rain rain go away come again another day. Little Kamila is alone today. Rain rain go away.

There is that one time, I cried, no I think I was screaming. I was shouting, shouting together with the thunders and lightnings. I was not calm. I was in panicked. I was so scared. Scared because I was alone while the wind hits the door that it started flipping, and it opens wide and closes back. I tried closing one curtain and another which is non sense cause the wind will just throw and blow it up and down again, so the stupid me closed the windows instead, so why I did not think of that first? Some kind of idiot I may be. After that, it was less noisier and I just sat on that side of my room, shaking, holding a crappy flashlight, waiting for the grudging air outside to calm, waiting for the electricity to return to life.

Okay, I know that's too dramatic! Isn't it? Lol! But I'm the star of my own drama, so just add some sound effect on it!

Every now and then it will of course, rain, that's natural! What makes me anxious though is being alone in our big 20-year-old-haunted-house like home. It freaks me up! Seriously! When you think about movies, raining or stormy moments are always in tandem with disastrous things. So I'm scared and I so hate being alone in bad weather.

But if we're gonna talk about sleeps and cuddles and drizzles and harmony and calmness and blankets and cups of coffee for two, who will not love that?

One of my classmates told me that in Macao (if I spelled it right), people don't use umbrella specially when the rain is nearly a mist (I thought most of the country don't though). Here in the Philippines, we usually believe that mist like rain could bring fever or flu compare to big droplets of rain and thus it means that if you will be caught in the rain, even if it's only a drizzle, you should take a bath after to avoid getting sick.

One more thing I hate about the rain is that when I need to walk in it. I hate the hassle of opening an umbrella, the hassle of commuting from one place and another, the hassle of getting wet when you need to go to important places and the hassle of mud from the soils of the earth getting on my legs cause yes, I walk clumsy and before I knew it, I'm a Dalmatian!

I guess, I'm a sunny person. I love the heat, I wouldn't care if I get all sweaty (I know that sounds stinky or something) and I'm sorry for hating the rain for some reasons but no thanks, I prefer to be dry!

And now.. it's raining again, grrrrrr..and I'm alone.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

About following; follow follow me

**I've been importing in this blog all of my previous posts from my old blogs. I want to merge everything because I felt there is a sense of security in doing so.

**This page right here was actually a blog post from my late blog, “ROAD TO KILL”. The blog itself was deleted but I never deleted my writings. I love all of the masterpieces I made from the past, beautiful, ugly, good or bad writings will always be kept! And I just decided today (February 9, 2013) to publish again all of these masterpieces in one site! Dates are preserved by the way.
Note: If you can't understand Tagalog, kindly unfollow me and follow my second blog, thanks!

my second blog

Or you could simply unfollow me, because there is no point in following this blog if you can't understand anything, right? I don't want to think that I've been followed due to debt of gratitude on following you. I followed you because I look forward on reading your blogs, and if you find my blog beyond your lovely interest, then i wouldn't mind if you don't follow back.


Hahaha, kala mo dame followers noh? Well not bursting because of that reason exactly, I'm just thinking that there will be no benefits for the reader if they won't actually understand anything in this blog. I realized that I've been blogging not to have followers but to be able to write, because this fulfills my dreams.

Waahh sasabihin mo, "Nasan na si Kamil! Na-abduct na ba siya,,! anong pinagsasabi mo!", but this is real. I accept that I am not popular and I will never expect I would be. Sinabi ko na, gusto ko ng simpleng buhay, takot ako maging sikat dahil madali lang maging sikat sa isang kamil (in my dreams).

Anyone is welcome sa aking second blog, and if your quite interested, then go visit my blog, pero di ako namimilit. Hay ayuko na mamilit. Ayuko ng pilitin ang mga taong ayaw sa kin (sabi ko na mauuwi na naman ito sa pang-aaway), ayuko na ipakdukdukan sa mukha ng mga kaibigan, ka-ibigan, kalsmeyt at kahit sinong kakilala ko ang page ng blog ko (pwera lang sa FB ah, paminsan minsa pa din ako mag-iinvite), ayuko na magyabang kase wala akong maipagyayabang, at ayuko na maging plastik (anong konek!)

Ano daw...? Siguro ngayon sure ka na, abducted na si KAMIL. Hindi ako si Kamil.

Korny eh.

OO. titigil na ako dahil palala na ng palala. Psychotic.

Truth today

**I've been importing in this blog all of my previous posts from my old blogs. I wanted to merge everything because I felt there is a sense of security in doing so.

