Selasa, 12 Jun 2012



agak lama tiada update from my last entry.

been busy for these past 2 weeks. New workplace, new job scope, and new staffs. stuck my eyes on french open 2012 almost every night since 27 May. Blend all : the blog going nowhere.

and yeah i lost my dear juju as well. bitter to swallow.

Anyhow, Rainbow has COME!

My dear Rafael Nadal won his 7th French Open Title. Beating the World Number 1, the guy with full of mantra and tantrum, Novak Djokovic. He beats Rafa for 3 times in a row at Grand Slam Arena and at this time around, the table has changed. Rafa overcome the curse and PREVAILS.

Nole serves and he ends the match  with a double-fault. Rafa won with 6-4, 6-3, 2-6, 7.5. i cried when i saw Rafa on the verge of tears. He's rarely this emotional. RARELY. He climbed on the stand and surrounded by his team and family. Hugs and kisses. Heart-warming THOU.

He won his first French Open title when he was 19 years old in year 2005 and now at the age of 26, he triumphs with his 7th trophy. Geeee, he's the Absolute King of Clay!

p/s: Semangat dah ada nk sambung kembara India. Yay!

Selasa, 5 Jun 2012

rest in peace my dear JUJU..

Juju baru 2 tahun lebih...

Mati akibat di langgar kereta malam tadi..

Air mata berjujuran mase tanam dia tadi..

Akan rindu dengan golek2 dia minta diusap masa org sibuk bersiap nk pegi keje di waktu pagi..

Oh dear.. Heartbroken..

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.4

Isnin, 4 Jun 2012

Happy Belated Birthday to Myself!

Pix Source:Credit to HERE
So me and him shared the same birthday, 3rd of June! June baby, June!

Setahun lagi umur aku meningkat. Alhamdulillah.

Sepanjang hidup, aku di kelilingi oleh orang-orang yang baik dan disayangi.

For all the warm wishes, THANKS EVERYONE. i appreciate it the most.

Terima kasih di atas semua doa. Moga yang terbaik milik aku nanti. 


p/s: I love my age!

special thnx to my good friend, Naju. this is Absolutely beautiful. Absolute Choc from Secret Recipe.