So to to get you thinking I'm going to pass on a few frugal ideas for presents. So, if you're a bit short of cash, or would like to get a bit more personal and creative, why not try out some of these random ideas:
1. Give a handmade gift certificate, you can make the certificate for almost anything:
- 12 nights of babysitting throughout the year
- a 3, 4 or even 5 course meal at your house
- a car wash & valet
3. Why not frame some of the children's artwork for the grandparents.
4. Take some favourite photos of your family and frame them for your relatives. Printing them in black and white and putting them in a black frame is particularly nice.
5. For that special someone - why not write a poem and frame it, reminding them of how much they mean to you.
6. For your kids - if you don't fancy filling your place with more plastic, why not make a kiddie cheque book of things they enjoy doing so they can cash them in during the year - a trip to the zoo, 5 trips to the softplay centre, lunch out at their favourite place, a couple of trips to the cinema, visit to the museum, trips to their favourite park, swimming....
7. A hubby cheque book - filling it with all the things you know he would enjoy.
8. A Wife cheque book (hint hint) - filling it with all the things you know she'd enjoy throughout the year - a haircut (& colour), a massage, a manicure/pedicure, a kid-free day of shopping, a day (OK, a morning) in Starbucks reading a good book, a Saturday morning lie in x12 (at least), an undisturbed hot bath x12 (at least) numerous nights off cooking, even more nights off bathing the kids....etc, etc
Do you have any more suggestions for frugal Christmas giving?