**This page right here was actually a blog post from my late blog, BASKET OF DREAMS, which I deleted a long time ago, but of course, I deleted the blog itself but I never deleted my writings. I love all of the masterpieces I made from the past, beautiful, ugly, good or bad writings will always be kept! And I just decided today (February 9, 2013) to publish again all of these masterpieces in one site! Dates are preserved by the way.

I am not happy home alone here, and this could lead to a psychotic post. Well, I've been reading a lot from other blogs, and thrice I had read about being honest (one is practically not about honesty but could lead to that), and leads me into writing about anything I could honestly think about today.

I know my blog has been trying hard, to be followed but to no success. I just want to have enough follower because I envy some of the blogs that I'm following because they have 30 and more followers, and I got? (counting on my fingers) like 4?

When I try to visit blogs, I definitely leave a comment to let them know, that hey buddy, I visited your blog! And I have nothing to do, and reading blogs will make me sane. So I look for blogs, I read their minds through it and if I like their post follow them and then I leave a comment. That's what I think I thought it was. But in the back of my brain and this big forehead, I was wishing and hoping someone from those people I've been reading into bothers to visit my blog and fortunately follows back. But I guess, people has no interest to a word I'm saying.

I realized! What I've been doing? To start with, I just want to blog and to write! To share every point of my narcissism in life. And I solemnly made this second blog so that I could write confidently in English because I'm not. I made this blog because I thought I am some good girl sharing inspirations and dreams in life.

Now, I love my blog, even if my followers would go back to zero and will love it even if no one dares to read it. :) I love reading blogs that I follow, and I should do that without expecting they will read my post back or whatsoever. I really think that I've been learning a lot just on reading blogs of different people I had followed, and I'll continue doing that.

Now I have a happy face because I could share this truthfully!

Monday, September 27, 2010

There's a difference about keeping quite and hearing your thoughts

**I've been importing in this blog all of my previous posts from my old blogs. I want to merge everything because I felt there is a sense of security in doing so.

**This page right here was actually a blog post from my late blog, “ROAD TO KILL”. The blog itself was deleted but I never deleted my writings. I love all of the masterpieces I made from the past, beautiful, ugly, good or bad writings will always be kept! And I just decided today (February 9, 2013) to publish again all of these masterpieces in one site! Dates are preserved by the way.
I can't compromise with writing now. I'm emotionally sick. I'd be bothering myself about it and then repeat in words, "Hindi, wag na mag-isip.." and those words don't really help out, that I need some one to maintain my anxiety away.

I hope my life story would be written in Maalala mo Kaya, but it's not that subtle to be discovered like that and we're on the peak and ending is far.

There's a lot of things I don't understand with my Mom, I can't bring her to tell me and I have no guts to bother ask. She also doesn't understand a quite of facts about me, but if the situation calls, my thoughts wouldn't even matter, as if a resume close and sealed, yet rejected.

I love my mom, I love my dad. Comparisons between them is not the prime topic. I pay respect to both and that is a must. In my case, a father and a mother is a parent of a child and that would never be erased with snow flakes, even with mistakes.

I never told anyone (even believed) I knew everything, I almost dictate to the world I knew nothing. I love hearing my mind, but as people close my drafts in behalf of their opinion, I doubt about hearing my thoughts ever again. People forget to listen, so why bother say anything? Why bother if that 'people' are people you believed would believe you? Confused? Stop reading.

There's a difference about growing as an adult and maturing into one. The same as there's a difference about growing a wisdom tooth and having wisdom.

You are Good Enough

**I've been importing in this blog all of my previous posts from my old blogs. I wanted to merge everything because I felt there is a sense of security in doing so.

**This page right here was actually a blog post from my late blog, BASKET OF DREAMS, which I deleted a long time ago, but of course, I deleted the blog itself but I never deleted my writings. I love all of the masterpieces I made from the past, beautiful, ugly, good or bad writings will always be kept! And I just decided today (February 9, 2013) to publish again all of these masterpieces in one site! Dates are preserved by the way.

You are good enough.
I dislike it when people downgrade themselves to a certain point where they call themselves ugly and fat. I mean, why would you say that when you know everyone shouldn’t really care what you look like. Starting with you. You shouldn’t have to bother with people’s opinions except your owns because you are great just the way you are. No, this isn’t another corny Bruno Mars saying, this is the truth. You are good enough for anyone. Don’t ever doubt that. We see you for you. Nothing more nothing less.

