Showing posts with label Precious Granddaughter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Precious Granddaughter. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Companion Gardening

There was a very special guest at the cottage last week who has never gardened—
NOT ONCE, in her entire life.

She was quite intrigued by every aspect of the process...
and like my shadow,
followed me everywhere I went, wanting to know what I was doing and why.

For five full days, she was my constant companion.

She thought the vintage water cans we use to water the plants were just
the greatest inventions

was none to impressed with my rusty, crusty, old gardening tools.

So the Yankee—aka Poppy—promptly set out to find a set of gardening implements
that SHE would find more appealing.

And, of course, he gave absolutely no thought to the fact that it would take him
forty minutes to drive all the way to town to find
something suitable.

But then....
I can NEVER resist this precious little face—
with those big blue eyes—either!   ; )

Linking to Susan's Outdoor Wednesday, Suzanne's Vintage Thingie Thursday,

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Simply Grand!

"Grandparents and grandchildren are God's gift to each other."–Unknown

Can you identify with that statement?  I know I can—on two counts.

First, I was richly blessed to be a grandchild of grandparents whose love knew no bounds.

Then, just over two years ago, I became a grandparent, and that statement took on a whole new meaning.

I had the privilege of being in the delivery room with my daughter and her husband the day my granddaughter was born. 

And though I must admit, it was quite difficult at times for me to watch my baby in so much pain as she was bringing her baby into the world...

having been a part of that process made little Lana Lexie a very special part of my life, from day one.

Hours after her birth, when I saw my son hold his newborn niece in his arms for the first time, my heart welled up with even more emotion.

There was my firstborn child holding my first grandchild.

How could that be?

Was it not just yesterday that he was the tiny baby being held?!

That Thanksgiving, embracing the precious new life who was now a part of our family, gave us each even more reason to be grateful.

And having a healthy grandbaby was the best Christmas present I could have received that year.

Now here we are, two years later!

It's hard to believe that so much time has passed since Lana's birth.

It makes me even more thankful for the minutes, hours, days I've spent with her thus far, storing up precious memories like—

Poppy teaching her to pull herself up by his strong, but gentle hands, when she was only a few months old...

and the contented look I often noted, on both of their faces, as he lovingly rocked her on his lap.

I remember the joy of watching my baby introduce her baby to her very first snow—though Lana was none too impressed that first year.

It was quite a different story just a year later!

And then there are the delightful memories of seeing her little eyes light up as she played in water—in the wading pool at Poppy and Grammy's, at nine months old...

and in the bathtub, a few months later, as she splashed around with her rubber ducky.

Two years of gazing into the big blue eyes on that sweet, angelic face...

and experiencing life once more...

through the adventurous spirit of an innocent, young child have filled me with such immeasurable joy—

truly, more than I could ever have imagined possible.

A few months ago, as I stood beside my handsome son and my precious granddaughter—now two years old—I was reminded of how blessed I have been over the years—first by my children and now by this child.

Children surely are a gift of the Lord—Psalm 127:3.

And there is no doubt in my mind that this child has put the "grand" in "grandma" for me!

Friday, February 12, 2010

A Side Note

If you have followed along with me from the beginning, or if you've ever ventured back to the very beginning of my posts, you've probably gotten the sense that blogging was something I wanted to do for quite a while, before it became a reality. 

But, certain "life challenges" repeatedly pushed that desire to the back burner.

I finally determined I was going matter what!  And, I'm glad I did,

If you were to watch me create the vast majority of these posts, you would roll in the floor in hysterical laughter.

My sixteen-month-old granddaughter is usually crawling between my legs, pulling the mouse (or something) off the desk, trying to pull herself up on my lap, or...

 I'll be wrestling her with one hand, while desperately trying to type with the other, and on and on...

Very often, as I'm attempting to take pictures for posts, she will be pulling on my legs or jumping into the frame of the shot, or...

well, you get the picture.

The truth is...half the time that I'm composing my posts, I can't even think straight!!!

So, when you see spelling and grammatical errors in my assured that sweet little Lana has most likely been assisting me!

Oh, and by the way, I won't be offended if you let me know when you observe a mistake. 

