Showing posts with label Opinion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Opinion. Show all posts

Dec 5, 2011

Read Before You Comment

I posted an entry in my other blog and when I went back in there, someone left me a comment. Nice of her to do so however, I hope she read my entire post because obviously, she didn't :-)

You could tell if one is reading or not. I posted the necessary information about my blog post and this person was asking question that's already there in my entry. Oh, I was not angry or pissed off with her. Was just saying it here (where she can't read it, hehe) that I knew she was not reading my post at all. Still, I was thankful that she was able to drop by my site so I visited her blog, too.

Mar 2, 2011

Christina Aguilera Arrested

Pop Diva Christina Aguilera was arrested for intoxication together with her boyfriend. She was said to be extremely intoxicated or unable to take care of herself that she was booked for public intoxication. Sheriff said she will not be prosecuted and even described Aguilera as cooperative. Different case went to her boyfriend, who was charged but was able to bail himself out.

Way back Aguilera's Whattagirl Wants days, I am a fan of hers. She has a great and powerful voice. Then, she reinvented herself. She looked different. But in my own opinion, she didn't need that the mere fact that she has a talent. Later, she lied low a little, got married and had a child. But late last year, she and her husband divorced. Worst, her album got poor sales on the market and her movie was a flop. I guess this girl has been thru a lot that she badly needs help. I hope she will not follow the footstep of Britney Spears of Lindsay Lohan. I still love Xtina. I love her voice! But I hope she will surpass all these trials and behave... (image source: click the pic)

Feb 22, 2011

My Secret Abode

This is my secret blog. And I almost reveal my identity to others, hehe. Why I made such a secret blog? Sometimes, I want to rant over things but I can't do it in my main blog. In here, I was able to express my anger, my opinion and what I hate the most in life no holds barred! I can do anything here and I like it here! That's why I've no reason to delete or remove this blog because I have my freedom of speech here. And if somebody's against my opinion, I'm not that affected, hehe. But lucky for this blog because it is where I pour my heart out, it's where you can see my soul. But I've no intention yet of revealing to others who I really am. Oh, I think there are only 2 persons who knows that I own this blog but they don't come here often so I guess I can say I'm safe, haha. But just awhile ago, I almost unskinned myself when I was about to submit a comment, hehe. Good thing I made an error so when I checked, I hurriedly change my user account :) Well, I'm safe now. That's all that matters :D

Feb 8, 2011

It Takes 2 To Tango...

I've shared in the past few weeks about a friend of mine lambasting her husband's infidelity on facebook. Now, all's well that end's well... Her husband went back to her and now she's happy. You see, things like this can be resolved privately. Because for one, she might be mistaken; second, she should think of their kids; third, it takes two to tango. If only my friend kept quiet, I had all my sympathies with her. I'm not saying I sympathize with her husband for I don't know him and he might be an idiot after all. It's just that I don't agree with my friend sharing their dirty linen for public consumption. It's quite scandalous because she's also ruining her family's reputation. Now that they are back in each others arms, who looks funnier now? But since I don't own her mind, better to mind my own business, too. I'm just sharing in here my own opinion with regards to this matter... (image source: click the pic)

Jan 17, 2011

Megan, Is That You?

When you say the name Megan Fox, what comes to my mind is the actress oozing with sex appeal. She was noticed for her role in Transformer 1 until she was known for being one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood, even comparing her with Angelina Jolie. She was a hot chick in Transformer 2 and Jennifer's Body.

However, I've noticed a lot of changes in her. She looked different in Transformer 1 compared to T2. I fear that she's one of those celebrities who is so obsessed with surgery that even though they are already beautiful, they are not contented with the way they look. Her latest appearance was during the Golden Globe Awards and I almost did not recognize her. She looks so matured and I think she's done something to her face again. I hope this addiction of hers will be stopped or she might regret it later. She still look lovely but there is something in her that has changed. She's already beautiful and I hope she knows that by heart. She need not prove anything because she almost has everything! I guess it's really hard to be beautiful, huh?