I just saw these on someone's Tumblr: here: Life, Love, Lakers

 I think this is what I needed today, tomorrow or maybe till next week. I'm running out of self-esteem here! And I always forgot about loving myself and everything about me. I am good enough, and people's opinion about me doesn't matter at all (although at some time they do), but not ALWAYS.

Love love love. MYSELF.

I am good enough because I have talents, and those talents does not include singing and dancing, but if you want to laugh then I'll try. I'm a creative jerk, and I love being creative (Now I'm missing Art Attack). I am funny and I have lots of friends. I love myself even if I'm fat now and I know I could do so much better in my life. I could play basketball as a girl. I am an adventurer. I just love me and should love me.

Hope if you have the same crisis as I do, this post could lift you too and your positive outlook for yourself.

Anyways, your not alone.

Again, thank you from that blog where I got this : here: Life, Love, Lakers

Sunday, September 26, 2010

teacher, teacher may I go out?

**I've been importing in this blog all of my previous posts from my old blogs. I want to merge everything because I felt there is a sense of security in doing so.

**This page right here was actually a blog post from my late blog, “ROAD TO KILL”. The blog itself was deleted but I never deleted my writings. I love all of the masterpieces I made from the past, beautiful, ugly, good or bad writings will always be kept! And I just decided today (February 9, 2013) to publish again all of these masterpieces in one site! Dates are preserved by the way.

Gusto ko maging isang model. Alam kong feelingera naman ako kapag sinabi ko na seryoso ako. Tsaka ang chaka ko para maging model.

Kaya sige uulitin ko ang nasimulan ko sa post na ito.

Gusto ko maging isang TEACHER. Yan, okay ka na? Tingin ko magiging isang magaling at mabute akong teacher. Ewan ko. Na-fi-feel ko. Siguro dahil nung bata ako nagkaroon ako ng mga teacher na nakakawalang gana pasukan pero wala ka magagawa, at dahil mabait na bata ako, pumapasok pa rin ako.

Madame akong minahal na teacher (at alam kong lahat sila di naman ako napansin), pero ilan din ang hindi ko maapreciate. Naisip ko na lang, kung magiging teacher ako, with all my might, ipapaintindi ko sa bata ang nalalaman ko. Hindi ako magiging teacher para pabayaan ang mga studyante na mag self-study.

Ang di ko lang sure, kung ma-eentertain ko ba ang mga studyante kapag bored na sila sa loob na kase.

Pero dahil Nursing na ang nakuha kong course, siguro magiging clinical insructor na lang ako na magtuturo sa mga studyante kung paano ang tamang pag-eenema at pano ang paraan para isa-puso ang pag-kuha ng blood pressure.

Sige ako na teacher.

Running with Scissors

**I've been importing in this blog all of my previous posts from my old blogs. I wanted to merge everything because I felt there is a sense of security in doing so.

**This page right here was actually a blog post from my late blog, BASKET OF DREAMS, which I deleted a long time ago, but of course, I deleted the blog itself but I never deleted my writings. I love all of the masterpieces I made from the past, beautiful, ugly, good or bad writings will always be kept! And I just decided today (February 9, 2013) to publish again all of these masterpieces in one site! Dates are preserved by the way.

I just finished reading Running with Scissors. Yes reading. There was a movie about this one, but I haven't watch it yet. I am a magnet for cheap books, and saw this and randomly felt that I have a need to read through it. It was weird, reading this book. I am asking myself how come this become a memoirs? I mean, I'll be in trauma if ever I will be experiencing whatever is written here.

But I still love the book and I like Augusten Burroughs (the author) for his freaky way of sharing his memory. I actually first thought that it was titled Running with Scissors because the story might contain some riskiness or adventure. But the book surprise me more than that expectation.

On the story, I couldn't say I was on the same boat with him, but I make myself available to anything I want in life. I mean, my parents are away, I'm left with my brothers at home, pretty sure I could do a lot of things without my parents knowing and even without my brothers knowing. I used to live in a dormitory, I handle my own time and my own pace.

I'm not encouraging a thought that is wrong here, which may lead to regrets and failures later. My friends call it LUCKY though, because I can go home late if want to without having someone to shout at me (till I'm deaf). I can do anything, it's like a power because I have no parents to kick my butt whenever I will do something wrong. They say I'm fortunate, I say, you'll never know what your missing until you don't have it anymore.

Don't misunderstood either, my parents are alive and kicking and I want them to stay the same, but it is just that they are too away from us that they can't even guide us anymore. I don't blame them though.

Growing without a parent to guide you through life is a big part of the story that really caught me. He said, "The problem with not having anybody to tell you what to do, I understood, is that there was nobody to tell you what NOT to do."

