Showing posts with label Movie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Movie. Show all posts

Sep 6, 2011

Hunger Games the Movie

I can't wait to watch the movie version of The Hunger Games inspired from the book by Suzanne Collins. In fact, I'm done reading the 3 books so I'm looking forward to the other 2 installments of the film as well.

March 2012 is said to be the playdate of this may still be far but am already counting. I can't wait to see Katniss Everdeen in action (played by Jennifer Lawrence), male tribute of District 12 Peeta Mellarck (played by Josh Hutcherson) and my all time oh-so-hot favorite, Gale Hawthorne (played by Liam Hemsworth).

Check out their movie teaser below and be prepared! Don't miss to listen the mockingjay's song (or whistle)!

Aug 5, 2011

Apollo 18

This is the new poster released for Apollo 18. This movie will be shown on September 2, 2011. This is based on a true story, about the 2 astronauts sent secretly on a mission to the moon. Although NASA vehemently deny this happened, but others insisted that it was true and some of the captured pictures were shown in this film. Watching this movie will make everybody believed why it was decided not to send man to the moon after this incident.

Well, I have no idea yet on what's to happen in this story but all I'm sure of is that this is a story about astronauts sent to the moon. Having read the plot, it made me want to watch this movie, to better find out what's going to happen and what's all this hullabaloo about this film. It better be good, I must say. I'll review on this again after seeing the film...

Oct 14, 2010

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is the movie that I can't wait to watch. I've been an avid reader of this J.K. Rowling books that I also look forward in watching the movie version. The last installment will be finally shown next month, however, they cut the movie into half. Well, at least I still have something to look forward to. As an avid reader, it's quite hard to part with this story who's main characters I came to love. Oh well, everything has an ending so I'd better live with it...

Jul 29, 2010

Vampire Sucks

I'm a big fan of Twilight Book & Movie. Just yesterday, I saw the spoof version of the film. I know it's quite corny and over acting but I just can't help laughing to some of the scenes. I know this movie, Vampire Sucks, was done in bad taste but that's the purpose of spoof, right? Besides, there's no harm in watching a show that will make you laugh once in awhile. I'd rather watch this than watch a horrible horror show -- that, I can't take, hehe.

Enjoy and be disgusted to the trailer of Vampire Sucks ;-)

Jul 24, 2010


Another movie that I am looking forward to watch is the Angelina Jolie-starrer, Salt. If it's an action film, I'm in for it, no doubt! I'm not really a big fan of Angie and I don't hate her either. I just love some of her films especially if it's an action-thriller movie. Her personality is so strong, too, that her portrayal is very much convincing. Right now, Salt is being shown in North America and I feel this movie will fare well in theaters.

Jolie plays a fugitive in this film after she's being accused of being a KGB agent. I've learned also that initially, the movie film outfit considered to get Tom Cruise to play the lead part but totally changed the script when it was replaced by Jolie.

Well, if the story is great combined with good casting and performance, I expect this film to be another blockbuster on Jolie's film... (click picture for image source)

Jul 19, 2010

Movies To Watch

I have not seen a movie for quite sometime and I've thought of having a movie marathon every weekend. I have not seen the movie of my favorite Stephenie Meyer book yet, Eclipse, and I've thought of watching Inception or Sorcerer's Apprentice. Oh, I've heard and read thru the net that the latter flops in and former made it to box office. Whatever, it's my choice and opinion that counts. I've seen great movies that flops and no sense movies that made number one the box office. Perhaps, they lack promotion or there might be some reason behind it. I might start watching next week or if not, I'll just rent a DVD or check for some online sites where I can download some of the movies I missed to watch.

Jul 6, 2010

Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows

Another movie that I am looking forward to watch. I know November is still very far away but I am such a big fan of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter books that I can't wait for this movie to be shown. Actually, the video below is the first part of book 7, Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows. The second part will be shown next year. I would love to watch them at once but since the story was too long and the director, producers don't want to alter or remove important part of the story, thus, the parts 1 & 2. I will not complain about that anymore because I also wanted the movie version to give justice to the book. Enjoy watching the video below ;-)

Jun 19, 2010

Toy Story 3

Haven't watched Toy Story 3 yet but hope to watch this one of these days with my kid... or perhaps I will just wait for the DVD version. I saw the trailer and it sure was hilarious. I especially like the scene where Ken met Barbie for the first time. I've watched the previous Toy Story movies and so far I was really entertained. Even adult people like me still like watching comedy or animated movies just like this one. It releases stress and it's also one way of enjoying a quality moment with your family especially the kids.