Nov 20, 2010

Eva Longoria Divorced Player Hubby

What's not surprising to Hollywood stars these days are when they decided to get married and divorced in a short span of time. Seriously, it's considered a miracle if they survived 10 years as husband and wife. Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman, who were once tagged as power couple, had their marriage lasted for 11 years and that was already a miracle (Katie Holmes, bite your tongue)! Recently, Eva Longoria's split with hubby Tony Parker was all over the net. I even had a magazine about them when they tied the knot 3 years ago. It was an extravagant affair and everybody seemed happy. But a few months later, I remember a news about Eva's hubby having an affair resurfaced. Eva stood by her man. But what's this news recently that her hubby's actually having an affair of his teammate's wife?! Bah!!! Such a bad ass! And this news was just like normal for everybody. Aren't they embarrassed of that these adulterers doing? I know it takes two to tango but still I pity Eva as she's the abused part in this scenario. After defending and stood by her man, perhaps she finally woke up and got fed up that even though it broke her heart, she must let him go. I hope Eva will have her sweet revenge soon, how's that? ;-)

Nov 14, 2010

Leave Some Privacy

Just visited my Facebook account. I love this social network as I can reach out and search for my long lost friends..and they can find me there, too. It's nice to update one another and where we are right now. For some, they made it as their venue for business. Hmmm, quite risky for me to do it. Perhaps one of these days, there will be tax payment online..

But what I don't like to see in Facebook is when people use it to bicker or backbite others. I can't help but read it as it is the first thing I see everytime I opened my account. And what I hated the most is when a couple announced their dirty linens at home. Should they make it more private? Should they really share it for everybody to read and comment? That's why I don't waste my time leaving comments on their shoutouts because I find it so obnoxious and intruding and I don't want to side with anybody. I just hope these people leave some privacy on their lives. What they do is just telling everybody what kind of person they are. It reflects their personality. I guess it's really better for them to just keep quite and leave some reservations for themselves.

Nov 11, 2010

I Won't Be There

I just hope some people will be a little bit sensitive. You see, I value friendship and whatever that is entrusted to me will be treasured always. I always offer my ear when they wanted something to tell me. In short, I'm ready to help. The only thing that I cannot give right away is when it comes to money matters unless I have some because I don't have that much.

What I'm telling here actually is when it's my turn to ask for a person's time to hear my woes, I can't find them. Or, it turned out that they are on their own, minding their world. Worst, they've done things that I am not included. That, I despised and I always think of a payback time. I've helped some of them, even wasting my time to help them and look for ways that they won't be in so much trouble anymore. Now, I've learned several things. I plan to play it safe next time. Perhaps I'll mind my own business without including those people who are taking my advantage. I am this sensitive and I hope those people will get what they deserve next time. And if worst will come to them, I won't be there.

Oct 22, 2010

Controversial Glee GQ Photos

I used to hear people giving positive feedback on Glee Show until I finally gave in and watch the show. I came to love it and I guess I became one of the Gleeks. My 7 year old daughter also watched with me and my husband because she liked music very much. However, as the story progressed, the episode requires adult supervision. Sometimes, I watched ahead to see if it's suitable for kids. Season 2 came and one of the episodes tackles about homosexuality. I've nothing against homos but when they showed 2 female characters making out made me decide not to let my daughter watch the show. I know it's in my power to discuss to my child about sexuality but she's only 7 and it's hard for her to comprehend such thing. So, I guess it's better if I let her watch Dora the Explorer, Animal Planet or any Educational show on TV. Recently, I've just browsed on the internet wherein some Glee members posed a steamy shot for GQ magazine. Now, what's on their mind?! Rachel Berry wearing skimpy panty licking a lollipop? What was she trying to prove? Isn't her popularity not enough for her? I've not seen the rest of the pictures but Quinn and Finn are also on the cover of GQ. Others may have defended that Glee is indeed an adult show and not like high school musical, but the characters they were portraying were high school students! And whether we like it or not, some kids really do watch this show especially those who are musically inclined. So, I can't blame some parents to react because the show aims to reach out to viewers, even giving each show some moral values to the audience and now what have the stars did to their own show?

I might still watch Glee but I will never let my child see this show again. And that's what I call - Parental Guidance! (image source: click the pics)

Oct 1, 2010

I Love Glee!