Burroughs said, "So why did we feel so trapped? Why did I feel like I had no options in my life when it seemed that options were the only thing I DID have?"

My life has it's own missing link, a part that will only be completed if I will have my whole family back. If that will ever happen. At the end I'll say, I have no regrets for something good has came out of having my parents gone a while, and it's me being independent. I had a lot of opportunity in front of me to grow and submerge into this world, and I'm thankful for all of that.

Friday, September 24, 2010

School Life

**I've been importing in this blog all of my previous posts from my old blogs. I wanted to merge everything because I felt there is a sense of security in doing so.

**This page right here was actually a blog post from my late blog, BASKET OF DREAMS, which I deleted a long time ago, but of course, I deleted the blog itself but I never deleted my writings. I love all of the masterpieces I made from the past, beautiful, ugly, good or bad writings will always be kept! And I just decided today (February 9, 2013) to publish again all of these masterpieces in one site! Dates are preserved by the way.

I feel old, why is that? I feel as if time has passed through life too fast. When I see new kids running and growing and finding their way to maturity like I once did, I feel the white hair is coming out of my head.

I'm missing my childhood memories right now, me and one of my best friend does. Whenever we go back to that place where we grow, instantly there is that piece of us that makes us feel sad and a piece that hope that this moment can be like the old days we had.

I've been always the kid who gone through one school and another, except in high school. I change school, I change college, I'm fickle!  Although, record breaking, I stayed in one school during my high school days and I enjoyed it so much, so much that you can't help but get attached to the people around you. I'm happy that until now, I still have that great communication with them and that I have a chance to see them whenever I want to.

But when I went to college, that's when I became the most fickle person in the world. I spend my freshman years at this university in Manila, then second year in college I got bored and transferred to the same university but different area which is in Makati. Finally realized after a year that I have to go and transfer back to Manila, because of certain circumstances! Our college dean even gave me a waiver saying: "Not allowed to transfer back to Makati." and I say, oh okay! I will not have any plans anyway.

Then on my 4th year college, I got the idea of dropping all of my courses with all of the alibis, reasons and excuses I have. I told them I'll be flying soon, I need to go, get it? This is an opportunity for me to be successful, tata! Goodbye! They believe though! I got out of school, become a bum for a while and now I'm hanging by a bush so bored with my life. Although it was partially true, I'm really going out of the country, but the thing is that I'm not yet until 6 or more months. I can still stay for a while and hang out and learn while I'm waiting.

I am fond of making alibis and now I grew tired of making one. Alibi is one thing that you might commend me for and most of the time I have this tool that makes a big wide hole to every situation, and every time I feel suffocated, I just use that tool to get out.

Now I'm going there, in a place where I could be with my mom but not sure if I would also be with my dad. I would be away from my friends and away from my brothers and far far away from that someone I love.

I can say at the very least that I'm enjoying my life. I'm inconsistent with my decisions, but I guess I learned through that. I experienced more than others had. I have more friends than others had. It feels like an adventure. A totally confusing adventure. It feels good. Seeking life not on the common side of the road nor through social expectation. I'm loving it and I'm learning so much with my life.

Have a nice day!

Dumudugo na ilong ko

**I've been importing in this blog all of my previous posts from my old blogs. I want to merge everything because I felt there is a sense of security in doing so.

**This page right here was actually a blog post from my late blog, “ROAD TO KILL”. The blog itself was deleted but I never deleted my writings. I love all of the masterpieces I made from the past, beautiful, ugly, good or bad writings will always be kept! And I just decided today (February 9, 2013) to publish again all of these masterpieces in one site! Dates are preserved by the way.
Pagkababa ko pa lang ng hagdan, galing sa kwarto nakasalubong ko kuya ko sabay banat ng "tumaba ka na naman." Toink. Alam ko to at fully aware ako na talaga namang ang takaw ko. Puro COKE pa ako ngayon, kase naman yung commercial nila Moymoy at Roadfill (na bago) eh na m-moved talaga ako na pumunta kila Mang Rolly (malapit na tindahan sa min) at bumili ng COKE.

Madame ako iniisip ngayon para isipin pa ang bilbil ko, jan na muna siya. Samantala kinakabahan ako dahil nalalapit na ang pag-alis ko. Ilang araw na ako nananaginip na paalis na daw ako pero hindi pa daw handa yung bagahe ko.

