Showing posts with label Facebook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Facebook. Show all posts

Saturday, September 2, 2017

By the Book

Two very exciting events are happening this month, both related to books - an area in art very close to my heart.


Marjie Kemper has started the Mixed Media Art Book Group on Facebook. In August, members of the group used Dina Wakley's book Art Journal Freedom as inspiration and created any number of artworks based on any project in the book that resonated with them. Marjie also provided weekly prompts. Over 380 images were shared. 

For the month of September, the last month of the group, Marjie has selected my book The Mixed-Media Artist as inspiration.

I am excited to see the work that is inspired by the pages of this book which, if you are not familiar, is not a traditional how-to book but rather an intimate look at the creative process of the artist. 

Intrigued? There is plenty of time to join the group and play. If you need additional incentive, anybody uploading their work in the group will be eligible for some goodies based on random draw...



Autumn Clark has just started a new challenge blog all about books - the Mini Album Makers Blog. The site offers images of and tutorials for artist books from a very talented design team. This month reveals the first challenge and I am the sponsor. The challenge happily has few rules and limits. You simply upload images of a completed artist book and link back to your site so people can see all the details. There is already some beautiful work shown. 

At the end of the month, a participant will be chosen at random to win a prize package provided buy the sponsor. I mean...who wouldn't want stamps and stencils?


And speaking of books, stay tuned for a page-by-page reveal of my newest artist book: As it Had Been

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

More Thoughts on Blogging...

In March 2013 I wrote a post called Thoughts on Blogging..., musing about the impact of "newer" social media platforms on the experience of blogging. It generated 42 thoughtful and opinionated comments and a very interesting conversation.

Now, just over one year later, I thought it was time to revisit this topic. I have had my blog for nearly 7 years and have put up over 1,200 posts. It has always felt to me that my blog was my true online home but lately I have been putting equal energy into my other online sites: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. In doing so I have noticed that while there is some overlap, I seem to connect with a different group of people on each site.

I admit that there are times when the quickness of these other platforms is quite inviting - both as places to post and places to visit. I know that I have not been able to visit blogs nearly as often as I would like to and had been able to in the past. Part of this is due to my limited schedule, part due to the fact that there are more blogs than ever, and part due to the lure of the other social media sites.

It seems that I am not alone. When recently visiting a slew of blogs on my list, I found that many of the bloggers that began around the time I did no longer seem to be active. Some had shut down their blogs, often saying in their final post that they were at a point where they wanted to make art rather than talk about art. Many others hadn't posted in more than a year. And I came across several posts that spoke of declining readership and fewer - if any - comments.

However, life is often like a pendulum, swinging back and forth. I have to say that I also noticed what I hope will become a trend...a return to blogging. I visited many bloggers who haven't posted in many months or years only to find that within the last few months they have begun again. Perhaps after a period of time focused on some of the quick and easy platforms, people are just beginning to come back to the depth and breadth that is the core of blogging.

If you are a devoted blogger/blog reader or want to get back to blogging basics, think about joining me in one or more of the following:

This past Sunday I began a new blog project to be posted every Sunday called The Week Links, where I share a series of links to blog posts that have caught my eye.

Get lost in my Art Blog Directory, with links to 569 creative blogs. And email me if you would like to add yours to the list.

Join in on the 6th annual Buried Treasure online collaboration on June 12th where participating bloggers re-post one or more of their favorite posts that they ever put on their blogs.


Curious as to what you all are thinking. Are blogs on the decline? Do you have a favorite platform to use and/or visit? Do you use the different sites for different reasons? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Thoughts on Blogging...

My first social media platform was this blog. Nearly 6 years later, it remains my favorite way to connect with my peeps (i.e. YOU). But over the years I have acknowledged begrudgedly accepted embraced the notion that to be a successful artist in the 21st century means being connected online. And these days, being connected means more than simply having a blog.

