Showing posts with label vegetarian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vegetarian. Show all posts

Sunday, April 29, 2012

PETA drops a dooce.

I hate peta.  I love animals, but PETA is over the top and would like to bomb innocents, including those animals caught in the research facilities.  Fuck you PETA.  I don't wear fur, but I do eat meat.  Because the meat industry uses more of the carcass than the Native Americans did.  Ride on an air plane?  Like those breaks.  Thank the bovines.  And if you ride in a plane, you should wear leather and eat meat.  And be ok with "cat gut suture" which is bovine tendon.  So PETA, laid a big old dooce.  Divorce your ideals, embrace treating other creatures with dignity.