Pero hindi yung bagahe ko iniisip ko, iniisip ko ang pakikipag-usap ko sa mga kano. Kinakabahan ako, baka mabulol-bulol-bulol ako, tulad na lang nung isang araw, may tumawag sa akin galing sa TeleTech, jusme dugo ilong ko, nasabi ko lang, "No, not ahh..? I'm not interested", nahirapan ako sabihin yun pero di pala niya naintindihan.

One time din, may kausap akong kano. Sabi ko, "I'm embarassed to you.." Tapos di ko alam kung ano sinabi ko, kung tama ba pagkakasunod-sunod ng sinabi ko o may mali ba sa grammar. Buti na lang di niya ko sinabihan ng "Spell embarassed."

Minsan din nagugulat ako sa school pag biglang nilalapitan ako ng mga bumbay, Iranian, Pakistan and the like. Lalo na pag magtatanong sila ng direction. Nasasabi ko agad, "yes" o di kaya "no". Isang beses lang ako nagkaroon ng maayos na sagot sa isang Iranian, pero patanong din yung sagot ko.

(nakatayo kame sa Mercury na malapit sa school)
Iranian: Where could I find CEU?

Ako: Can you see that PINK building? (sabay turo sa CEU)

Iranian: Ah yeah, thank you.

Ako: okay! cross that bridge there (sabay turo sa foot bridge na green) to get to CEU!

Pag pabigla bigla din ako kinakailangan mag-explain sa room, at kailangan spowk-ening ENGlish, nagagawa ko naman. Pero totoo lang, bulol-bulol pa din minsan. Mag-aral na nga ako... paano ba!!!

Weeh. Kaya ko to! SANA.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The best friend. I never gonna have (again).

**I've been importing in this blog all of my previous posts from my old blogs. I want to merge everything because I felt there is a sense of security in doing so.

**This page right here was actually a blog post from my late blog, “ROAD TO KILL”. The blog itself was deleted but I never deleted my writings. I love all of the masterpieces I made from the past, beautiful, ugly, good or bad writings will always be kept! And I just decided today (February 9, 2013) to publish again all of these masterpieces in one site! Dates are preserved by the way.

This I'm gonna write not out of rage, but out of missing that person, not so deep I guess --just missing.

Back in grade 1, there was this girl, so cute, everybody seems to play pull and tag just to be her best friend. I was a lucky one to have her as mine (back then). The most few things I could remember about her is that she had to be injected by syringe on her 10 fingers in every I-can't-remember-time because she has I-can't-remember-sickness; another thing is that she lives just behind some bushes or whatever near our school, but you can't walk there (I guess), so she has to walk a lot more than that to find home. I remember days with her practicing our First Communion at school and eating beside her a lot during recess. She was in ballet and I am not, I tried to, but I have no suit. So instead I tried voice lessons and later painting. She always asks me to watch South Park, but I can't see where channel would I look (maybe because we have no TV cable).

Yes, and in this story, I am the poor one. In grade 3, Mommy resigned from work and Dad can't afford schooling of 3 kids in a private school. We had to have promissory notes every freaking grading until my parents decided to send me(us) to another school, itself they called it "semi-private", and every one was amazed asking again, semi-private?

I had to go and that "best friend" was crying her eyes, asking me to plead my Dad, not to. But I have no choice. What could a Grade 3 could have as an option?

After that seperation, I never forgot. I promise, since the day she cried, that I would not. I was crying to every freaking moment I would remember that I was gone and she was gone for me.

There was no contact ever since. Until friendster and facebook came to life. I found her, totally excited as I can be. The thing is, after few weeks and so, I was till waiting to ignite our recollection, she is there but she don't exist for me (I think). I was like sending message to her that I hope she would reply or if she remembers me, nothing.

I thought, maybe she had already forgotten that classmate of her. Until sometime after, I found some of our classmates that time and they do remember me back in Grade 3. Why she doesn't? Then I just decided to finally stop bugging her.


I had never forgotten her. Every time I have the opportunity to look for someone, I would first look for her name or her surname in the phone directory, in friendster or anywhere possible. 

I guess people come and go into our lives, and I should face that. We didn't grow together, we don't know any of the interest of each other and I guess we will never know.

I'm not hurtful, I'm just sad knowing the fact.

I just hope if ever that person will somehow see her name on my label, she could read this:

"I wanna tell you for so long, that I missed you, although we're apart for (counting..) almost 10 years now. I was happy you choose to be my friend back then. I had never forgot you and never will. I won't bug you, don't worry. Sorry for the lousy drama! Carry on. Hope you had a great day now and always."