Thanks, Jenn, for pointing out the correct spelling for "palate."  ; )


Saturday, February 6, 2010

Fourteen Days of Love - Day 6 - Oh...You're so Crafty!

We all know there is no shortage of
 creativity out in the blogosphere.  So, there
should be quite a show of special crafts dedicated to LOVE
for this Valentine's party!

I come from a long line of crafty women—no,
not that kind—the good kind!!!   ; )

My grandmother was a seamstress, who passed that skill on to
her daughter—my mother—who passed it on to me.

 It's a craft that has proven to be quite useful for all of us,
especially during the years of rearing children and making our homes
our families' havens.

I have a daughter who now also has a daughter—my granddaughter, Lana.

My daughter, Asheley, set out to find a very 
unique Christmas stocking for her daughter's very first Christmas.

(I know you must be thinking I have my holidays mixed up, but I don't.
Since the current holiday is all about love, I thought I'd share a very special
craft project that I feel totally represents that topic.  So just
hang in there!)

Asheley looked for weeks for that special stocking,
but found nothing she felt was special enough.

So, Grammy—that would be me—put the old (but not that old!)
thinking cap on and came up with this solution.

I felt that if I could pull together everything I needed,
from bits and pieces gathered from the four generations who came before her,
I could craft a very unique Christmas stocking for my first grandchild.

Each of the items you see in the photo above represents something that
belonged to either my grandmother, my mother, my daughter, or me.

My grandmother had already moved on to heaven,
years before Lana was born.

And the only thing my mom could find that had belonged to Grandma—something
appropriate for this project, anyway—was a pink cotton nightgown,
stored away in her keepsake trunk, along with some vintage buttons.

My mom donated a variety of lace pieces
and several cards of tiny vintage buttons that were
just perfect for a baby's stocking.

From my collection of vintage fabrics
and notions, I was able to select a fabric for the stocking itself and several
battenburg lace doilies to use as embellishment.

Asheley has not yet taken up the craft of sewing. So, it was even more challenging
 to determine what her contribution to this project would be.

But, as she and I sorted through her keepsakes, I spied two items that
were exactly what was needed to finish off this one-of-a-kind gift.

There was a garter from Asheley's wedding—there had been two,
one to throw and one to keep—and a piece of sequined trim that
we had used on a costume we'd made for her senior prom.

The theme for her prom had been Phantom of the Opera and that pretty 
trim had been used on an elaborate mask we had
created to go with her gown and cape.

Now, with all the necessary elements assembled,
I was ready to embark on the journey to create that
 "special" Christmas stocking.

The pink cotton from Grandma's gown was used for the lining
and the inside ruffle at the top of the stocking. 

The outer ruffle, at the top, was created from a piece
of my mother's lace.

There could not have been a more appropriate trim—to unite
the ruffles at the top and the stocking fabric itself—than
 Asheley's bridal garter.

Look back at the image above.  See how the solitary
 rhinestone heart plays up the tiny hearts in the lace?
Hearts are synonymous with Valentine's, right?  And you thought
 I was confused about the holiday!   ; )

There was just enough of the sequined trim to
 create a heart in the center of the stocking
 and accent the toe and heel as well.

Isn't that pink heart button
from my grandmother's collection precious?!

One of my battenburg lace doilies was heart-shaped,
so it became the focal point at the center of the stocking.  It made a terrific
 background for the sequined heart and pink heart button.

The other doily was cut apart and used as
decoration on the toe and heel.

I selected several other vintage buttons—from the assortment 
gathered from my grandmother, my mother, and me—and used
those as the final decorative touches.

And the bits and pieces of
four generations culminated in this.

The three generations of mothers still living, 
who have seen this sweet little Christmas stocking in person,
are well pleased with the end product.

And I believe Grandma is smiling down from heaven,
 knowing that she was able to contribute something special
to one of her great-great-grandchildren.

But Grandma's most beautiful contribution 
was not the material things needed to create a Christmas stocking.  It was her link in the chain
of mothers' love that has been passed down through the generations!

