Showing posts with label Red. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Red. Show all posts

Friday, February 5, 2010

Fourteen Days of Love - Day 5 - Seeing Red

Even more so than pink, the color red rules the month of February. Do you see that blazing beauty around your nest every day, or is it merely an occasional visitor for special events like Feb. 14th?

I tend to feather my nest with subdued, earthy colors. That just happens to be the common ground on which the Yankee and I stand unified.

I'm sure by now you must think I live a
very deprived, monochromatic life! Well, we'll just have to discuss that on another day. is all about red!

You've already seen my wonderful, vintage red goblets in the tablescape here.

And I do have a gorgeous down-filled parka that the Yankee bought for me years ago. But, I won't bore you with that. So…outside of the handful of red pens and markers in my desk drawer, oh, and the lovely red cardinals who frequently visit my feeders, the red around this cottage is well...lacking!

Despair not all ye lovers of red! I knew right where to go for you to get your fix.

No, I'm not color blind. The color of the outside of her cottage just happens to be my guest blogger's second favorite color. Who am I talking about ? None other than Ms. Kim of Daisy Cottage!

Prepare yourself for a feast of red that should keep your color palette satisfied for some time to come. And if the pictures I'm showing you from around Kim's cottage don't do it…visiting her here will!

Some of us are totally content with a token of red here or there.

Like the cherry on this adorable crocheted cupcake at Kim's cottage,

the lovely flowers on the handkerchief she found at a yard sale, or

the fun rickrack ribbon on her memo board.

Then…there are others who require a bit more than just a nod to red to gratify their tastes.

the bold red in the flowers on Kim's table, or...

the gorgeous red plates and the flower stems she used as napkin rings.

This red cushion on Kim's rocker offers a nice contrast to the bright yellow wall.

And all but the most color-phobic person could fall in love with her cute crewel pillow and polka dot napkin!

Perhaps the doses of red you prefer are relegated to the outdoors and are found on whimsical items like Kim's birdhouse and bird, or…

her front door and outdoor furnishings.

But our dear Ms. Kim uses red with total abandon–inside and outside her cottage.

Like here…

on her kitchen table, or…

here on her vintage buffet. And, I thought I was being bold by painting my buffet blue!

And, Kim hasn't stopped with just small splashes of red. She has painted the town red. Ok…so maybe just some of the rooms of her cottage.

For instance,

her red-walled office…with all its cute red accessories...

and her dining nook.

And who would have thought of painting a bathroom red?! Our bold Ms. Kim, of course! It's gorgeous–don't you think?!

Now, if that doesn't motivate you to stroll right on over to Kim's lovely cottage, I don't know what will!

I hope you enjoyed your visit!
Wow! Today's addition to this week's giveaway would look terrific anywhere in Kim's cottage. Don't you agree!  But then, it might look just as wonderful in your nest. 

Oops!!! You'll just have
to come back tomorrow to see!

Reminder:  Please be sure to publish your
Valentine's post, before you link to the party. And
don't forget to mention the Brambleberry Cottage
in your post.

Remember to leave a comment to be entered in this
week's drawing for the giveaway!

1. Marilyn
2. Ann
3. Jenn Raley
4. Donna
6. Tammy
8. One Cheap B*tch
9. Herself
10. Debbie