So you can visit my Facebook Page, my Twitter page, my YouTube account, and any one or all of my four (!) Tumblr blogs: The Altered Page where I highlight my favorite pieces of abstract art that I have come across, Curiosity Contained where I highlight inspiring, artistic curiosities, Palettless where I post inspiring black and white images, and Seth Apter Art & Photography where I very occasionally and very randomly post images of my own art.

While maintaining all these sites takes a tremendous amount of time and energy, I am lucky because I truly love connecting with all of you. And rather than feeling as if my time on the computer takes away from my time in the studio, I see it as another creative outlet that enhances my life as an artist.

What I have come to realize over time is that the different social media platforms attract different types of people. Obviously if you are reading this, you are at least a bit of a blog person. But I am curious...what are your feelings these days about blogs versus other social media sites? Favorites? Reasons? Thoughts?

Friday, February 17, 2012

Save the Dates: Part 2

In just a matter of weeks, The Pulse of Mixed Media will be available to purchase in book stores and online. The pages of this book are made up of the art and words of more than 130 artists from our community, all of whom share their innermost secrets and passions. Think of this as an intimate discussion with all your favorite artists - a one-on-one show and tell.

To celebrate, I will be holding a series of online events starting this month. These events have been set up to mirror the content of the book. Each and every one will offer you an opportunity to experience the inner workings of these talented artists as a true art insider. Mark your calendars, save the dates, and get ready to take The Pulse of Mixed Media...

February 16: Podcast with Rice Freeman-Zachery posted now on her blog Notes from the Voodoo Lounge and on Create Mixed Media. Hear a preview of the contents of the book including responses to several survey questions, a review of the live and online promotional events to be held, our thoughts about the mixed media community, the theme of my next series on Create Mixed Media, my plans for the upcoming year, and much more.

March 1 - March 31: 31 Artists/31 Days. Meet the contributors. On every day in March, 1 of the 31 spotlight artists from the book will be highlighted on my blog. Read their "quirky" artist statements written specifically for the book, see some of my favorite artwork from each, and read my personal thoughts about them all. Then head over to their sites to read about their experience of being in the book. And get ready to be eligible for a very special giveaway by simply leaving a comment.

March 21: Twitter Launch Party. Log into Twitter between 9-10pm EST to have a real time talk with myself and many of the contributors in the book. More details about this event will be posted on my blog as the date approaches.

March 28: Podcast with Mark Lipinski on Creative Mojo. I will be Mark's co-host for the entire 2 hour podcast which airs live from 3-5pm EST (and which will be archived for listening anytime). We will talk all about The Pulse of Mixed Media and be joined by contributors Michelle Ward, Angela Cartwright, Pam Carriker, Julie Prichard, and Lisa Hoffman. Get your questions ready as this radio show has a live call-in feature!

March 31: Live artist panel at The Ink Pad in NYC. I will be joined by contributors Leslie Marsh, Karen Cole, Jill Zaheer, Julie Prichard, Roxanne Evans Stout, and Michelle Ward. So why am I talking about a live event in this list of online events? Because the panel will be video taped and available for viewing on Create Mixed Media sometime in early April.

April 2 - April 12: Blog tour. Visit 11 blogs on 11 consecutive days for a traditional blog tour with book reviews, interviews, and more. Hear how each of these bloggers answer their choice of 3 of the questions posed to the contributors of the book. And again, get ready to be eligible for a very special giveaway by simply leaving a comment.

April 6: New podcast with Rice Freeman-Zachery posted now on her blog Notes from the Voodoo Lounge and on Create Mixed Media where we catch up on all the live events for my book release from last week, talk about the events coming up, discuss just what exactly a Twitter party is, and talk about our plans to start and co-host a call-in radio show.

There will also be frequent updates on my Facebook page and on Twitter as I travel on my book tour throughout the United States and Canada. AND read this for information about your opportunity to answer the very same questions posed to the artists in the book for an online project I am hosting in conjunction with the release of the book.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Paper Stacks

Paper Stacks - A Call for Collaborative Participants!