May 17, 2010

Robin Hood (2010)

I can't wait to watch Robin Hood starred by Russel Crowe. However, due to unavoidable circumstances, I can't go out right now and watch this on the wide screen. I guess I will have to wait for a DVD copy on this film.

The story of this legendary hero has been retold plenty of times but I know in every film, they made a unique story. Plus, this 2010 film is played by Russel Crowe who, in my opinion, is a very good actor. I've seen his performance in LA Confidential, Gladiator and A Beautiful Mind and I really admired his acting.

Going back to Robin Hood the movie, well, I've read different reactions from critics and movie-goers who've watched this film already, and everybody is entitled to their own opinion. But what matters most is my own perception of this film. And for me, this movie is worth watching!

How about you? Have you watched this movie already? What can you say? You can share your own opinion here ;-)

Apr 25, 2010

Twilight Saga: Eclipse Trailer

Here's the trailer of Eclipse that debuted at Oprah. Eclipse was Stephenie Meyer's 3rd novel of her Twilight book series. I really love this book and I can't wait to see the movie version that will be released in theaters come June 30.

This movie will highlight the truce of the Cullen vampire/Quilete pack with the newborn vampires created by Victoria. The Volturi's are shown in here, too, and I guess with much bigger exposure than the previous movie installment. Plus the love story of Bella and Edward is never missed in here. Okay, just watch the video below and enjoy!

Mar 14, 2010

Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief

My daughter loves to watch adventure or magical movies. In fact, she's a great fan of Harry Potter films. She also likes Twilight although some of the scenes frightened her, she just covered her eyes (or ears) with both her hands. Lately, she enjoyed watching Alice in Wonderland that she wanted us to go to the cinema and watch the movie over and over again. Then, she saw a trailer of Percy Jackson & the Lighting Thief and she was too eager to watch it right away. Well, we have our own copy so we don't need to go to the cinema anymore ;-)

Last Friday, my husband, daughter and I had our family movie night. However, when Medusa's face appeared, she went at the back of the couch to hide. She said she's scared of the snakes in Medusa's head. But even when she was hiding, she stole glances and tried to look what happen to Medusa out of curiosity. The following night, I was surprised to hear from her that she wanted to watch Percy Jackson again. It made me even surprise when she watched it all by herself while I was busy attending house chores and my husband's busy with his own business. She later told me that she was not that scared anymore because she was trying to be brave... uhuh? Anyway, for those of you who didn't watch Percy Jackson movie yet, here's the trailer for you to enjoy:

Feb 13, 2010

Easier Way To Search

Need help to find your favorite show that you missed watching? Almost everything nowadays are easy and accessible to find. You will just have to browse at torrents search and everything you wanted to look are just right in front of your eyes. My husband was the one who introduced me to this site when he heard me murmuring for missing some episodes of my favorite shows. You see, I am a stay at home mom but I am also busy doing a lot of chores. I don't have the leisure time to watch because I still need to do the laundry, cleaning, cooking, ironing, preparing breakfast, lunch, dinner, etc. And I have to drive my child to school and need to do the grocery, too. At night, I have to review my daughter on her lessons. But now, with help of this site, indeed watching my favorite shows according to my free time is a lot easier and very convenient on my part.

If you're also like me who don't have a regular schedule in watching shows or even movies because of some chores, I highly recommend this site for you to visit. Check torrent search now and find everything you need in there.

Dec 16, 2009

Alice In Wonderland

One of the movies that I will definitely watch next year is Alice in Wonderland. Johnny Depp starred as the Mad Hatter, Helena Bonham Carter as the Red Queen, Anne Hathaway as White Queen and Mia Wasikowska as Alice. Check out the latest trailer of this 3-D adventure movie. Enjoy watching!

Dec 6, 2009


I love this movie very much! I've watched Chicago for over three times and I'm planning to watch it again. Catherine Zeta-Jones, Renee Zellweger and Richard Gere were superb in the characters they performed and I've to include Lucy Liu, too, even though she had a small appearance in the film.

Chicago is a story about two girls who were put behind bars because of the murder they committed. But these two warring ladies were trying to get media attention and trying to outdo each other. They were both vying for the miss popular title.

