
Sunday, February 1, 2009

That Bad, Eh?

Let me just preface this story. I have had a pretty bad cold and haven't been feeling all that well since Saturday afternoon. (And I just KNOW I caught it from that kid who sneezed on me in math last Wednesday afternoon. There was no amount of Clorox wipes or Airborne that could have prevented that either. ICK!)
Anyway, today I came home from school and put my hair in a ponytail & changed into comfortable clothes...Now I realize that doesn't help my cause because red eyes and puffy sinuses aren't that flattering to begin with. However, I really don't care so I decided I would go get my eyebrows done.
You all know the stories of Helen the Chinese waxer. By now I just expect her comments, in fact I welcome them. But when I walked in Helen was unusually quiet. We got back in the "wax room" and all of the sudden she looked up from the hot wax and said, "Ah (are) you leaving yoah (your) husban (husband)?"

I was so confused- I thought she probably had me confused with someone else. But she just kept giving me this pitiful look. So I was like, "Me? No! Why?"

And she just shook her head, stirred the wax, and said, "Oh honey, you no look good today. I think maybe you ah so sad and been crying because you ah leaving yoah husban."
LOL!! WHAT?!? I mean, I must really look like hell today. Fantastic.
On another note, here some pictures from this past weekend. On Saturday night we met and Natalie & David's loft in Ft. Worth and went to the Cross Canadian Ragweed concert. Fun, fun!!On Sunday night we watched the Super Bowl with our friends Liz & David. Isn't she cute?!?!Yoshi, Liz, Baby Zantop & Me
And finally- let me just say, if you don't have a site counter on your blog, you should get one immediately. That is the biggest surprise/ ego boost ever. (Because you people don't care whether I look like I'm leaving my husband or not.) I am so flattered that people actually read this. I don't know who most of you are, but thank you. Thank you, thank you.


Amanda E said...

Ah!! How do I get a site counter??? I could really use an ego boost... or I could be asking for a huge letdown too. Hmm...

Regina said...

That's too funny, I thought the exact same thing about the site counter!! Mine went up sooo fast, it's kinda fun to look at! And I read your blog everytime you update, just so you know!

Lisa and Ryan said...

That's hilarious about the eyebrown lady- where does she come up with this stuff?? One of my friends got a site counter and then she put her blog on private because she was freaked out about how many people had access to her pictures... guess its just how you look at it- flattered or freaked out!!