Goal 1

**I've been importing in this blog all of my previous post from my old blogs. I wanted to merge everything because I felt there is a sense of security in doing so.

**This page right here was actually a blog post from my late blog, BASKET OF DREAMS, which I deleted a long time ago, but of course, I deleted the blog itself but I never deleted my writings. I love all of the masterpiece I made from the past, beautiful, ugly, good or bad writings will always be kept! And I just   decided today (February 9, 2013) to publish again all of this masterpiece in one site! Dates are preserved by the way.

What is your goal in life and what's your way to succeed?

I am asking this because I was always been a goal-maker, but I usually fail to each word I had spoken. I don't have that much motivation in life, although I dream for lot of things I would want to have or for places I had never been, still, dreaming is not enough! The important of dreaming should be the part where you make it come true.

Anyway, my goal now is working hard for my writing and speaking. Soon, I'll go to abroad with my mom and I'm really anxious right now that I might be misunderstood since I'm not fluent in English.
I started reading a book from Reader's Digest to make me feel better.

When I get there, this October, I planned to spend the times I had lost with my Mom. I want to study short courses for writing and speaking English and I wish I could also try other vocational courses there and maybe even have part-time job.

Maybe the best way to start for my goal is to have short goals at a mean time, and I think learning and practicing English may be best for now.

What do you suggest for me?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

**I've been importing in this blog all of my previous posts from my old blogs. I want to merge everything because I felt there is a sense of security in doing so.

**This page right here was actually a blog post from my late blog, “ROAD TO KILL”. The blog itself was deleted but I never deleted my writings. I love all of the masterpieces I made from the past, beautiful, ugly, good or bad writings will always be kept! And I just decided today (February 9, 2013) to publish again all of these masterpieces in one site! Dates are preserved by the way.
Kahapon nagcelebrate kame ni Mayk ng aming birthday, este monthsary (at lam kong tatanungin mong "NAGCECELEBRATE PA KAYO?") Syempre naman. It was the same as not getting tired of saying I love you.

Cheesy na keso pa. Lol.

I was praying na (hoping pa) na sana may DESPICABLE ME pa.. kase late na late na kame manunuod, anyways it got lots of good reviews from people who had watch already.

Punta muna kame sa Cinema booth sa Festival Mall, 5:50pm pa yung next start nung movie, at since gutom na gutom na kame, kumaen muna kame. Half hour din kame naghahanap ng makakainan, yung medjo mabigat sa tiyan (Bigatin kame eh).

Nauwi kame sa Tokyo tokyo, at super Kain All you Can kame dun. Ang takaw-takaw ni Mayk, as in. (Ako din, pero hindi ko pa rin siya mapantayan).

At nanuod na kame DESPICABLE ME, grabe tagal bago magsimula sa Festi ng movie, nakakaantok tsaka boring, puro Justin Bieber yung tinutugtog.

Ang cute lang ni Agnes, haha sana may ganun na ka cute na bata sa totoong buhay. Lalo na nung sumigaw siya ng "It's so FLUFFY I'm gonna die!!"

Ang ganda din na sobrang nabago nung mga bata si Gru. Kase nung una, parang wala naman talaga siya interest na maging Daddy nung mga bata, pero in the end, yung mga bata nagpasaya sa kanya.

Nakakatawa din yung mga Minions ni Gru, yung mga green na parang stuff toy? Haha. Kahit di ko maintindihan mga salita nila, nakakatawa pa din sila.

Nakakatawa yung buong movie, nasabi ko yun kase tawa ng tawa si Mayk, haha. Yung tipong hindi makahinga kakatawa ah. Iba yung tawa niya, parang nanunuod ng Jackass. Haha.

Kumaen kameng sundae, kwek kwek tapos mamon. Haha. Busog na busog at sulit na sulit ang araw na ito.

Happy monthsary sa aming dalawa... hmmm.... Love you Mikolo..

Have a nice day!!!

Monday, September 20, 2010


**I've been importing in this blog all of my previous posts from my old blogs. I wanted to merge everything because I felt there is a sense of security in doing so.

**This page right here was actually a blog post from my late blog, BASKET OF DREAMS, which I deleted a long time ago, but of course, I deleted the blog itself but I never deleted my writings. I love all of the masterpieces I made from the past, beautiful, ugly, good or bad writings will always be kept! And I just decided today (February 9, 2013) to publish again all of these masterpieces in one site! Dates are preserved by the way.

