It's been a bittersweet week in our house as my husband and I announced to our church in Edinburgh, that Colin has accepted a call to Pastor Ballymoney Baptist Church in Northern Ireland.
For the past 6 years it has been more than our privilege to serve and fellowship with God's people in Charlotte Chapel. Not only that, we have benefited so much from this local church that it is with a heavy heart that we will go. But the Lord's hand is upon our lives, upon Charlotte Chapel and upon Ballymoney Baptist Church and we pray that he will work out his purposes among his people, bringing glory to his name in these places.
Here are some things that I am thankful for:
1. 200 years of faithful Gospel witness in Charlotte Chapel
2. 23 years of faithful Gospel witness in Ballymoney Baptist Church
3. 200 years of faithful expository preaching in Charlotte Chapel
4. 23 years of faithful expository preaching in Ballymoney Baptist Church
5. For many a godly example in Charlotte Chapel that I have sought to follow
6. For many a godly example in Ballymoney I hope to follow
7. For God's grace to serve in Charlotte Chapel
8. For continued grace to serve in Ballymoney
9. For the love, care & fellowship of many dear brothers & sisters in Charlotte Chapel
10. For the love, care & fellowship already felt from Ballymoney