Showing posts with label communications. Show all posts
Showing posts with label communications. Show all posts

Monday, February 6, 2012

Trying to get through

(Extra points for readers who immediately grok the musical allusion in the post title!)

We are busy here in VBB central with our new puppy, so here is another guest post for you this morning:

So after mumbletymumble years in the field of veterinary medicine, I thought I was getting pretty good at client communication. Whenever I start to think I'm getting good at something, I'm proven wrong. This time, my own husband played a role in snapping me back to reality. Here's the story...

A couple of years ago, I rescued a very nice boxer who had been hit by a car. He had horrible comminuted fractures of his right hind leg and needed an external fixator that remained for about 3 months. Not long after that, he pilfered a corn cob off my 2 year old son's plate and needed surgery. He also had heartworms when we adopted him, but we never seemed to get around to treating them (you know the saying about vets' pets!). [FYI for readers who do not know the saying about vets' pets - it's the same idea as "the cobbler's children go barefoot" or, I suppose "the teacher's children flunk out".... :) -VBB] Fast forward to this week.

I decided that I would finally treat him for the heartworms. Bloodwork was good and his lungs were stable. I knew it would be a pain to restrict his activity, but decided now was as good as any other time. So I gave him the first injection of immiticide and took him home to start the long confinement. I thought I explained to my husband that letting him run around the back yard could KILLhim. But I don't think the point sunk in. So the next day, not 6 weeks from now, but the VERY next day, I come home to see guess who running around the back yard! At first, I was very angry and offended that my husband had so little respect for my medical recommendations. But the more I thought about it, I realized it was my own fault.

Normally, before starting heartworm treatment, I bring a client in to the clinic and sit down with them to explain heartworms, the treatment, and the seriousness of following the exercise restrictions. I did not do this for my husband, but I am fixing that mistake now. This morning, I took the dog back to the clinic and I plan to let him come home after my husband comes in for a proper heartworm consultation. Incidentally, I live about an hour away from my office. Hehe.

Thanks for sharing, Gentle Reader! 

Friday, January 6, 2012

Who Are You Again?

Dear Crazy Girlfriend of Guy Who Euthanized His Dog,

Your boyfriend brought the dog in with a severely fractured leg after being hit by a car.  He stated he was the owner.  He said he didn't even have enough money for the xrays, so he made a very good decision to humanely euthanize her.  He was very nice, rational, calm and logical.  He knew he could not afford the surgery need to repair her leg, so he made the decision to end her suffering.  She was in a lot of pain.   I admired him for it.

You, on the other hand, need to learn what "manners" means.  Calling our clinic 3 hours later and screaming at the tech who answered the phone, demanding to know "what happened" because your boyfriend told you the dog "didn't make it" is not acceptable.  Accusing us of murdering your dog is not acceptable.  Screaming more and saying he wasn't telling you anything will not get more information out of us.  You are not on the medical records and you weren't here.  Who are you again?

Screaming for a third time and demanding that a manager return your call so we can "explain what the hell happened to your dog" got you a big fat STFU from me, the manager and owner. 

You will not get a call-back.  You will not get a sympathy card.  You will be told to STFU if you call our clinic ever again.

Your boyfriend was nice.  What happened to you?

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Spousal Communication

Do spouses communicate worth a damn any more?

It annoys me to NO end when I speak with one person, give the entire educational breakdown, only to have the husband/wife/significant other call back in 10 minutes and say, "They can't explain anything to me and I need you to now go back over everything you just said, to me."

Or, "My wife is stupid.  She doesn't get anything and doesn't tell me anything.  What's going on?"

Or, "I'm the sister of the BIL of the owner of the dog and I want to know what's going on and I need to speak to the doctor NOW."

Is it any wonder that we have to make silly rules like...  the doctor will only speak with ONE family member and that family member must then convey all information to the other 9 members of the family and NO the doctor will not personally call every family member on their 3 different phone numbers just because you all lack the cognitive ability to understand ANYthing explained to you much less have the ability to convey it to anyone else. 

Is it really my fault that people act like they didn't even get a high school education?

Sometimes I wonder how we are surviving as a country, because I swear the general public is getting dumber and dumber and their ability to communicate anything at all is diminishing before my very eyes.