Hope you all had a blessed Christmas and are gearing up for a fantastic new year.
This week's Grocer's List is up! To fill up, simply download and indicate your kilo weight order in the order column provided on the sheet.
For organics, only items in red are available for harvest this week. Please also note that due to erratic weather conditions, actual yield may drastically change upon harvest. We will inform everyone of final availability by Thursday.
Order your grass-fed steaks for New Year's!
Australian Yearling Ribeye ₱1,065 /kg
Australian Tenderloin ₱1,380 /kg
New Zealand Ground Beef ₱300 /kg
New Year Fruit Baskets
Singles Basket ₱1,250 12 varieties of round fruit, one piece each, except grapes at .5kg
Doubles Basket ₱1,500 12 varieties of round fruit, two pieces each, except grapes at .5kg and big unit items (melon, watermelon, pineapple)
We've got a special new product we're launching. It deserves it's own entry as it is simply FANTASTIC. If you are in our mailing list though, you would have received information on it already, in fact we have already accepted your pre-orders (yes, customers and mailing list recipients receive all exciting news first! ;)
But I will leave it at that for now. Will shoot out another post to announce this very delicious product.
the availability of grass-fed beef from The Farm Organics.
The organic cattle farm is located in Masbate, about 970 hectares with 560 heads. Cattle are raised organically and are not fed antibiotics, the bovine human growth hormone (rbGH), or other artificial drugs. The cattle are also not fed genetically modified foods and are given 100 percent organic feed without ground up animal parts.
Check out our complete list below for more information.
To order, just click on the download icon below, fill up the Excel sheet and send back to us.
Have a fantastic long weekend, everyone!
I know you've just received your orders, but we want you to plan out your menu. Weekend orders get a 5% Early Bird discount, and, if that's not enough incentive, we've actually got a good variety of produce this coming week.
Order away :)
Our latest addition to our free-range/organic meats:
Pork (belly / chops / kasim) at ₱370 /kg
Duck at ₱380 /kg
Rabbit Meat at ₱480 /kg