Showing posts with label creek. Show all posts
Showing posts with label creek. Show all posts

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Year in Review, Part 14

I'm trying to hurry and finish my "year in review" that I started before it's March!
There were so many things that happened over the summer and unfortunately (sometimes fortunately!) some of them just didn't get documented with the camera!

The creek and a nearby small lake were favored places during the summer, since we don't have air conditioning and many times the mercury hit 100 degrees!

Adam B, Jemima, CarolAnne B. and Ellie B.

Sam and Abe at the lake

Jemima with Adam and CarolAnne in Sam's homemade "boat." : )

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Year in Review, Part 7

Joanna (12)
is always one of
the first to
head for the creek!

Our family owns a piece of land off the beaten path, about 15 miles away from where we live that's a lovely rolling hayfield. At the back of the land is a spring, creek, and a few acres of woods that rise up steeply on the back side of the creek.
We bought it planning to build a house and move there years ago, but our house didn't sell. Now we're glad that we're still in this house (albeit it a little cramped on our two and a half acres), so we've tried to sell that piece of land, but haven't really had any serious buyers. So, for now, it sits there and we cut the hay and plant about an acre in garden (potatoes, pumpkins, corn, raspberries, etc, that we don't have to spend a lot of time tending) in the spring.
Mom and Jemima spend a lot of time over there this year, clearing brush, planting, making stone pathways by the creek, trying to beautify it. The younger kids usually went along and when taking a break from working on the land, like usual, they found the creek a great place to play.... even if it was freezing cold near the spring!

Someone even
talked Steve
into going
wading for a
few minutes!
It looks rather
cold, though,
doesn't it?