Showing posts with label Snowy Whites. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Snowy Whites. Show all posts

Thursday, February 18, 2010

In the Eye of the Beholder

Have you ever found beauty in something that someone else thought of
as less than beautiful?

To many—including the Yankee—this modest, nondescript, little well-house, situated
 in a remote corner of our front yard, is anything but beautiful.  Yet, from the
moment I laid eyes on it, I thought it to be quite charming.

 It was midsummer, the year we located our small farm with its tiny, quaint
cottage—affectionately called the Brambleberry Cottage

I instantly fell in love with this simple, bucolic structure—its bright white architecture
 contrasting sharply with the deep greens of the lush environment surrounding it.

It was fall of that same year, when we purchased the property, and, by that time,
the landscape had begun to cloak itself in the various hues of the season.

Perhaps it was because it was my favorite time of year that when I spied the well-house,
 enveloped by a kaleidoscope of fall color, I became even more
enamored with it.

Even as the last of the gorgeous, multihued leaves cascaded from the trees, and
the scenery filled more with gray fog than fall-fanfare, my enthusiasm for this charming,
little structure did not wane.

Although I had witnessed its beauty in a wide array of conditions, all paled
in comparison to the dramatic display of its snowy winter covering.

As I have observed the little well-house through every distinct season, year after year,
it has become apparent that its surroundings have only served to enhance
the simple beauty I find inherent to the structure itself.

The Scottish philosopher, David Hume, expressed the sentiment this way,
"Beauty in things exists merely in the mind which contemplates them."

Indeed, it is true. 
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Walkin' in a Winter Wonderland

Woodland Path to the Frog Pond
I've wanted to start a blog for some time now.

it was just one more thing on my to-do list that kept being
forced to the bottom of the list.

You know how that goes!

The Frog Pond
The fires that rage the hottest are the ones we attend to,
whilst the little smoldering embers lie there
virtually exstinguished until...

Snow-covered Driveway to the Cottage
Then it finally dawned on me.  Blogging will never be a raging fire in my life,
because it is not something I have to do.  It's something I simply want to do! 

And, unfortunately, the have-tos in my life seem to
always win out over the want-tos.

Beloved Well-House
But, this is a new year, and with a new year comes new opportunities—
or, as some would say, resolutions.

So, with the onset of this new year, I have resolved to do some of the
things I've been really wanting to do—such as blogging!

The Pump House
I had originally set a goal of starting my blog on 01/01/2010.
(Wow!  That date looks so futuristic to me!)

For weeks, I contemplated what to write about...
what to share with all of you...what photos to show you, etc.

I just couldn't seem to lock in on where to start.

The Log Barn
Then this frigid weather descended upon us! 
And I thought,  "That's it!  This place is quite beautiful when it snows, and I
already have some great photos from last year
that I can share."

I knew if I waited for my brain to finally register some other
start-up topic, I might just never get this
blog up and running!

The Reconstructed Barn—in Progress
I've filled these first two posts with
snowy images of the outside of my home.

And I bid you welcome to The Brambleberry Cottage—
all decked out in her winter finery.

It's truly some of her grandest attire, don't you think?!   ; )

The Chicken Coop

Monday, January 11, 2010

Baby…it's cold outside!!! maybe it isn't snowing here at present. In fact, there's not a single
frosty flake upon the ground,
nor even in the forecast.

But, I really wish there were...
then perhaps I could justify this bone-numbing cold!!!

With night temperatures in the teens and daytime highs
barely above freezing, all I want to do is cozy up in front
of the woodstove with a cup of hot tea and a good
decorating magazine!

I'm definitely not a lover of cold weather. Nope...never have been
...never will be!

For years, my family has poked fun at the fact that I seem to
always be cold.

Photo by Adam Jones,
I've forewarned them

One day, I will most likely be one of those little old ladies...
all bundled up in the middle of summer.

Yep!  I think bears have a good thing goin' on...
being able to hibernate in the winter!   ; )

Sharing this at Mary's Share the Love Wednesday.