Now on to the giveaway goodies:
Crafting is so much more that just assembling bits and pieces.  It's
 an expression of who we are.

today, I'm adding an assortment of fabric, buttons and trim to
this week's giveaway—some vintage, some new. 

Hopefully, the winner will be able to create 
her own very special keepsake for a loved one.

did I create a little suspense about yesterday's giveaway?
I certainly hope so!!!

I know you're just dying to know what it is.
So, without further delay...

here is the adorable set of mini bowls
that will be added to the giveaway, for yesterday's topic—Seeing Red.

Sharing at
Tiffany's Making the World Cuter Mondays, Kaysi's Motivate Me Monday,
Beverly's Pink Saturday.

Reminder:  Please be sure to publish your
Valentine's post, before you link to the party. And
don't forget to mention the Brambleberry Cottage
in your post.

Remember to leave a comment to be entered in this
week's drawing for the giveaway!

1. Patricias Heart Banner
2. Jenn Raley
5. Ann Creek
7. barbara jean
8. Marilyn

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Fourteen Days of Love - Day 3 - Pretty in Pink

We all know how popular this color is during the month of February,
but individual tastes determine whether it prevails in a home's décor all year long.

As I survey the cottage, I'm hard pressed to find much pink anywhere! My Yankee, being the man's man that he is, believes pink should be reserved for...little girls, flowers, and bubblegum.

Over the years, any cravings I've had for pink have been satisfied vicariously through my antiques and collectibles businesses.

I find something I really like, bring it home, display it for as long as the Yankee can tolerate it, and then–when he can stand it no more–I sell it.

For example…

When I bought this creamer and sugar pair, I thought I would be adding them to my personal collection.

I liked the way they looked perched atop my vintage pink cake stand–when entertaining friends over coffee.

And isn't this antique porcelain basket, with delicate pink roses, adorable?

Well…the stay here at the cottage for each of them was short lived!

This early 1900s lithograph–with its lovely Victorian lady and luscious pink roses–was totally captivating. Even the ravages of time had not detracted from her beauty.

But, I'm sorry to say…she has taken up
residence with someone else!

I did manage to keep these vintage dishcloths for awhile. Their cottagey-pink cuteness made me smile, each time I used them.

I had this Bavarian creamer and beautiful vintage plate for some time.

I thought of them as sweet, feminine additions to my china cabinet. I liked the way they introduced little splashes of color to
my white ironstone pieces.

They have since gone the way of eBay!

Remember this cute shabby table from my front porch? Gone!
But on the bright side…now I have a reason to redecorate my porch when the weather gets a little warmer! ; )

I do still have this pretty pink dish–with its romantic rococo scene. I like the way it teasingly peeks out of this vintage ironstone gravy boat displayed in my cabinet.

And I did get away with using a good deal of pink in my outdoor Valentine's tablescape. Remember seeing that serene setting here?
So, I suppose, until my beautiful cottage flowers start blooming in the spring, that pretty much sums up "pink" at the Brambleberry Cottage.
I can't wait for spring!

Then, I'll be able to sway gently in my hammock, admiring the gorgeous pink blossoms of my ornamental flowering cherry tree and dream of the delicate pink blooms of the impatiens I will once again plant.

Because, other than my flower garden,
there's only one place where the Yankee and I can always agree on pink…

on our precious granddaughter, Lana. She's always "pretty in pink"!

Now it's your turn to share your pink pretties–for decorating, crafting, collecting, gardening–or just something pink that warms your heart!

"Pretty in Pink" is a perfect post for Beverly's Pink Saturday Party at How Sweet the Sound.  Let's go visit.  Shall we?

When I was in Marshalls snapping up all those pictures
for the post here, this lovely bejeweled notepad caught my eye. I thought it would be terrific for Pretty in Pink day, as an addition to the giveaway this week.

Reminder:  Please be sure to publish your
Valentine's post, before you link to the party. And
don't forget to mention the Brambleberry Cottage
in your post.

Remember to leave a comment to be entered in this
week's drawing for the giveaway!

3. Tammy
4. Tammy
5. Jenn Raley
6. Marilyn
7. suzyq-atthefarmhouse
8. Meghan