Have you watched Glee season 2 episode 2 lately? I've watched it and I still find it hilarious. Guest star was Britney Spears and most of her songs were sang in this episode. It was quite funny, though, to have the guys performed ala Britney but they gave justice, anyway, so everything just went perfectly fine. Sue was still the same old Sue but I like the way she portrayed her comical-villainous character. Her annoying, intimidating character adds life to the story. Anyway, Britney Spears may be the guest of this episode but she only appeared few times and her lines were short, only her songs were played mostly and sang by the Glee characters particularly Brittany.

If I may comment, Santana has a better voice than Brittany although the two can really sing well with good dance movements. I find Rachel's dancing to be awkward while she sang Baby, One More Time...and I kinda get annoyed with her big mouth. Perhaps because she used to be a Broadway singer where she had to exaggerated her pronunciation or singing whatever.

Overall, I love Glee and I can't wait for the next episode to be aired. The show reminded me of my Glee Club days, only, our voice instructor was strict and only wanted us to sing ballads or songs from the opera.

Sep 30, 2010 is a SCAM!

This is to inform everyone that is totally a SCAM. I apologize for referring this site to you but I just learned recently that this site does not exist at all! When you go to, all you see is all about movies online.
Whoever made this kind of bogus is a big asshole and I'm so stupid to fall to his/her trap. I always believe in Karma and I know one day, the creator of this bogus will simply pay for this.

Sep 23, 2010

Sleeping Is The Key

I woke up very early today but I feel energized. Unlike yesterday where I was so tired and felt so lifeless. I've been pondering over many things lately and sometimes, you thought of so many lowest point in your life that it bothers you a lot. Thankfully, last night, I've tried not to dwell on the negative things. Sleeping early was the key, too, as it help in washing or blocking away the painful memory. Now, as I woke up, I felt no such heavy baggage. I am looking forward for a positive thing as the day rises until I go to sleep again...

Sep 18, 2010

Bad Card

Piece of advice, if you own a credit card, be responsible! That's what I kept on telling my husband. I told him not to over spend it because this brings a mess into our lives. We've been bickering about that before because he had 4 credit cards already, now, he's trying to cut out the other two and spend less about it. It can really bring trouble, you know because he will end up paying the cards every time he receive a bonus from his work. He has learn his lesson anyway and I'm now crossing my fingers that he won't be tempted to purchase another card. For me, it's the root of all evil especially if you don't know how to balance or wise enough to spend it. I'm glad I'm not the kind of wife that goes on a shopping spree like as if there's no tomorrow. I'm really trying hard to save and set aside money. I remember my late dad used to tell me to save my money for the rainy days. Now, I do understand it better.

Facebook Shoutouts

I kinda like facebook. I was able to connect with my long lost friends in this social network and get updated with their lives. Everything's there, too. I can chat or exchange ideas with them, there's also lots of application available that others can enjoy playing during their monotonous moment (although I don't know any games) and I can see some pictures of my friends that I want to see, too. However, there are some people spilling their dirty linens at the site. Some were bickering because the shoutout that they posted were offensive. I think that's one of the downside that I don't like to know or read... I admit it may be interesting to read but in the end it got me to think that their posts won't do any good. I try not to post a comment, too, as not to encourage them or give any unsolicited advice. I hope these people would think of other good things to do than looking for trouble. I find others pathetic in telling the whole world the problem of their spouse. Things like that are private because in the end, you're still the loser and the laughing stock - that's my opinion. I hope people having account in any social network should be responsible enough to post anything in their wall because that's for their own good anyway...

Sep 17, 2010

So Hot!

Right now, I wish it will rain hard. The weather's so hot that my head's aching! I want to take a nap but I can't because even the foam in my bed is warm. I've been trying to turn on our aircon but it can't help. I guess we need to upgrade it or buy a new one coz the coolness won't work anymore. Even skin reacted coz I'm having goose bumps not because it's cold but because of the arid environment and my daughter's coughing already. I can't wait for the evening to come. I even wish for a heavy rain to pour just to calm my body. Hope this will be over...

Aug 4, 2010

Wednesday Blues...