There is really no contentment in life, and I know that. I admit that sometimes I am over wishing for some changes in my life, some changes in my family and a lot of changes for myself. But, it is just that I can't change reality! Therefore, the only option I could choose is to move forward, learn from the past and believe things have reasons for being the way it is.

They say that if you base your contentment to material things in life, you will never be contented, because human's desire for material things is never ending.

When I was younger, I believed that I should be contented with my life at any cost or any way. But then, I realized, if ever I will reach that satisfying contentment of this life, what then will I do afterwards? If that will happen, I will have no reasons to live anymore! I will have no things or events to look forward to as well! My life will stop right there and then, cause I'm already happy and satisfied! Learning or growing? I don't need that anymore, I'm satisfied! Everything is enough. And then what comes next?

See my point? Isn't it the rule of life is to never stop from learning? If life is easy, then it is dull. We have to keep on moving forward, regardless of the wrong decisions that we always make.

Another rule is keeping your life simple. Remember when your taking exams in school and you don't mind getting either high or low, and your just not expecting anything. But then, you received A+! And you felt happy about it telling yourself, I'm a genius damn! When you expect to much to what life (or people) could give you, and you didn't receive that level of your expectation, you feel down, right?

Contentment may not be attained, but simplicity can be.
And simplicity makes happiness much attainable. That includes finding happiness to little or small things around us.

Hope you find a simple but meaningful reason to be happy today!
Have a nice day!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

**I've been importing in this blog all of my previous posts from my old blogs. I want to merge everything because I felt there is a sense of security in doing so.

**This page right here was actually a blog post from my late blog, “ROAD TO KILL”. The blog itself was deleted but I never deleted my writings. I love all of the masterpieces I made from the past, beautiful, ugly, good or bad writings will always be kept! And I just decided today (February 9, 2013) to publish again all of these masterpieces in one site! Dates are preserved by the way.

Just finding my way to be a child again. Kase pag bata ka at inosente ka, madale ka lang magiging masaya. Simple lang mga goals mo sa buhay. Pero I know I'm way far from being a child anymore.

Ngayon kase, nakokornihan na sa mga joke, or paulit-ulit na yung mga joke, o mahuhulaan mo na ending bago pa masabi yung joke.

Haha, it's always been my goal to look for something happy to share  hindi pala ngayon ko lang pala naging goal ang maghanap ng masaya na i-shashare, or kahit di happy basta positive. At ganun din lage hinahanap ko kapag nagbabasa ako ng ibang blog.

Ngayong araw na ito, kahit late na ako gumising alam ko na it's never too late para gawing worth it ang araw na ito. 

YEY! I'm a happy fellow today dahil may bago na akong blog!!! Hooray for me! Gusto ko man ipagyabang ang blog na ito, not too soon, kase hindi pa meaty ang laman. Next time I would introduce this blog to everybody.

Sana ikaw din nagkaroon ng magandang araw today. Remember happiness is an option

Each morning when I open my eyes I say to myself: I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I'm going to be happy in it.

Have a nice day !

First Happy thought

**I've been importing in this blog all of my previous posts from my old blogs. I wanted to merge everything because I felt there is a sense of security in doing so.

**This page right here was actually a blog post from my late blog, BASKET OF DREAMS, which I deleted a long time ago, but of course, I deleted the blog itself but I never deleted my writings. I love all of the masterpieces I made from the past, beautiful, ugly, good or bad writings will always be kept! And I just decided today (February 9, 2013) to publish again all of these masterpieces in one site! Dates are preserved by the way.

My first topic on my blog is:

See the WORLD beyond your limitation!

Lately I've been down and my self-esteem is really low. I would be start typing on my keyboard to my computer but there is always this fear that people might discriminate my writings.

I'm always in doubt of myself and right now I'm in doubt to write something different, something outspoken! I have this blog cause I just want  to speak my mind out to other people who couldn't relate to my native dialect which is TAGALOG.

And this new blog inspires me once again to reach the hill on it's top. I know that I'm not YET a good writer, but I'll get to that. I know that sometimes I write something good, and sometimes not that good, sometimes something really bad! But I believe that someday I will be a writing something unfamous but something I can be called a WRITER or an AUTHOR for.

Hope you can also inspire me by criticizing my grammar and speeches, motivate me by correcting me through my errors in the words I use, in the way I combine words or whatever.

As of now, I would try my best, not setting any limitations, to learn more and gain more knowledge in writing and more experience to my everyday life!

Have a nice day!!!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

ANo ang PAYI?

**I've been importing in this blog all of my previous posts from my old blogs. I want to merge everything because I felt there is a sense of security in doing so.

