Showing posts with label RAW. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RAW. Show all posts


RAW ~ Windows

Want to hear awesomely awesome news?? I WON the last RAW contest with my flag pic. (Thanks Sami!!) That means I get to pick the winner of the next theme! BE SURE to go to Sailor & Company and let me know what you think of the pics. Ok, so awesomeness aside, my thought on windows was to find some gorgeous stained glass and take some pics. Then I saw Sami's shot which  a) blew my mind & b) would blow mine out of the water! Considering the light in my house makes fun window shots nearly impossible, I schlepped my kids and camera to the park for some tunnel play. Peek-a-boo!

The rules are one pic completely unedited. Considering I can't pick myself, I'll take this one opportunity to break a rule and post my second fav.

Sailor & Company


RAW ~ America

Did you hear my sqeeeeeaaaaaaal for joy when I saw that RAW is back at Sailor & Company?? I find something totally cool and challenging about posting a picture "raw" (no edits whatsoever!) Now that I have my DSLR it sounds like even more fun! The theme for the first week back is: AMERICA. The holiday weekend gave me plenty of opportunities to think/shoot on this. While I experimented with outside the box  red, white, and blue or sparkler shots when I flipped through them they didn't say 'America' to me as much as this:

..the good 'ol stars & stripes.

I love the composition of the half & half. Also that it should be flipped vertical (for the way the flag was hanging) but it's not.

Click over to Sailor & Company to check out the other entries!


RAW: ONE (5)

This week's RAW(e) theme over at Sailor & Company is ONE (5) in she's now a busy mom to ONE newborn and 5 other kiddos and the contest starts on the 15th! (honestly... how do people get so clever?)
So you have to go into the first folder of your pictures and pick the 5th photo. My thought was, geesh.. what kind of terrible photo is this going to be? But I opened Amy's Wedding and was pleasantly surprised to count to this:

Hey.. I like it! and it is still 'raw'. Sweet! I'm gonna participate! :)  {wait a second..where are all the edited photos from Amy's wedding? hmmm} <--please excuse my inner monologue.
This is from my friend's wedding up in northern MN. She got married in a beautiful little chapel so some of the seating was outdoors. I took this photo because this was my view but it was one of several I kept taking of that red door. I loved that red door.

Next week's theme is Pillows! Fun! I bet I can find some interesting ones where I go this weekend :)
Check out the rest of the entries at Sailor and Company! Why not enter yourself?? :)



So 'member how I was blabbing about wanting to do linkys in my very first blog post (way back on Thursday)? :) Well this is one of them! RAW(e) over at Sailor & Company is about posting a picture straight from you camera.. ZERO editing. If you're into photography it's fun to check out everyone's pics for the theme. There is a different theme weekly.. or whenever she gets around to it.. she is a super mama of 6! and an awesome photographer.. love her funky editing!
Since this is my first RAW(e) post I went nutty with ideas but my first thought was this one I took at the hubbys' mom's house a few years ago. I like how my camera focused the ladybug/dandelion and blurred the background. (notice how I say my camera did it.. I point and shoot have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to photography!) So here's the one I'm submitting:

I know it's 'raw' because this is before I even started editing my photos. Now I would brighten it up, boost the color and maybe play around with the angle/straightening.
It took me awhile to find that pic and while searching I came across this one (which I would have used if I couldn't find the lady bug):
RyGuy's tootsies at 1 day old.. one of my favorite pics ever!
And once I came across that one I thought of something else very little:
PrincessB at 2 days old

sorta an icky picture of the lady but definitely goes with the theme! :)
Also, I probably cropped those.. a no no.
Anyway.. you're supposed to pick one to submit (which is my lady bug) but I have some photo editing issues.. as in I can never pick a favorite! (right JM?) :) Also going to have to save some of my favorite pictures 'raw' as I usually just delete them after editing.. or I'll get to go on a photo hunt for the theme.. could be just as fun! Looking forward to more!
Be sure to head over to Sailor and Company and check everyones' pics out!