

So 'member how I was blabbing about wanting to do linkys in my very first blog post (way back on Thursday)? :) Well this is one of them! RAW(e) over at Sailor & Company is about posting a picture straight from you camera.. ZERO editing. If you're into photography it's fun to check out everyone's pics for the theme. There is a different theme weekly.. or whenever she gets around to it.. she is a super mama of 6! and an awesome photographer.. love her funky editing!
Since this is my first RAW(e) post I went nutty with ideas but my first thought was this one I took at the hubbys' mom's house a few years ago. I like how my camera focused the ladybug/dandelion and blurred the background. (notice how I say my camera did it.. I point and shoot have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to photography!) So here's the one I'm submitting:

I know it's 'raw' because this is before I even started editing my photos. Now I would brighten it up, boost the color and maybe play around with the angle/straightening.
It took me awhile to find that pic and while searching I came across this one (which I would have used if I couldn't find the lady bug):
RyGuy's tootsies at 1 day old.. one of my favorite pics ever!
And once I came across that one I thought of something else very little:
PrincessB at 2 days old

sorta an icky picture of the lady but definitely goes with the theme! :)
Also, I probably cropped those.. a no no.
Anyway.. you're supposed to pick one to submit (which is my lady bug) but I have some photo editing issues.. as in I can never pick a favorite! (right JM?) :) Also going to have to save some of my favorite pictures 'raw' as I usually just delete them after editing.. or I'll get to go on a photo hunt for the theme.. could be just as fun! Looking forward to more!
Be sure to head over to Sailor and Company and check everyones' pics out!


  1. Tiny little peanut :)

    Ladybug shot is FANTASTIC!!!

  2. Wow! Amazing photo...the flower doesn't even look real. Very nice!

  3. Aww sweet little tootsies and peanut! I think they all 3 are great, and generally our raw photos don't look too great...lol

  4. LOVE the ladybug photo. Beautiful family!

  5. Very touching. Very that ladybug shot!

  6. That ladybug shot is awesome and that baby is so precious!

  7. Long and adorable toes. Great to look back and remember those feelings and moments. :O)

  8. Love your lady bug! I didn't even realize it was a dandylion at first, was trying to figure out what kind of flower it was until you pointed it out.
