Thursday, June 19, 2014


Chillin with dad while mom ran errands
 Shhh mom.
 I don't know why but I love this picture
 These pictures are fuzzy but she was so excited to play in the fort dad built for her that I just couldn't not include them.

 First time bowling and she did really well! ha ha ha
 Peeling their clementines together :)
 Ember with her babies. 
 Getting ready for baby girl #2! Thomas's sister and nephew came to help paint since I wasn't allowed to :)
Warning, Ember gets ahold of the phone and starts running around, so if you get motion sick easily, best not watch it.
It wouldn't let me upload the really funny one because it was too big, but this still gives you a good idea of how cute it was

Friday, June 13, 2014


Ember spent 3 out of 4 weeks of this month being sick, so I don't have a ton of pictures of her happy, but at least the one week she was feeling well was Christmas :)
For my dad's work party, they opened up the Conference Center to families and let people wander around the different areas.  Here we are at the Organ.
The next three pictures that follow depict Ember's experience with meeting Santa pretty well, but if you want to see video of it, scroll to the bottom (pending it uploads)

Our little Christmas tree.  If I remember right, it only took me 30 mins to get the lights on the tree.  I wasn't too concerned about getting them on really well because I knew Ember would mess it up. And sure enough, by the end of the month the lights on the lower half were barely hanging on.
Playing blocks with Great Grandpa Butler

 We went to the Zoo with my in-laws to see the lights and they were pretty cool! Not sure I bundled her well enough.... he he he.
It was fun getting her in her snow clothes this winter, although she couldn't walk at all, ha ha ha.  In fact, once we got outside, every time she tried to move she would fold over in half (both feet and head on the ground with her bum in the air) and get stuck and start crying.  Sad yet hilarious.

Even though it is kind of plain, I am proud that we even got one decorated between trying to man-handle Ember and stopping her from eating all the candy herself :)

Our attempt at the Christmas story
Ember LOVES playing with her uncles
Christmas morning!
She got the most enjoyment out of playing in a huge box.

If this video works, we thought it was hilarious how much she enjoyed being pushed around on a chair by my dad.
This is Ember meeting Santa


Because it has been so long, these will mostly be highlights
 Getting ready for a four-wheeler ride

Ember loves hiking with dad.
 Cheesy smile :)
Ember turned 1 this month and for her birthday we invited family over for cake and ice cream.  She had just discovered she liked sugar so once she tasted the frosting, there was no going back :)
Nom nom nom
I forgot to get a picture of her cake before she started eating it, so this is the best shot I have, ha ha ha.  Nothing special except that the inside was polka dots.  I made another one for everyone else to eat, but also forgot to take a picture. 
 Give. Me. More. Cake!
OK, I'm done mom. 
This picture just makes me laugh with the antlers in the background, ha ha ha.
My favorite part of her party was that she would take her presents and give them to other people.  Don't worry though, by Christmas she had figured out that she loved opening them instead.
November was filled with picture taking.  First we had Ember's 1 yr shots, then Thomas's side and my side each had family photos. Ember did really well for how many times she had to smile.
These are her 1 yr pics

This one is my favorite :)

These are my side of the family pics


These are Thomas's side of the family pics

We spent thanksgiving with Thomas's side of the family in Ferron, UT.  25 people in 1 house for 3 days.... crazy but fun! 
Not sure if these videos will work, I can't see them but it says they are uploaded..... oh well