Tuesday, November 30, 2010

It's Been Forever!

I don't have pictures today but hopefully I will get some up soon. I don't know what is going on with the lack of posts but we are alive and doing well. Nothing new or crazy going on just the norm. Maybe that's why there is no post. But we are missing a turtle so if you have seen it let us know it might be in the back yard but we are fearing the worst A CAT! Mason is at school but I hope he takes it well. Anyways Happy Holiday's!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Cutest Pumpkin Ever!

Yes it's my sweet little Tillman dressed up ready for Halloween!!!!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Ashton's turn!

Kids are funny. Right after I posted Brinley riding with no training wheels Ashton wanted me to take his picture riding. Let just say Brinley has it down just a bit better.

First he ran into this....

Then he ran into this...

And finally smooth sailing.

Guess who's on two wheels?!?!?!

Brinley has been asking for a while now for us to help her ride a bike without training wheels and I told her that when it cooled off we would go to the park and learn on the grass. But she is one determined little girl. She comes in and says "mom come watch me ride the bike" and sure enough she is just riding away in the back yard. Mason was three when he learned guess she is right on track.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Lot's of First's

Ok. This has all hit me like a ton of bricks. Maybe having all your kids before your oldest went to kindergarten wasn't such a good idea. There is no easing into the school thing that way. Mason had his first day of kindergarten at Benjamin Franklin Charter School. At first I didn't think it was going to work for me but now it is going better.

Of course Mason is First in line. Let's just say it's a good place for him.

Then Ashton and Brinley had there first day of Preschool. They kept saying they wanted me to stay and where was I going and what was I going to do but when I dropped them off they didn't look back. I am so so glad they have each other.

He is the twins with there teacher Mrs. Kasey!

Last but not least my baby is crawling. Well kinda scooting along. He has been on all fours for a while but now he is on the move. He even tried to pull him self onto the couch yesterday. I'm not ready for this. Next thing you know I will be posting his first steps. Now you know why this is all happening too fast!!!!!!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Meet Pecker!

Well you see we have this chicken! Mason has always always wanted a pet. The answer always always has been NO! But this time what can you do. He went on a little trip with Colton's mom for the 24th of July up north and was at the Snowflake rodeo and caught a chicken (I guess that's what they do at rodeo's for kids) and of course had to take it home. Innocently enough its name is "Pecker" because it pecks everything. Colton and my dad made a little place for Pecker to stay and today it laid and egg. A large egg. We now have a chicken named "Pecker" who lays eggs.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Need a Plumber????

Our toilet hasn't not been working right for a few days now and Colton was just about to call a plumber when I said just take it up and see if there is something in it. ie toys, rocks, silverware. And sure enough something was there. A name badge from the kids club at the mall. About the size of a debit card just block the toilet crap (literally) from going into the pipe. Just add plumber to Colton's list of this he can do!!!!! No one has confessed but Mason is out of town.