Earlier this month I posted this picture on my Facebook Page. I had been moving some things around in my studio and had temporarily stacked these journals, papers, artworks, and handmade books in a pile. Couldn't resist the photo op. One of my visitors, Heather Campbell from Blissful Things, commented 'I love stacks of paper and handmade books...we should all take a picture of our own. Maybe Seth you have a place we could post them?' Great idea Heather. Ask and ye shall receive.

One week from today, on Wednesday September 21st, The Altered Page will host Paper Stacks, an online collaboration. Please leave a comment on this post if you would like to participate. All you need to do is post an image on 9/21 on your own blog of your stacks - be they papers, books, journals, or anything else of your liking. On the 21st I will post a list of all participating artists on my blog so that you can be sure to find all the links to the stacks. Feel free to let your own readers know about this project by spotlighting it on a post on or prior to reveal day. Please (and this is important) email me with a link when your post goes up so I know to add you to the posted list on my blog.

This is one time when the higher your stacks of stuff, the better.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Sunday Paper

Three new survey questions are now on my sidebar. Head on over and have your say!

If you are participating in the newest edition of The Pulse, please remember that your responses are due on June 12th, one week from today. If you are interested in participating but have not yet signed on, there is still time. Email me at for information.

The next post in my new series Your Blog, Your Way goes live this Tuesday 6/7 at Create Mixed Media. If you haven't yet seen the first post (or done your homework), you can find it here.

Sending out a thank you to kimalousartsyfinds for including Fides from my Making Waves series in her newest treasury Can't Stop Looking. Fides is available for purchase in my Etsy Shop.

I designated yesterday as a book only day. No art making, no blogging, no chores. Thanks to everybody who commented about this on my Facebook Page. I really enjoyed the books I revisited from my collection. I read them cover to cover and managed to go through seven books -- a drop in my library bucket. I found the day both mellow and exhilarating at the same time and it reminded me of what I did so much of before the days of the Internet. I recommend this 'Day of Books' to all and will definitely be scheduling another soon.

My reads...

Acrylic Revolution by Nancy Reyner: Filled with an endless number of well-explained techniques for acrylic paint and acrylic mediums but a resource for so much more as well. The two page 'essential acrylic tips' section alone is worth the price of admission.

Art Making, Collections & Obsessions by Lynne Perrella: What artist doesn't love to collect? And what could be better than page after page of collections, obsessions, studio shots, artwork, stories and quotes from 35 artists. Lynne Perrella knocked it out of the ballpark with this one.

Artists' Journals & Sketchbooks by Lynne Perrella: The perfect blend of gallery photos and how-to advice. This book is one of my favorites and has a ton of post-its marking pages to return to. There is a lot of inspiration to be found here and it is a great source of imaginative ideas.

Collaborative Art Journals and Shared Visions in Mixed Media by L.K. Ludwig: I am all about the collaboration and this book highlights an endless array of collaborations that have been done by mixed media artists. There are great visuals but also the collaborative process is broken down step by step.

Art Making & Studio Spaces by Lynne Perrella: My third book by Lynne. Her books always tap into the most fascinating themes but more than that, she is simply a very talented writer. This book invites you into the studio spaces (and the heads) of 31 artists and makes you feel right at home.

Kaleidoscope - Ideas + Projects to Spark Your Creativity by Suzanne Simanaitis: This book is filled with fascinating projects, how-tos, inspirational stories, strategies to become more confident as an artist, and much more. Over 30 artists have contributed and It is like an all you can eat buffet for art.

Journal Revolution by Linda Woods and Karen Dinino: This book is part manifesto, part how-to, and part self-help manual. Follow along not only to learn how to journal your life but also how to free yourself from the inner critic and let lose in your journaling and artistic styles.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Face the Music

The deed is done! I finally broke down and joined Facebook. You can see my page here. I think I may be the last person on earth to do so. You can see the link to "Like" me on the sidebar of my blog if you so chose. And if I disappear for the next month or you know where to find me. But in all seriousness, I am looking forward to having a place to post briefer updates more frequently. And of course, looking forward to having another place to meet up with you all! See you there...