Showing posts with label Stamp Designers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stamp Designers. Show all posts

June 1, 2012

Meet Our Newest Stamp Illustrators!

(Please scroll down for our June Card Sketch Challenge.)

I am so proud and happy to announce that you will be seeing designs by these two ladies beginning later this month!!! Their work is FABULOUS!!! I'm so excited!!!

You already know Amy Wanford from our design team...

Hey! I'm Amy Wanford - aka Aimes: A gal from England who loves tea, toast and stamps :) 

A daydream doodler and a creative gal since I can remember, I discovered my love for stamps and ink in 2009. I started my little blog, Crafting Confessions, and haven't looked back since! My preferred style is clean and simple, though you'll also see me dabble and experiment with different styles (with varying results!) 

Between my full-time job in education and indulging in inky therapy, you can also find me on a football (soccer) pitch, behind a bass guitar, or curled with a sketchbook and pencil doodling. 

I'm so thankful to Lisa for giving me this wonderful opportunity to design stamps for The Craft's Meow! I can't believe the fun adventrues this amazing hobby has taken me on and I'll hope you'll join me on this adventure especially :) 

And many of you know this amazing artist, Elizabeta Kushner (aka Eli)...

I live in Croatia in a lovely city called Zapresic. I work at the Theological Biblical Academy, serve in my church and love to craft. I started my blog Cards by Eli in 2010 and almost at the same time my husband and I started to produce papers and stamps for my personal use since there are almost no supplies in Croatia for this hobby. I am really honored and thrilled to be a part of The Craft’s Meow team.

I hope you'll join me in giving these ladies a warm TCM welcome!!! Stay tuned for their first releases on June 21st!

March 1, 2012

It's The Craft's Meow Birthday!

Yep, that's right! March marks the one year anniversary of the opening of The Craft's Meow!!! March 21st to be exact. And we've got LOTS of fun in store for you to help us celebrate! So let's get started!!!

First, I'm so proud and happy to announce that we have a brand new Stamp Designer joining our team! Please give a warm welcome to Karen Baker!!!

 In Karen's words: I'm a graphic designer by trade, wife, mama to two energetic young boys, and always a crafter at heart. I like to expand my boundaries by experimenting and showcasing the capabilities of each stamp set I pick up. I'm quite fond of the clean and simple design style. I'm so very excited to have the opportunity here at The Craft's Meow to bring you stamp sets that are chic, charming and practical!

And I'm quite sure she will!!! You can visit Karen on her blog, The Bald Dragonfly.

Karen's first stamp set will be released in April, but since we hate to make you wait that long, there will be a little something special coming from her later this month as part of our birthday celebration! ;)

Speaking of our birthday celebration, we have this cute little badge that we would love for you to add to your blog to help spread the word. This will also be important when it comes to winning prizes, so stay tuned for more about that later! You can grab the HTML for the Birthday Bash Badge in the right column. --->

The Craft's Meow Store Blog

So let's start out right now with prize opportunities, shall we? As of this writing, we have 1,285 friends on our Facebook Page! How about we invite more people to join us? 
  • If we get to 1,500 friends by March 31st I will award a $25 Gift Certificate to a randomly drawn friend to spend in the TCM store AND to the friend who referred her/him!!!
  • If we get to 1,750 friends by March 31st, I will bump it up to a $50 Gift Certificate to each!!!
  • If we get to 2,000 friends by March 31st, I will bump it up to a $100 Gift Certificate to each!!! 
Can we get to 2,000??? You betcha!!! Please like us on Facebook if you don't already, and if you do, then please share our Facebook page with your friends. Remember, you have a chance to win both as a friend and as the one who refers the winner to our page!!!

I hope you'll stop by tomorrow for a very special blog hop. Until then, have a great day!

May 27, 2011

A final sneak peek and a HUGE announcement!

First, our final sneak peek of the stamp sets being released on June 1st at The Craft's Meow! This one is shore to delight you!

And now for the HUGE news!!! I can't even believe our good fortune!!! The one and only Jenny Suchin is joining The Craft's Meow as... wait for it... a stamp illustrator!!! Yowser!!! Many of you know her as Wee Memories and the Scrappy Saturday Challenge. She's also a blog designer. But now she'll also be designing stamps for us to play with! Yay!!!