I'm in one of my moods again today. I was in deep reflection earlier today and can't help but pity myself a little. I know I chose the path where I am and where I stand today. If I want to change the course of my direction, I know it's up to me to direct the sail. I should not rely to others or rely on prayers to be answered unless I do something to make it happen. Problem is, I can't do it. I guess I am too weak to do it. And there's always something that holds me back - my kids, my family. They are my main reason that I can't do things I wish to do right away. There are so many dreams, plans and hopes that I wish could happen to me but deep inside me, my heart knows who should come first. I guess, perhaps, this is the reason I can't attain the goal that I tried to achieve. So I guess I will sacrifice myself to prioritize my family. I will sacrifice my profession, my plans and goals to be with my family. I have to admit I sometimes envy others, having a family with a great career. I seldom asked, 'why can't I do it also?'. However, life is different for me and to others. Now, I tried my best not to look at other people's success or life because I also don't know about the problems they encounter. The best thing for me to do now is to accept, be content and perhaps love myself...

Jul 19, 2010

Movies To Watch

I have not seen a movie for quite sometime and I've thought of having a movie marathon every weekend. I have not seen the movie of my favorite Stephenie Meyer book yet, Eclipse, and I've thought of watching Inception or Sorcerer's Apprentice. Oh, I've heard and read thru the net that the latter flops in and former made it to box office. Whatever, it's my choice and opinion that counts. I've seen great movies that flops and no sense movies that made number one the box office. Perhaps, they lack promotion or there might be some reason behind it. I might start watching next week or if not, I'll just rent a DVD or check for some online sites where I can download some of the movies I missed to watch.

Jun 15, 2010

I Hate Goodbyes

Been quite busy going out these days. I've been helping my husband preparing his things. He's to attend a very important training for almost a month so that means me and my daughter will be left alone. I hope he could come visit us one weekend. Anyway, packing things are not my husband's forte that's why I have to remind him from time to time the things he need to bring with him. So far, I think he's almost done doing it last night but I hope he didn't miss any. It's his flight today and it's going to be my father in law who will drive him to the airport. Ever since, I could not remember myself driving him for his trip. Call me sentimental but I hate goodbyes. I'd rather stay home with our kid and wait for his call informing me that he arrived safely...

May 20, 2010

Ponder, Ponder...

I've been pondering over some things lately. I was also having some self-introspection and how well I fared these days. Looking back, I thought of my joyous and lowest moments in life. I think I remember mostly the sad part but I'm glad I made it through after all these years. So, I guess I can say that I'm a survivor. There are things that I don't wanna dwell or go back but can't help thinking about it. But I think it made me what I am today if not for those experiences. Some things happen in my life because I let somebody dictate me, some were because of my own decision. Some things I've regretted it and hope to turn back time and restore it. But I guess some things were just meant to be. So, I guess I'll just leave my fate as it is or if I want to achieve my ambition, then I guess now is the time for me to listen to myself and make my own path. I dunno. It's kind of confusing.

But I think I'll just be thankful for the day and savor the moment and let this kind of feeling passed me by. Perhaps I should try to be more positive or look for a new beginning and be grateful that I am still lucky compared to others...

Mar 4, 2010

A Journey To Fatherhood

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Raising a Father. All opinions are 100% mine.

Have you read Arjun Sen's book Raising a Father? If you haven't, I recommend that you should. It is a story about how a father learned a lot from his daughter. For many years, he was busy in his corporate world until one day, he realized he doesn't know his daughter at all. He gave up his job and spent time raising his daughter. My husband also shared his views about fatherhood. Most of the time, I am the one taking care and spending most of the time with our daughter. I can't blame him because he needs to work to provide our daily needs. But there were really times that he was guilty for not giving quality time with our child. There were some activities that he missed because of his work. He just tried to make it up on weekends or whenever he is available.

But one time, when he was at home because he was on leave, he shared to me that he was also learning from our daughter. I also agreed with him because children not only learn from their parents, parent also learned from their children. That's why, it's also necessary for us to listen to our kids, too. Communicating with them is a two-way interaction, not only one way. We have to open not only our eyes but our minds as well. And just like Raka, Sen's daughter from this book, I believe that my daughter's charm, patience, love, and caring nature taught her father how to be a better dad and person. Check out Raising A Father video shown below and learn something out from it!

Visit my sponsor: Raising a Father