Showing posts with label halloween. Show all posts
Showing posts with label halloween. Show all posts


A Spooktacular Halloween ~ 2011

In the afternoon I had to carve a couple pumpkins (procrastination at it's best) so the kids painted a pumpkin of their own.

Supper was turkey eyeballs over spaghetti with peas.. essentially a monster. Also made bone bread sticks (just refrigerated sticks cut at the end and rolled down to shape).

Then it was time to trick or treat! My Spongebob and ghost were ready to go!

A trip around the block was enough for these two. Ry was ready to dig & eat candy!

MissB was worn out and ready for bed.

Hope you had a spooktacular Halloween too!!


Halloween Happenings

Time to get caught up on blogging (before the holiday is over!)

I may have collected an embarrassingly large amount of paint chips while doing my specimen art so RyGuy cut some up and stuck them down on contact paper for a mosaic pumpkin.

Lay the contact paper sticky side up then the colors down. The result is a surprise.

Hello Jack!

The kids also spent 'making dinner time' one evening coloring on pumpkins.

MissB didn't last long, but Ry was diligent.

I added a couple new items to my decor. These are the large paper letters at Joann's. I just painted and glittered them. They are sparkly and fab...

..and live up on my cupboard all spooky like.

Lastly I was super excited to print up this banner from How Does She. What a fun way to revisit Halloweens from the past!

My pirate, rooster, monkey...

...pumpkin, pumpkin, princess.


Halloween Sensory Bin 2011

Don't worry, no eye of newt or toe of frog included in this bin.

The base is black beans, orange dyed rice & tiny pumpkins (Target Dollar Spot)

The ping pong eyeballs, witch fingers & spiders are from Party City.

I got a funnel set on clearance that was a new highlight.

Can I just say... YAY for nice weather and sensory play on the deck!!

While MissB enjoyed the funnel set, RyGuy sure enjoyed the add-ins. He stuffed a pumpkin for everyone and put it by our plate for dinner.

ha! what a little goof!

If you're interested, check out my other sensory bin ideas HERE


Halloween Candy Bark

I pinned this recipe way back when I dove into Pinterest and it's been on my mind ever since.
The original recipe is at boo turtle, but since it's easy peasy I'll explain below:

1. Take one package of Halloween Oreos and smash to bits. Spread on parchment paper over cookie sheet.
2. Sprinkle a couple of handfuls of candy corn in with the cookie bits.
3. Melt candy coating (I used 2 bags of Wilton Candy Melts; black & orange) and drizzle/smear/slop over cookies & candy corn.
4. Generously apply sprinkles to the top. Toss a few extra candy corns on if you're feeling extra generous.
5. Throw in the fridge to harden. Once hardened, smash it into bite size pieces and consume for breakfast, lunch and dinner.


Jacks O' Ombre

How cute are my jacks??

This project was inspired by my Micheal's Halloween splurge of this Martha Stewart stamp and a trip to Home Depot to gather paint chips for fall projects.

That beautiful ombre was staring me right in the face.

I'm short on wall hangings in my Halloween decor so I though a great big (16 x 20) specimen art would do the trick. I Cricut cut my pumpkins from the paint chips then stamped the faces on. My black tagboard has a quick spray of Krylon Glitter Blast in Starry Night then I used foam stickies and lined 'em up. I love it!

Check out my LINKYS tab to see where I'm sharing my project


Halloween Ribbon Wreath

I am seriously in love with this wreath!
Found this idea at The Picky Apple and knew it was a must make! I had a lot of fun decorating for Halloween this year.. so much funner when the kiddos are into it. By the way.. The Picky Apple blog features great crafts for kids and crafty mamas and good recipes too. I made her Crock Pot Mexican Chicken last weekend and it was delish!
Anyway.. here's my wreath:

it'll look much better hanging on the wall but my house has TERRIBLE lighting so this had to do

If you have any interest in making it head on over to The Picky Apple for directions.. but basically you buy a ton of ribbon, cut it up, and hot glue them in loops. Here's my pile of loops:

i bought at the end of the season so got my ribbon cheap at Michael's and Hobby Lobby

Here's my palette:

stuck with black, orange, white, green, and purple

I did it on a 12 inch foam wreath wrapped with ribbon. When you glue the ribbon into loops you leave a little tab at the bottom so they stand up straight. I wanted it full so I squished them in tight. It was time consuming and I am on a glue gun break for awhile to let my burnt fingers heal but totally worth it.. I love, love, love it!! Thinking about a Christmas one. Can't wait to put it up.. next year. :)

Oh, and here's my newest cross stitch project just back from being framed:

i like this one because of the purple dyed fabric and button accents. Plus, it's sorta hard to tell here,  it was stitched with over dyed threads which gives it a variegated look


TestingTesting 1,2,3

experimenting with my new blog.. here are some fav's from halloween 2010spoooookky halloween lunch: pumpkin pb&j, banana ghost,
monster smiles, witch finger, and worm burgers

carving time!!

eatin' supper before trick or treat time

the pumpkin and the princess