Anyway, Chicago is a musical-comedy story plus check out Richard Gere's great tap dance moves!

Dec 4, 2009

Torrents Search Engine

Watching TV for me these days is a luxury. I hardly had time to watch television because I need to attend to my household chores first before anything else. I would love to watch some shows but I just can't keep up. In the morning, I need to prepare breakfast for my family, drive my kid to school, clean the house, wash or iron clothes then prepare lunch and in the evening, prepare dinner, take care of the things needed for my family and review my child's lessons. At some other time, I need to go to bank then pay our water, telephone and electric bills. I think I barely had time for myself.

Going back to my favorite shows, I guess I've missed a lot of episodes like Smallville and Grey's Anatomy. There were some great movies that I was not able to watch, too, but I'm glad my husband found one site that is very helpful. At torrents download, he was able to get from them some shows or movies that I missed. And I am so thankful because I was able to watch it at my own convenience.

If you experienced the same kind of dilemma, I suggest that you go to their site and you'll have everything you'll need!

Harry Potter

I've read Harry Potter books volumes 1-5 few years ago but I've finished reading volumes 6-7 just recently. Out of these 7 books, I only owned 5 (volumes 1, 2, 4, 6 and 7). Much to my regret because I can hardly find these books in any bookstore. I wish somebody out there would lend me their copy of 3 & 5 as I want to read them again. Don't worry, I'll return it intact and dust-free :D

J.K. Rowling is really a good story-teller. Her book, Harry Potter, entertained me so much that I read my old HP books again. I hope to pass these books to my daughter when she's old enough to read and understand the story.

I've watched the movie version of Harry Potter, too. So far, the 1st 5 films were great but I was a bit disappointed with the 6th installment. They've changed a lot of plot and they focused more on the love story of the teen-age wizards. I hope that there won't be too many changes in the 2-part finale of HP7 especially since it's the most anticipated movie in year 2010/2011.

Nov 19, 2009

New Moon: The Movie

New Moon will hit theaters on November 20, 2009 and I'm definitely going to watch this movie. It may not be on that day because a lot of people might watch it, too. I want to get the best seat and see up close and personal with Edward Cullen so, might watch it days after. And this is a great way for me to unwind and relax from my busy chores, too... See you around folks!

Nov 7, 2009

New Moon

Can't wait to watch this movie on November 20, 2009! I'm a huge fan of Stephenie Meyer, thanks to her Twilight series book! I just can't get enough of Edward Cullen-Bella Swan story. Added excitement in this upcoming movie, New Moon, is Jacob Black and the pack of werewolves.

I'm also curious how the Volturis would look like in the film. Will they be a cold and eerie as described in the book? I will find that out surely on November 20!

Oct 26, 2009

Edward Scissorhands, etal

Some people love to watch scary movies... well, I don't! I'm not a big fan of horror movies unlike my husband who is very much updated with those kind of movies. I want to watch and enjoy a movie show, and if possible, laugh!

Anyway, I know people has different taste so might as well leave them and mind my own. One time, my friends invited me to watch Nightmare on Elm's Street (Freddie's Back or Dead?--whateveh!) and I swore never to watch any Freddie installment anymore. I am more into suspense or thriller and action films but not so much with horror movies. But I admit I've watched a few horror movies and enjoyed some but it was still my least favorite.

Well, if there's a movie that I would like to watch again especially on a Halloween night, perhaps it would be Johnny Depp's Edward Scissorhand. This movie was shown years ago and I remember to have enjoyed it. Another would be fantasy films like Legends or Return to the Oz (Wizard of Oz) coz I totally forgot the story, hehehe :D

May 19, 2009

The Curios Case of Benjamin Button

I bet some of you already watched The Curious Case of Benjamin Button starring Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett. I saw this movie a few months ago and I would say that I was really entertained. I knew the story is only fiction, but how it was depicted was really praised-worthy. Brad performed his character very well, Cate amazed me with her ballerina stunts (and how she really looked young during her teens in the movie, to think she's already 39 y.o!) and Taraji P. Henson, Benjamin's adoptive mother, was really convincing and a very superb actress.

Thru this movie, I can really say that babies and old people have some similarities. Like when we were still a baby, we rode on a stroller but when we get very old, we get to sit on a wheelchair.

And just like what Daisy (Cate) said in the movie, 'we all end up in diapers' - is really True!