**This page right here was actually a blog post from my late blog, “ROAD TO KILL”. The blog itself was deleted but I never deleted my writings. I love all of the masterpieces I made from the past, beautiful, ugly, good or bad writings will always be kept! And I just decided today (February 9, 2013) to publish again all of these masterpieces in one site! Dates are preserved by the way.

One time, kumakaen kame sa tindahan ng lola ni mayk. Ako, Si maykel (bf ko), si chikboy(bunsong kapatid ni mayk), si tito wiswis (tito ni mayk) at si father (lolo ni mayk).  Nang may batang dumating:

BATANG KULOT: Pabili po.

MAYK: Ano yun?


(5 segundo ng katahimikan habang nag-iisip)

TITO WIS WIS: Ano yung Payi?


MAYK: Sige ituro mo ano yung payi. (Pinalapit yung bata sa mga tinda)

MAYK: Candy ba yun?

AKO: (Nag-iisip lang walang ma-suggest)

TITO WIS WIS: Father.. may bumibili!

FATHER: (Nagising sa pagkakatulog) ano yun?

BATANG KULOT: pabili pong payi!

FATHER: Anu yun?

(natameme pa kame ng mga limang segundo ulit ng dumating si mother [lola ni mayk]..)

MOTHER: Hoy may bumibili bakit di niyo pagbilhan.

MAYK: Di namin maintindihan kung anong binibili po niya.

MOTHER: ano yun?



*isang marie lang binibili niya pero ang tagal bago niya nabili.
MARIE lang pala yun.. hahahahahaha

Things to Remember

**I've been importing in this blog all of my previous posts from my old blogs. I want to merge everything because I felt there is a sense of security in doing so.

**This page right here was actually a blog post from my late blog, “ROAD TO KILL”. The blog itself was deleted but I never deleted my writings. I love all of the masterpieces I made from the past, beautiful, ugly, good or bad writings will always be kept! And I just decided today (February 9, 2013) to publish again all of these masterpieces in one site! Dates are preserved by the way.
I was surfing my tumblr for something I could re-blog. And I found this from icanread:

*haha. I love re-blogging and sharing inspirational photos and ideas of other. I don't want to look copy cat. But maybe these things to remember could help you somehow of what your currently having now with your life.

Good bless and have a nice day!

Friday, September 17, 2010

An English Blog: Basket of Dreams

I was busy lately to import to this blog all of my previous post from my previous and old blogs. I am really happy to do this and to reminisce on my life back then. I never deleted my writings and I can feel a sense of security on merging all of my post in one blog. I love all of the masterpieces I made from the past, beautiful, ugly, good or bad writings will always be kept! And here is my English blog back then:

I came up with BASKET OF DREAMS for my  title because I was basically a dreamer myself back then, and this picture is the first header of this blog.

Now, this one was the second and last header I  had for this blog.


Next is my description of the blog itself:

Basket of Dreams

I was totally inspired to make a new blog, something dreamy and positive.But I don't promise that I would ALWAYS be cheerful, specially at the saddest weather of my life.

Basket of Dreams is a beginner's blog for someone who aspires to understand the world and someone who wants to learn more (and won't stop learning). I want to dream and grow through my writings, as simple as possible. People who enjoy positive things and enjoys just anything under the smiling shining sun, are the people I hope to have fun with my blog.

And since I am fickle minded, I might be having random thoughts for my topics. Hope I won't confuse people, too much.

Hope you enjoy reading the rest of my blog and have a nice day!


Then of course, a description of myself:

The Dreamer

I'm Kamil, I'm 20 years old, I'm from the Philippines but recently I migrated to California. I've been in love to writing since I was in grades school, and the only outcome of my manic obsession is through blogging. I can't say I'm a good writer, but I wanted to be. Although my course and career might be at different angle than writing, at least I know that I'm not hanging just looking at the meadow of where I wanted to be. I am simply a courageous leaf of a tree who would definitely face any new fantasy.

You could always e-mail me at


This blog could always be about me, because I could always be
if I wanted to be.
I grew up being the kid
with no respect to my own
Later, this kid realized how empty her heart is
and tried to find herself out.
Lucky for me,
I found the perfect hobby and perfect people around me.
This mold me to something better than I am supposed to be.
I am now something true and spirited.
Always waiting for something new to spoiled the comfy life.
Have fun reading my BLOG!
hope you, too, could find yourself
maybe not on writing like me, but to something
so uniquely YOU!


Lastly, the contents of this blog are the following:

Choosing Simplicity