Hi all! I'm Jenny Suchin, 36, I'm a mom to one beautiful girl and just married the most amazing man in October of 2010.  We live in the Golden State, California. I'm from Virginia, I sure do miss home.  I love my day job, it’s the best, but by night I'm a papercrafting night owl and graphic designer. I love all things fun and exciting and I love the outdoors, especially the beach!  I love to create with PAPER! My favorite craft is paper piecing, it’s my specialty lol. And I would say my style is cute and fun with a little vintage throw in sometimes.  I mostly design cards but occasionally I love to scrapbook and make altered items for my home. You will see from a lot of my creations, I love PINK and Clouds! My inspiration for my art is my little girl, she loves to do crafts with mom.  I even set up a little desk for her in my studio.  It just tickles me pink that she loves it as much as I do.  Gotta cherish that mommy/daughter time! I also just remodeled my studio, so my husband can't drag me out of it now. I love my new room. 
I'm so excited to be a part of this wonderful adventure and look forward to getting to know everyone!

Jenny is joining us in the preview festivities for our June 1st release, which start tomorrow, right here on the TCM blog. We'll see you then!

May 4, 2011

New Peeps and Grand Prize Winner!

Hi everyone! Did the title of this post catch your eye? Yes, indeed, I have a HUGE announcement to make... more wonderfully talented and beautiful people are joining Team TCM!!! But before we get to that, I know you're all wondering who the lucky person is who won the COMPLETE May 1st release, which includes these four fabulous stamp sets designed by Nina B Designs for The Craft's Meow:

And two gorgeous LIMITED EDITION kits by Sarah Martina Parker:

Includes Stamp Set
Includes Stamp Set

And that lucky winner is Tanya!!! Congratulations Tanya! Please email your address to me at and I'll get your prize package out to you!

And now for the big announcement! Please join me in giving a warm welcome to the newest members of our team:

Stamp Illustrator
 Jessica Fick
Kit Designer
 Lynn Miller
Design Team
 Viola Mahr
Design Team
You can read more about Michelle and Jessica on the Stamp & Kit Designer Page and about Lynn and Viola on the Design Team Page (links above).  

To say I'm over the moon about these ladies joining our team is an understatement. Someone pinch me! I'm so blessed! 

If that's not enough, I have even MORE big news to share on Saturday, so stay tuned! Don't touch that dial!

Thank you all for joining in the new release festivities, for your kind comments, and for your generous patronage. I truly am blessed and grateful. 

Have a fabby day!

April 15, 2011

You never get a second chance to make a good first impression...

... or do you?

I hope that old adage isn't true because I'm counting on just the opposite!

Today is a big day for The Craft's Meow!

I've been hinting around that I'd soon be making a BIG announcement, and that day is finally here! I am thrilled, delighted, over the moon, unbelievably excited and blessed beyond words to introduce you to three ladies who are joining my team!

First, beginning May 1st, The Craft's Meow will be offering stamp sets designed by the one and only Nina Brackett!!! Oh yes, you heard that right!!!

I know many of you are already familiar with Nina's beautiful art. She has worked as stamp illustrator/product designer for Layers of Color Art Stamps, Gina K Designs, There She Goes Stamps and Spellbinders, and now she's designing stamps for The Craft's Meow!!!

But wait, that's not all! Also joining The Craft's Meow as paper crafting kit designers (cards, scrapbook page layouts, mini scrapbooks and other delights) are the fabulous Alice Wertz and Sarah Martina Parker!!! Can you believe it? How did I get this lucky? If you're like me, you've pressed your nose to the screen many times admiring these ladies' style and the luscious things they create with paper. Now you (and I) can be like Alice and Sarah! lol

Look for not one but two card kits by Sarah to debut May 1st, and a card kit by Alice to debut on May 15th!!! And for you Little Frieda fans, there will be more of her to love on May 15th as well!!!

You can learn more about these lovely ladies by clicking HERE or on the "stamp & kit designers" tab above! 

Big news like this deserves a big splash, so today also marks the unveiling of a brand new look for The Craft's Meow, courtesy of the incredibly talented Veronica McCollum of VK Design Company!  So if you're reading this through Google Reader or similar, or through email updates, please click into the actual blog and take a look. I think you'll likey very much!

Oh, and while you're here, why not grab our store badge for your blog? You never know when I might be blog surfing and come across my store badge on your blog and award a prize. (*wink*)

You can do this one of two ways... either grab the HTML in the box (be sure you get the entire script... it scrolls down) and paste it into an HTML Gadget in Blogger (or similar for Typad or Wordpress)...or you can right click and save the image and then upload it as a Picture Gadget, linking it to the store ( If the HTML version is a bit too large in your sidebar you can fix that by opening that Gadget box, clicking on Rich Text, and then clicking on the picture. The bounding box will show up so that you can click on the corner and drag in (or out) to re-size the picture.

I'll be back soon with more news, so please stay tuned!!! Thanks for stopping by!